Пасхальные традиции русского народа Праздник Пасхи на Руси получил наз перевод - Пасхальные традиции русского народа Праздник Пасхи на Руси получил наз английский как сказать

Пасхальные традиции русского народа

Пасхальные традиции русского народа

Праздник Пасхи на Руси получил название Велик день. Неделю, предшествующую этому дню, называют Великой или Страстной (самый строгий пост). С последними днями этой недели — Великим Четвергом — духовным очищением, покаянием и причащением, Страстной Пятницей — крестной смертью Иисуса Христа, Великой субботой — днем печали и скорби и, наконец, Светлым Восресением Христовым - связаны определенные традиции, обычаи и обряды.

Великий Четверг в народе называют "чистым". В этот день все православные стремятся очиститься духовно, причаститься, принять таинство, установленное Христом. В Чистый Четверг широко распространен народный обычай очищения водой — купание в проруби или обливание в бане. В этот день, по народному убеждению, даже "ворона своих воронят в луже моет". "Если в Чистый четверг вымоешь, — весь год чистота в избе водиться будет". В Великий четверг старшая в семье женщина брала в колодце воду и опускала в нее серебряную монету. Этой водой все умывались. Девушки брали воду и бежали в хмельник "до вороны" (то есть пока она не закаркала), умывались и приговаривали: "Как хмель любят добрые люди, так бы и меня любили". Хозяин в это время считал деньги, осматривал все хозяйственные орудия, делал на реке новую прорубь, чистил, кормил, поил лошадей, а если он был охотником, то стрелял из ружья три раза в воздух. Исполнив это, хозяин считал, что у него в течение года деньги будут водиться и орудия сохранятся от поломки и утери, охота будет удачной. Другие члены семьи плели лапти, пряли, шили, чтобы заслужить у таинственных сил природы возможность заниматься этими работами.

Великая Пятница — это скорбный день. В этот день Господь принял мученическую смерть. В храмах в этот день выносят Плащаницу, которой было обернуто тело Христово, происходит чин погребения Спасителя.

В Великую Субботу полагается поутру святить в храме куличи или пасху. Кулич — это пасхальный хлеб сдобный, сдобренный сладостями, изюмом, орехами. Пасха — это обрядовая еда, которая замешивается на твороге, сахаре, яйцах, масле. Готовится в четырехугольной форме, на стеках которой выделены узоры и буквы, символизирующие праздник Воскресения.

