Согласно принятому законопроекту конгрессом, уже к 2012 году производство этанола, должно увеличиться до 27,75 млрд. литров в год (против 14,8 млрд. в 2005-м).
According to the Bill, Congress had already to 2012 year ethanol production should increase to 27.75 billion. gallons per year (versus 14.8 billion in 2005).
According to the bill adopted by Congress, by 2012 ethanol production should increase to 27.75 billion. Liters per year (against 14.8 billion. In 2005).
according to the bill by the congress, by 2012, the production of ethanol would increase to 27,75 billion. liters per year (compared to 14.8 billion. in 2005).