В тексте говорится, что Компании хотят привлечь и удержать молодых раб перевод - В тексте говорится, что Компании хотят привлечь и удержать молодых раб английский как сказать

В тексте говорится, что Компании хо

В тексте говорится, что Компании хотят привлечь и удержать молодых работников из-за своих технических навыков и энтузиазма для изменения. Таким образом молодежной культуры становится частью культуры управления. Это может быть не плохо. Вместе с компанией весело бюджета более глубоко приходят вещи, которые важны для молодых людей: возможности, ответственность, уважение. Можно отметить, что Многие компании уже не на основе выслуги лет иерархий. Люди могут попасть в топ быстрее. Они не должны тратить годы показаны уважение их начальников. Это более важно, что они способны понять, бизнес и иметь мужество, чтобы спросить: «почему?». Лояльность к компании является менее важным, чем талант. Сотрудники остаются только тогда, когда есть проблемы и награды. Частая смена работы теперь является признаком амбиции и инициативы. Можно сделать выводы, все это очень хорошая вещь. Молодые люди находятся в стадии их самых креативных в жизни. Теперь они имеют больше возможностей для воплощения их идей и энергии в практике.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The text says that companies want to attract and retain young workers because of their technical skills and enthusiasm for change. Thus the youth culture becomes part of the management culture. This might not be a bad thing. Together with the company fun budget more deeply come the things that are important to young people: opportunity, responsibility, and respect. It may be noted that many companies have no seniority-based hierarchy. People can get to the top faster. They should not spend years showing respect for their superiors. It's more important that they are able to understand the business and have the courage to ask: "why?". Loyalty to the company is less important than talent. Employees remain only when there are problems and rewards. Frequent changes of the work now is a sign of ambition and initiative. Conclusions can be drawn, all this is a very good thing. Young people are most creative phase in life. They now have more opportunities to translate their ideas and energy into practice.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The text says that the company wants to attract and keep young workers because of their technical skills and enthusiasm for change. So youth culture becomes part of the management culture. This may not be a bad thing. Together with fun budget come more deeply the things that are important to young people: opportunities, responsibility, respect. It may be noted that many companies are no longer based on seniority hierarchy. People can get to the top faster. They do not have to spend years showing respect for their superiors. It is more important that they are able to understand the business and have the courage to ask: "Why?". Loyalty to the company is less important than talent. Employees are only when there is a problem and awards. Frequent change of work is now a sign of ambition and initiative. It is possible to draw conclusions, this is all very good thing. Young people are at their most creative stage in life. Now they have more opportunity to implement their ideas and energy into practice.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the text states that companies want to attract and retain young professionals because of their technical skills and enthusiasm for the changes. thus the youth culture becomes part of the culture of management.it may not be bad. together with the company's budget more deeply come to things that are important to young people: opportunity, responsibility, and respect. can be seen,many companies have already not on the basis of seniority of hierarchies. people can get to the top quickly. they do not have to spend years shows respect for their bosses. it is more important that they are able to understandbusiness and have the courage to ask: "why? ". loyalty to the company is less important than talent. staff remain only when there are challenges and rewards.frequent change of the work now is the hallmark of ambition and initiative. we can make conclusions, it is a very good thing. young people are at their most creative stage in life.now they have more opportunities to realize their ideas and energy in practice.
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