Конечно, как всякий большой праздник, Пасха была заполнена различными играми, развлечениями, хождениями в гости. Гуляния молодежи переносились на открытый воздух. Тут тебе и песни поют, и хороводы водят, и удаль свою показывают. На Пасху обязательно устанавливались качели. Существовало поверье, что, качаясь, они землю соединяют с небом, что чем выше качаться, тем больше будет урожай ржи, пшеницы.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Easter traditions of the Russian people Easter holiday in Russia called the Great day. A week prior to this day, known as the great or Holy (the most restrictive of the post). The last days of this week is a Great Thursday — a spiritual cleansing, repentance and pričaŝeniem, Good Friday is the godmother of the death of Jesus Christ, the great Sabbath is a day of sadness and grief and, finally, the Light Vosreseniem of Christ-there are certain traditions, customs and ceremonies. Holy Thursday is popularly called "clean". On this day all the Orthodox tend to be cleansed spiritually, receive communion, to take the sacrament, established by Christ. The Maundy Thursday is widespread national custom of cleansing water-bathing in ice-holes or pouring in the bath. On that day, according to popular belief, even "Crow's voronât in a puddle washes". "If the Net Thursday vymoeš′, — the whole year will be avoided." On Holy Thursday the eldest woman in the family took in the well water and lowers the silver coin. All this water first. The girls were taking water and fled in khmilnyk "to Crow" (that is, until it is zakarkala), and were quite distant from "how hops like good people, so I would have liked." The owner at that time was money, examined all business tools, making the River a new hole, cleaned, fed, watered the horses, and if he was a Hunter, then fired a shotgun into the air three times. After this, the master believed that he had during the year, the money will be found and saved from breakage and loss, hunting will be good. Other members of the family wove bast shoes, spun, sewn to deserve the mysterious forces of nature to do this work.Good Friday was a sad day. In that day the Lord was martyred. In temples on this day make the shroud, which wrapped the body of Christ, is the Savior's burial rite. On Holy Saturday morning to sanctify the temple relied cakes or Easter. The cake is a rich bread, flavored with Easter sweets, raisins, nuts. Easter is a ritual meal that is kneaded to cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, butter. Is in rectangular form, the stacks that highlights patterns and letters that symbolize the celebration of resurrection.Of course, like any big celebration, Easter was filled with games, activities, visit hoždeniâmi. Celebration of youth were at the open air. Here you and songs sung and danced the lead, and the daring of its show. For Easter, be sure to set the swing. There was a belief that by swinging, they land link with the sky, the higher the swing, the greater the yield of rye, wheat.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Easter traditions of the Russian people 's day Easter in Russia is known as a great day. Week prior to this day, is called the Great or the Holy (the most severe post). On the last days of this week - Maundy Thursday - spiritual cleansing, repentance and Communion, Good Friday - death on the cross of Jesus Christ, Holy Saturday - the day of sorrow and grief, and finally, the Light of Christ sundays - involve certain traditions, customs and ceremonies. Holy Thursday in popularly known as "clean". On this day all the Orthodox tend to be cleansed spiritually, communion, receive the sacrament instituted by Christ. On Maundy Thursday widespread folk custom of purification of water - ice swimming in the bath or pouring. On this day, according to popular belief, even the "crow crows in a pool of their washes." "If on Maundy Thursday vymoesh - all year cleanliness in the house will be driven." In Maundy Thursday older woman in the family took in the well water and lowered into her silver coin. All this water to wash. Girls took water, and fled to the hop-garden "to crow" (that is, until she zakarkala), washed, saying: "As hops like good people, would have loved me." The owner at that time to count the money, examined all economic instruments, made ​​a new hole on the river, cleaned, fed, watered the horses, and if he was a hunter, then fired a gun into the air three times. I have performed this, the master believed that he had during the year and the money will be driven instruments remain against breakage and loss, hunting will be successful. Other family members were woven sandals, spinning, sewing, to deserve the mysterious forces of nature have the opportunity to do these works. Good Friday - a sad day. On this day the Lord was martyred. In the temples on this day endure the Shroud, which was wrapped the body of Christ, there is a rite of burial of the Savior. On Holy Saturday morning relies holy temple or Easter cakes. Cake - Easter bread is rich, flavored sweets, raisins, nuts. Easter - a ritual meal that is mixed with cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, butter. Prepared in a quadrangular form, on which stacks isolated patterns and letters symbolizing feast of the Resurrection. Of course, like any great holiday, Easter was filled with a variety of games, entertainment, going to visit. Celebrations of youth placed in the open air. Here you and sing songs, and dances lead, and remove your show. At Easter, be sure to install the swing. There was a belief that swinging, they connect the earth to the sky, the higher the swing, the greater the yield of rye, wheat.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"Если в чистый четверг вымоешь, - годовые отчеты весь чистота в избе водиться будет". В Великий четверг старшая в семье женщина брала в колодце воду и опускала облигации нее серебряную монету. Этой водой двухместный умывались.Easter traditions of Russian people more multitasking performance

lord feast at the Church has received the name big day. A week, preceding the day, referred to as the great or good Friday (the most rigorous post).With the last days this week - the great problem - spiritual Neira, and God's crucifixion, Good Friday ceremonies - redeemer death Jesus Christ, the great such snowdrifts nametet - day sadness and grief and, finally,Bright Восресением preacheth - linked to certain traditions, customs and ceremonies.

Lord the Great Thursday in the people referred to as "clean". On this day all Orthodox churches are cleaned spiritually, deviating from, to take communion,The established church. In a clean Thursday widely circulated national custom purify water - other winter activities or spray in bath. On this day, the popular belief, even the "crow their воронят maintained technique"."If the net thursday woof, - the entire year cleanliness in both kitchen held will be". The Great Thursday elder in the family woman to take in the diesel water and опускала the silver coin. This water all умывались.The girls had taken water and had fled to the Pilsner beer "the brook dried up" (that is, while it is not закаркала), умывались and sentenced: "As artesian wells loves good people, so would be and love". He realized at this time, considered money,abrasions all business machine, did at the river a new invigorate, exposure was identified, nibbled rapidly, his kindness horses, and if it was Sergey Shoygu, firing a shotgun three times in the air. The tarry, the host felt,That he had in the course of the year, money will be held and machine will persist from damage and loss, hunting will be good. Other members of the family magazine Yasna Put historical support, spun goats' hair, gown,To earn the mysterious forces of nature the opportunity to deal with the works.

Great Friday - this sad day. On this day God has adopted son's death. In the churches on this day sewing,Which was обернуто the body of Christ, is chin burial Christ.

lord in Great Saturday relies unto thy lovingkindness in the temple of resurrection or Easter. Festive mood - this Easter bread сдобныи, сдобренныи sweets, raisin,Nuts. Easter is formed centuries ago food, which is kneaded properly to твороге, Sahara, eggs, oil. Preparing the naked God stares form, the stacks which are patterns and letters, symbolizing Holy.lord of course,As every great holiday, Easter was filled with various games, entertainment, хождениями in guests. "ATV Outdoor Systems" youth were relinquished in the open air. There unto thee, and sing songs, and dont flash mob,But kurash used and their show. Be sure to set the Easter seesaw. Influenced that, качаясь, they ground connect the sky, that is, the higher bounce, the more will be harvest rye, wheat.

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