друзьям нельзя врать иначе это плохо обернется для тебя. докажу это на перевод - друзьям нельзя врать иначе это плохо обернется для тебя. докажу это на английский как сказать

друзьям нельзя врать иначе это плох

друзьям нельзя врать иначе это плохо обернется для тебя. докажу это на примере своей истории. я очень люблю шутить над людьми и как раз приближалось 1 апреля. я не могла обойти стороной этот день. я решила пошутить над моим другом и его ждал целый день розыгрышей. он не знал о 1 апреля этим я и решила воспользоваться. сначала расскажу о своем друге. он очень мнительный, верит в мистику и любит вселенную гарри поттера. это все что вам нужно знать о нем.
и так в начале дня его ждал сюрприз в виде письма в хогвартс. письмо было не отличить от настоящего. тут я постаралась. я смазала бумагу лимонным соком. это придало ей вид старости. потом я купила чернила и написала текст шрифтом хогвартса пером. конверт запечатала красным воском. письмо получилось очень реалистичным. это была первая часть. естественно друг не поверил бы письму. и вторая часть для того чтобы он увидел свои магические способности. я встретилась со своим другом. на улице продавали шоколадные яйца. продавец был моим вторым другом. яйца были не простыми. это были обычные яйца покрытые шоколадом. когда мой друг откусил... это было нечто. он разозлился и сказал "чтоб ты провалился...". второй друг "упал в обморок". мне кажется друг поверил и до сих пор учит английский для поступление в хогвартс.
вечером мой друг шел по улице. было темно. мы с другом номер два решили продолжить шутку. мы взяли кутчуп, загримировали друга под зомби, а я одела порванную одежду. так он идет по улице и видит меня которую поедает зомби. друг побежал проч, а зомби за ним.
после этого у меня нет друга
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
friends cannot lie or else it will turn out bad for you. will prove this in its history. I love to make jokes on people and just approached on April 1. I could not ignore that day. I decided to play a joke on my friend and it was waiting for a day sweepstakes. He did not know about the April 1 I decided to use. first I will tell about his friend. He really believes valetudinarian in mystique and loves the Harry Potter universe. It's all what you need to know about it.and so in the early days it was waiting for a surprise in the form of a letter to Hogwarts. the letter was not distinguishable from the present. Here I tried to. I smazala paper with lemon juice. This gave it the appearance of old age. then I bought ink and wrote text Hogwarts pen. envelope sealed with red wax. the letter turned out very realistic. It was the first part. naturally each have believed would be a letter. and the second part to he saw their magical abilities. I met with a friend. on the street selling chocolate eggs. the seller was my second boyfriend. the eggs were not simple. These were regular eggs covered with chocolate. When my friend is a bit off. It was something. He got angry and said, "that you failed ...". the second friend "fainted". It seems to me a friend believed and still teaches English for admission to Hogwarts.in the evening, my friend was walking down the street. It was dark. friend number two decided to continue the joke. We took a kutčup, zagrimirovali a friend under the zombies, and I wore torn clothes. so he goes down the street and sees me which eats zombies. Each ran the other zombies. After that, I have no other
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
friends can not lie otherwise it will turn bad for you. I prove it by the example of its history. I love to make fun of people and just approaching on 1 April. I could not ignore this day. I decided to make a joke on a friend of mine and he was waiting for a whole day of draws. he did not know about April 1 this I decided to take advantage of. first I tell you about my friend. He is very suspicious, believe in mysticism and love the Harry Potter universe. is all you need to know about it.
and so early in the day it was waiting for a surprise in the form of a letter to Hogwarts. the letter was not to be distinguished from the present. Then I tried. I greased paper lemon juice. This gave it the appearance of old age. then I bought ink and wrote the text font Hogwarts pen. envelope sealed with red wax. letter turned out very realistic. it was the first part. Naturally one would have believed the letter. and the second part so that he saw her magical abilities. I met with my friend. on the street selling chocolate eggs. the seller was my second friend. eggs were not easy. it was the usual eggs covered with chocolate. when my friend took a bite ... it was something. he got angry and said, "... so that you failed." the second one, "fainted". I think one has believed and still teaches English for admission to Hogwarts.
evening my friend walking down the street. it was dark. my friend number two decided to continue the fun. we took kutchup, disguised under other zombies, and I wore torn clothes. as he walks down the street and you see me eating zombies. one ran away, and the zombies behind him.
then I have no other
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
friends don"t lie or this will be bad for you. prove it by its history. i like making fun of people and just close on 1 april. i could not avoid that day. i decided to play a joke on my friend and he was waiting for a day of practical jokes. he didn"t know about april 1, i decided to use. first to tell you about my friend. he is very paranoid, believe in mysticism and love the universe of harry potter. that"s all you need to know about it.so early in the day it was a surprise in the form of a letter to hogwarts. the letter was not distinguishable from the present. i"ve done a good job. i salved the paper of lemon juice. it made her look old. then i bought a pen in ink and wrote the text of hogwarts. an envelope placed red wax. the letter was very realistic. this was the first part. of course, one would not believe the letter. and the second part in order to see their magical abilities. i met my friend. on the street selling chocolate eggs. the seller was my second friend. the eggs were not simple. it was the usual eggs coated in chocolate. when a friend of his... it was something. he got mad and said, "damn it...". the second one "collapsed". i think the friend believed, and still teaches english to enter hogwarts.tonight, my friend was walking down the street. it was dark. we have another number two, decided to continue the joke. we have кутчуп, make up other zombies, and i was wearing torn clothes. so he goes on the street and see me which eats zombies. friend went forth, and zombies for him.after that, i have no friend
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