Оказывается, лекарь и купец Ричард решили свести в могилу отца. Ричард узнал, что его отец за всю свою жизнь накопил несметные богатства и захотел завладеть ими как можно быстрее. Его не остановит даже то, что ему придется убить собственного отца. Лекарь же получит свою долю, если вместо лекарства будет давать отцу медленно убивающий его яд. Узнав об этом, вы в отчаянии бежите к отцу, чтобы сообщить ему все это но увы, отец уже при смерти, помочь ему невозможно...Он оставляет все свои богатства вам и умирает...Вы решаете заморозить Ричарда и лекаря, чтобы они не причинили ни кому вред. К сожалению, вы выбрали не того жениха.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It turns out the doctor and merchant Richard decided to bring in the grave of his father. Richard learned that his father throughout his life has accumulated untold wealth and wanted to take possession of them as quickly as possible. It will not stop even then that he would have to kill his own father. The doctor receives its share if instead of medication will be giving his kills slowly father poison. On hearing this, you desperate run to the father, to tell him all this but alas, my father was already dying, help him ... He leaves all his wealth to you and dies ... You decide to freeze Richard and healer, that they did not cause anybody harm. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong groom.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It turns out that the doctor and the merchant Richard decided to reduce the grave of his father. Richard learned that his father his whole life has amassed enormous wealth and wanted to seize them as soon as possible. It will not stop even then, that he would have to kill his own father. The doctor will get their share, if instead of medication will give his father slowly killing poison. Learning of this, you are desperate run to his father to tell him all this but alas, my father had to die, it is impossible to help him ... He leaves all his wealth, and you die ... you decide to freeze the Richard and doctor that they It did not cause any harm to anyone. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong groom.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
turns out to be a healer and merchant richard decided to my father's grave. richard found his father for the rest of your life has countless riches and wanted to take them as soon as possible. he won't stop even.he would have to kill his own father. the doctor will get their share, if instead of a drug will give father slowly killing him poison. upon learning this, you will go to the father, to tell him all of this but ifather was dying, help him impossible, he leaves all his wealth to you and you decide to freeze dying richard and the doctor that they haven't caused any harm. unfortunately, you chose the wrong husband.
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