Существуют два основных типа конструкций ускорителей частиц. В линейны перевод - Существуют два основных типа конструкций ускорителей частиц. В линейны английский как сказать

Существуют два основных типа констр

Существуют два основных типа конструкций ускорителей частиц. В линейных ускорителях пучок субатомные частиц направляется вдоль прямой линии. В синхотронных- частицы движутся по кругу. Класс установки любого из этих двух типов определяется энергией пучка, которая изменяется в электронвольтах. Самый крупным ускорителем в мире был закрывшийся в 2000 году Большой электронно- позитронный Коллайдер, работавший в Европейском исследовательском центре CERN возле Женевы. На следующей ускорительной установке физики рассчитывают достичь энергии пучка в 250 миллиардов электронвольтов.

Исследователи, занятые в сфере физики высоких энергий, обсуждают проект этой новой машины в течение последних десяти лет. С самого начала было понятно, что новый ускоритель должен быть линейным. Причина этого заключается в синхотронном излучении, которое образуется, когда заряженная частица( например, электрон) движется по изогнутой траектории. При скорости, близкой к скорости света, практически вся энергия, подводимая для разгона частиц, уходит на синхотронное излучение. В линейном ускорителе, где частица движется по прямой, такое излучение отсутствует.

В настоящий момент ведется работу по созданию Нового линейного Коллайдера. Электроны и соответствующие им античастицы-позитроны- рождаются в разных концах машины длиной более 30 км. Высокочастотное магнитное поле несет их друг к другу.

Столкновение частиц материи и антиматерии, движущихся внутри NLC со скоростью, предельно близкой к скорости света, должно высвободить огромную энергию.

Другая концепция ускорения частиц разрабатывается на немецком электронном синхотроне в Гамбурге. Проект немецких физиков предусматривает по тройку 32-километрового Коллайдера с использованием рентгеновского лазера и сверхпроводящих полостей. Этот проект известен под названием "Tesla". Он имеет некоторые технические преимущества по сравнению с более традиционной американской схема NLC. Например, он предполагает лучшую фокусировку электронного и позитронного пучков и большую энергетическую эффективность. С другой стороны, Tesla использует технологию, еще не проверенную на практике, а принципы работы NLC десятилетиями использовались на Стэнфордском линейном ускорителе.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There are two main types of particle accelerators. In subatomic particle beam linear accelerators is directed along a straight line. In sinhotronnyh-the particles move in a circle. The installation of either of these two types is determined by the energy of the beam which is in èlektronvol′tah. The largest accelerator in the world, was closed in 2000, the Large electron-positron Collider, who worked at the European Research Center CERN near Geneva. At the next Accelerator Physics expect installation to achieve energy beam at 250 billion electron volts. Researchers working in the field of high energy physics, discuss the design of the new machine in the last 10 years. From the outset it was clear that a new Accelerator must be linear. The reason for this is the sinhotronnom radiation, which is formed when a charged particle (e.g. an electron) moves along a curved path. At speeds close to the speed of light, virtually all of the energy, the power to disperse particles in sinhotronnoe radiation. In a linear accelerator, where a particle is moving in a straight line, there is no such radiation. At the moment is to create New Linear Collider. Electrons and their antiparticles-positrons-are born in different parts of the machine with more than 30 km. High frequency magnetic field carries them to each other. The collision of matter and antimatter particles moving inside the NLC with speed, very close to the speed of light, would release tremendous energy. Another concept of acceleration of particles is a German electronic sinhotrone in Hamburg. The project of the German physicists provides for three 32-mile Collider using the x-ray laser and superconducting cavities. This project is known under the name "Tesla". It has some technical advantages over the more traditional American scheme of the NLC. For example, he suggests a better focusing of electron and Positron beams and greater energy efficiency. On the other hand, Tesla uses a technology not yet proven and operating principles have been used for decades in the NLC Stanford Linear Accelerator.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There are two main types of structures particle accelerators. In linear accelerators, beam of subatomic particles is guided along a straight line. In sinhotronnyh- particles move in a circle. Class install any of these two types determined by the energy of the beam, which changes in electron volts. The largest accelerator in the world was closed in 2000. A large electron-positron collider, who worked at the European research center CERN near Geneva. On the following physics accelerators expect to reach a beam energy of 250 billion electron volts. The researchers involved in the field of high energy physics, to discuss the draft of the new machine in the last ten years. From the outset it was clear that a new accelerator must be linear. The reason for this is sinhotronnom radiation, which is formed when a charged particle (e.g., electron) moves along a curved path. At a speed close to the speed of light, almost all the energy supplied to disperse the particles goes to sinhotronnoe radiation. In the linear accelerator where the particle moves in a straight line, this radiation is absent. At the moment, work is underway to create a new linear collider. Electrons and their corresponding antiparticles-pozitrony- born in different parts of the machine longer than 30 km. High frequency magnetic field carries them to each other. The collision of matter and antimatter particles moving within the NLC with the speed limit near the speed of light must release tremendous energy. Another concept of acceleration of particles is developed on the German electronic sinhotrone in Hamburg. The project provides for the German physicists to three 32-kilometer Collider using X-ray laser and superconducting cavities. This project is known as "Tesla". It has some technical advantages over the more traditional American circuit NLC. For example, he suggests a better focusing of the electron and positron beams and greater energy efficiency. On the other hand, Tesla is using the technology has not yet been proven in practice and principles of the NLC used for decades at the Stanford Linear Accelerator.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
There are two main type of construction particle accelerators. The linear accelerators beam субатомные particles is directed along a straight line. In синхотронных of particles moving in a circle.The installation of any of these two types is determined by energy beam, which varies in электронвольтах. The world's largest accelerator in the world has been закрывшиися in the year 2000, a large electronic позитронныи Accelerator Physics and Engineering,He worked in the European research center CERN near Geneva. The next accelerator installation physics hope to achieve energy beam in 250 billion электронвольтов. Lord researchers,Employed in the high-energy physics, are discussing a draft this new machine in the last ten years. From the outset, it was clear that a new media accelerator must be in-line.The reason for this is синхотронном radiation, which is formed when a charged particle( for example, an electron) is moving in curved trajectories. When the speed, close to light speed, virtually all the energy,This is power supplied to disperse particles, is spent on синхотронное radiation. In the linac, where a particle is moving in a straight line, such radiation is missing.

At the moment the work is under way on the establishment of a new linear collider. The electrons and their corresponding-Wotehoissen transformation-позитроны- born in different ends of machine a length of more than 30 km away.High frequency magnetic field is responsible to each other. Lord a collision between particles matter and silicon tracker, moving inside NLC with speed, extremely close to light speed, should release enormous energies.

Another concept of particle acceleration is being developed at the German electronic синхотроне in Hamburg.The draft german physicists provides for three 32-kilometer Collider using x-ray laser and superconducting cavities. This project is known as the "Tesla".He has some technical advantages as compared to a more traditional American diagram NLC. For example,It implies a better focus electronic and positron beams and greater energy efficiency. On the other hand, Tesla uses a technology that is not yet proven in practice,And the principles of the work of NLC for decades were used at the Stanford Linear Accelerator.
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