1. Посмотри какая красивая радуга? Да , я никогда не видел такой краси перевод - 1. Посмотри какая красивая радуга? Да , я никогда не видел такой краси английский как сказать

1. Посмотри какая красивая радуга?

1. Посмотри какая красивая радуга? Да , я никогда не видел такой красивой радуги.
2. Ник живет на побережье всю свою жизнь .
3. Его книге всегда оказывают большое влияние на детей .
4. В конце XX века люди много говорили о климатических изменениях .Погода стала изменчивой .
5. Ливень с ураганом уничтожил поля .
6. Что вы знаете о парниковом эффекте?
7. Я очень люблю солнце и солнечную погоду . Всегда любил их, но я терпеть не могу жару .
8. Что вы жгли в саду вчера вечером около 8?
9. Ты разбила мамину любимую чашку. Да, она была такая хрупкая.
10. Люди и животные вдыхают кислород, а выдыхают углекислый газ.
11. Каким образом люди производят углекислый газ?
12. За последнее время климат очень сильно изменился на нашей планете.
13. Сегодня туманный день. Какую погоду мы ожидаем завтра?
14. Он спит на открытом воздухе с 10 лет и никогда не простужался.
15. В наши дни дорого питаться вне дома.
16. Как давно ты знаешь Вильямса? Я знаю его 3 года.
17. У меня эти часы уже 5 лет. Мне купил их папа в Санкт-Петербурге. Они еще не останавливались.
18. Какая чудесная погода! Ярко светит солнце, на небе нет облаков, но не много прохладно. Дует холодный ветер.
19. Какая сегодня температура? Ноль градусов. Не та погода, чтобы кататься на лыжах.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Look what a beautiful Rainbow? Yes, I've never seen such a beautiful Rainbow.2. Nick lives on the coast all his life. 3. His book always has a strong influence on children.4. At the end of the twentieth century, people talked a lot about climate change. the weather has become volatile. 5. Rain with hurricane destroyed the field. 6. What do you know about the greenhouse effect? 7. I love the Sun and sunny. Always loved them, but I can't stand the heat. 8. what you burned in the garden last night about 8? 9. you broke her mother's favorite Cup. Yes, she was so fragile. 10. People and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. 11. how people produce carbon dioxide? 12. recently, the climate is very much changed on our planet.13. a foggy day Today. What kind of weather we expect tomorrow? 14. He sleeps outdoors with 10 years and never prostužalsâ.15. These days, expensive to eat out. 16. how long have you know Williams? I know its 3 year. 17. I have this watch is already 5 years old. I bought their dad in St. Petersburg. They have not stopped.18. what a wonderful weather! The sun shines brightly in the sky, no clouds, but not a lot of cool. Cold wind blows.19. What is the temperature today? Zero degrees. Not the weather to go skiing.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Look what a beautiful rainbow? Yes, I have never seen such a beautiful rainbow.
2. Nick lives on the coast all my life.
3. His books always have a great impact on children.
4. At the end of the XX century, people talked a lot about climate change .Pogoda become volatile.
5. Rainstorm destroyed the field.
6. What do you know about the greenhouse effect?
​​7. I love the sun and the sun. Always loved them, but I can not stand the heat.
8. What do you burned in the garden last night around 8?
9. You broke my mother's favorite dish. Yes, it was so fragile.
10. Humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
11. How do people produce carbon dioxide?
12. In recent years, the climate has changed so much on our planet.
13. Today, foggy day. What kind of weather we expect tomorrow?
14. He sleeps in the open air with 10 years and never caught cold.
15. Today expensive to eat out.
16. How long do you know Williams? I've known him for 3 years.
17. I have this watch for 5 years. I bought their dad in St. Petersburg. They have not stopped.
18. What a wonderful weather! Bright sunshine, no clouds in the sky, but not a lot of cool. Cold wind blows.
19. What temperature today? Zero degrees. Not that the weather to go skiing.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. look at the beautiful rainbow. yes, i've never seen such a beautiful rainbow.
2. nick lives on the coast for the rest of his life.
3. his book always has great influence on the children.
4.at the end of the twentieth century, people talked a lot about climate change.погода became volatile.
5. rainstorm destroyed the field.
6. what do you know about парниковом effect?
7. i love the sun and the sun.always loved it, but i can't stand the heat.
8. you were in the garden last night around 8:00?
9. you broke her favorite cup. yes, it was so fragile.
10. people and animals breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
11.how people produce carbon dioxide.
12. recently, the climate very much changed on this planet. "13. today, a foggy day. what weather we expect tomorrow?
14.he sleeps in the open air with 10 years and never get the flu.
15. in these days of expensive eating outside the home.
16. how long have you known this? i know him for three years.
17. i got this watch for five years. i bought dad in st. petersburg.they still didn't stop.
18. what a lovely weather! the sun is shining brightly in the sky no clouds, but not a lot of cool. blowing cold wind.
19. what's the temperature today? zero degrees. isn't the weather to skiing.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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