Мне надо видеть его сегодня же. 2. Мне пришлось идти туда самому. 3. В перевод - Мне надо видеть его сегодня же. 2. Мне пришлось идти туда самому. 3. В английский как сказать

Мне надо видеть его сегодня же. 2.

Мне надо видеть его сегодня же. 2. Мне пришлось идти туда самому. 3. Вам
придется немного подождать. 4. Когда же он должен прийти? 5. Сейчас же
отдай ей мяч. 6. Не смей с ней играть. 7. Вы должны вставать рано каждый
день? 8. Мы должны были встретиться в театре. 9. Мне не пришлось ждать его
долго. 10. Вам придется поговорить с ней. 11. Им пришлось очень долго идти
пешком. 12. Ему надо переписать сочинение. 13. Когда вы должны быть в
институте завтра? 14. Мне надо идти туда сейчас?

1. Он должен был стать музыкантом. Это было решено еще до его рождения.
2. Вам придется написать ему еще раз. 3. Им пришлось долго ждать автобуса.
4. Я должен был окончить работу вчера, но не смог этого сделать. 5. Чья
очередь? Кто должен идти за водой? 6. Тебе придется взять пальто. Становится
холоднее. 7. Я должен отвезти брату его вещи. Так мы договорились, когда он
уходил. 8. Было уже поздно, и нам пришлось поехать на метро. 9. Подожди
немного, я должна дочитать главу до конца. 10. Мне пришлось оставить все и
поехать в больницу. 11. Вам придется зайти позже. Ее еще нет. 12. Тебе
обязательно надо ехать сегодня? 13. Когда он должен приехать? Мы
договорились встретиться в восемь. 14. Отец не разрешает ей приходить домой
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I need to see him today. 2. I had to go there by yourself. 3. youwill have to wait a bit. 4. When should it arrive? 5. nowgive her the ball. 6. don't you dare play with it. 7. you must get up early everyday? 8. we were supposed to meet at the theater. 9. I did not have to wait for itfor a long time. 10. you will have to talk to her. 11. they have very long to goon foot. 12. he had to rewrite the composition. 13. When you should beInstitute for tomorrow? 14. I need to go there now?(B))1. it was to be a musician. It was decided even before his birth.2. you will have to write to him again. 3. they had to wait for the bus.4. I had to finish the work today, but could not do so. 5. Whoseturn? Who should go for water? 6. you will have to take a coat. Becomescolder. 7. I have to take my brother's things. So we agreed to when hewas leaving. 8. it was already late and we had to take the subway. 9. hold ona little, I should finish reading the chapter until the end. 10. I had to leave all andto go to the hospital. 11. you will have to come later. Its not yet. 12. TEBEyou have to go today? 13. When should it arrive? WeWe agreed to meet at eight. 14. the father did not allow her to come home
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I need to see him today. 2. I had to go there yourself. 3. You
will have to wait a bit. 4. When he has to come? 5. Now
give her the ball. 6. Do not you dare play with her. 7. You have to get up early every
day? 8. We were supposed to meet at the theater. 9. I did not have to wait for it
for a long time. 10. You'll have to talk to her. 11. They had a very long way to go
on foot. 12. It is necessary to rewrite the essay. 13. When you have to be in the
Institute of tomorrow? 14. I have to go there now? B) 1. He was supposed to be a musician. It was decided before birth. 2. You'll have to write it again. 3. They have long to wait for the bus. 4. I had to finish the job yesterday, but could not do it. 5. Whose turn? Who should go for water? 6. You'll have to take his coat. Becomes colder. 7. I have to take his brother's things. So we agreed to when he left. 8. It was getting late and we had to take the subway. 9. Wait a bit, I have to read to the end of the chapter. 10. I had to leave everything and go to the hospital. 11. You will have to come later. It does not exist. 12. You should definitely go today? 13. When he should come? We agreed to meet at eight. 14. My father did not allow her to come home

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I want to see him today. 2. I had to walk there. 3. You
will have to wait a little while. 4. When he should come to? 5. The same
whore is it to the ball. 6. Do not also laughed with the play. 7. You must get up early each
day? 8.We were to meet at the theater. 9. I do not have to wait for his
long. 10. You will have to talk with her. 11. They had had a very long time to go
on foot. 12. He would have to rewrite an essay. 13. When you must be in the
institute of tomorrow?14. I want to go there now?Lord (B)
1. He was to be a musician. It was agreed that before the birth of.
2. You will have to write to him again. 3. They had to wait for a long time coach.
4. I should have been taught language work yesterday,But was unable to do so. 5. Whose
queue? Who should go for the water? 6. You're going to have to take off your coat. It is
colder. 7. I should be blamed brother his belongings. So we agreed, when he
Barack Obama. 8. It was already too late,And we had to go to the subway station. 9. Wait
a little, I should be good novel up to the end of the chapter. 10. I had to leave all and
to go to the hospital. 11. You will have to come later. Its not yet. 12. You
is one must go today? 13.When he is supposed to come? We
agreed to meet in the eight. 14. The father does not allow it to go home
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