С детства я живу в небольшом городе, если захотеть, то можно обойти ег перевод - С детства я живу в небольшом городе, если захотеть, то можно обойти ег английский как сказать

С детства я живу в небольшом городе

С детства я живу в небольшом городе, если захотеть, то можно обойти его за пару часов, несмотря на его размеры он просторный и чистый. Пусть в нем мало красивых улиц и достопримечательностей, нет разводных мостов и небоскребов, я люблю свой город. Здесь много уютных дворов, дорогих сердцу мест и, конечно же, родных людей. Здесь живут мои друзья, здесь моя любимая школа.

Больше всего я люблю наш парк, здесь всегда очень красиво, когда осенью заходишь в него, то попадаешь в золотое царство, дорожки усыпаны яркими желтыми листьями клена, на деревьях шелестят золотые монетки. Зимой здесь все белоснежное, деревья стоят в пуховых шапках, блестит снег. Весной все постепенно оживает, а летом все цвета радуги можно увидеть в парке, и постоянно слышен веселый смех детворы.

Мой город построен на живописном месте, он стоит на реке Волге, недалеко от города есть сосновый лес, в котором в теплое время года всегда можно найти грибы и ягоды, а недалеко от города раскинуты широкие поля и луга, много березовых рощ. Горожане гордятся природой своего города. Все гости города отмечают природное богатство нашего края.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Since childhood, I live in a small town, if you want to, you can work around it for a couple of hours, despite its size, it is spacious and clean. Let the little beautiful streets and landmarks, no drawbridges and skyscrapers, I love my city. There are many cosy homesteads, expensive heart places and, of course, the native people. My friends live here, here is my favorite school.Most of all I love our fleet here is always very nice when you fall into it, then you get into the Golden Kingdom, paths covered with bright yellow leaves, maple trees rustle of gold coins. In winter, all white, trees stand in feather hats, glitter snow. In spring everything gradually comes to life, and summer all the colors of the rainbow can be seen in the Park, and are constantly audible laughter of kids.My city is built on a picturesque location, it stands on the river Volga, not far from the town there is a pine forest, which in warmer months, you can always find mushrooms and berries, and not far from the city are distributed among wide fields and meadows, much Birch groves. The townspeople are proud nature of their city. All the guests of the city celebrate the natural wealth of our country.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Since childhood, I live in a small town, if you want, you can work around it for a couple of hours, in spite of its size it is spacious and clean. Let it beautiful little streets and attractions, there is no movable bridges and skyscrapers, I love my city. There are a lot of cozy courtyards, cherished places and, of course, the native people. Live here my friends, this is my favorite school.

Most of all I love our park, there are always very nice when you come in the autumn into it, then you get to the golden kingdom, walkway covered with bright yellow maple leaves on the trees rustle gold coins. In winter, everything is pure white, the trees are in feather hats, snow glitters. In the spring all gradually comes to life, and in the summer all the colors of the rainbow can be seen in the park, and constantly hear the laughter of kids.

My city is built on a beautiful location, it stands on the Volga River, near the town there is a pine forest where in the warm season, you can always find mushrooms and berries, and not far from the city spread out wide fields and meadows, lots of birch trees. The townspeople are proud of the nature of the city. All guests of the city celebrate the natural wealth of our region.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
since i live in a small city, if you want, you can get around him for a couple of hours, despite his size, he is spacious and clean. let it not beautiful streets and landmarks, no разводных bridges and skyscrapers, i love this city. there"s a lot of small blocks, sentimental places and, of course, the native people. here are my friends, here is my favorite school.most of all i love the park, here is very beautiful, when autumn walk in him, then get in the golden kingdom, tracks are bright yellow leaves of maple trees шелестят gold coins. in the winter, all pure and white, the trees are пуховых huts, it is snowing. in the spring and in the summer it gradually comes out, all the colors of the rainbow can be seen in the park, and the cheerful laughter детворы.my city is built on a site, it stands on the river volga, not far from the town there is a pine forest, which in summer, you can always find mushrooms and berries, and not far from the town spread out extensive fields and meadows, a lot of birch groves. the townspeople are proud of the nature of their city. all the visitors of the natural wealth of our province.
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