-currency clause is an integral part of the Agreement-reimbursement of перевод - -currency clause is an integral part of the Agreement-reimbursement of английский как сказать

-currency clause is an integral par

-currency clause is an integral part of the Agreement
-reimbursement of expenses (self-paid services) in clinics with which the insurance company has no agreement on cooperation is very limited, а именно- стоматологические услуги возмещаютсяь в объёме 80% стоимости
-вводится лимит (общий для амбулаторного и стационарного лечения ) на физиопроцедуры: 10 сеансов массажа или мануальной терапии, 15 сеансов иглорефлексотерапии; 15 аппаратных процедур.
-The planned in-patient treatment-administered limit (one case for the entire period of the contract)
- IC не оплачивает 1-2 local chambers во время стационарного лечения
- Витаминизация – проводится только 1 раз в год в рамках лимита USD 9.29
- IC не поддерживает опцию «оздоровление»
-do not have the possibility to organize a pregnancy and childbirth in Odessa.
-With the clinic "Intosana" and the pharmacy TRANSPHARMA are operating Agreements.
-IC has not Agreement with Pharmacy Gayevsky and hasn't the ability to conclude it.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-currency clause is an integral part of the Agreement-reimbursement of expenses (self-paid services) in clinics with which the insurance company has no agreement on co-operation is very limited, namely dental services vozmeŝaûtsâ′ in the amount of 80% of the cost-introduces a limit (total for outpatient and inpatient treatment) for physiotherapy: 10 massages or manual therapy, acupuncture sessions, 15; 15 hardware procedures.-The planned in-patient treatment-administered limit (one case for the entire period of the contract)-IC does not pay for 1-2 local chambers during inpatient treatment-Immunization-1 only once a year, within the limit of USD 9.29-IC does not support option "improvement"-do not have the possibility to organize a pregnancy and childbirth in Odessa.-With the clinic "Intosana" and the pharmacy TRANSPHARMA are operating Agreements.-IC has not Agreement with Pharmacy Gayevsky and hasn't the ability to conclude it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
clause is an -currency integral part of the Agreement
-reimbursement of expenses (the self-a paid services) in the clinics with the which has the no insurance Company About enterprise | Agreement on Cooperation is very Limited, and imenno- vozmeschayutsya dental services in the amount of 80% of the value
Entering limit (common for outpatient and inpatient treatment) on physiotherapy 10 sessions of massage or manual therapy, 15 sessions of acupuncture; 15 hardware procedures.
-The Planned in-the patient-administered a treatment the limit (one's a case for the Entire period of the contract)
- the IC does not pay 1-2 local chambers during inpatient treatment
- Fortification - spent only 1 time in the year within the limit 9.29 USD
- the IC does not support the "recovery»
-do not have the Possibility to Organize a pregnancy and childbirth in Odessa.
-With the clinic the "Intosana" and the pharmacy are the operating TRANSPHARMA Agreements.
-IC has not Gayevsky Agreement with Pharmacy and hasn 't the ability to conclude it.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- currency clause is an integral part of the agreement- reimbursement of fees (self paid services) in clinics with which the insurance company has no agreement on cooperation is very limited, namely dental services возмещаютсяь corresponding to 80% of the value of- is the cap (common for outpatient and inpatient care) at the физиопроцедуры: 10 massages or manual therapy, 15 sessions иглорефлексотерапии; 15 hardware procedures.the planned in - patient treatment - war limit (one case for the entire period of the contract)- ic for 1 to 2 local chambers during the clinical treatment- витаминизация is conducted only once a year, within the limit of usd 9.29- ic does not support the "оздоровление»- do not have the possibility to organize a pregnancy and childbirth in odessa.- with the a5 motorway "Intosana" and the pharmacy TRANSPHARMA are operating agreements.- ic has not agreement with very Gayevsky and hasn"t the ability to conclude it.
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