Что касается овощей, то я хотел бы посмотреть ваш список и прейскурант. Вы хотите сказать, что сейчас в наличии имеются лишь те продукты, которые отмечены в прейскуранте красным карандашом. Я вас правильно понял? Хорошо. Картофель - 60 пенсов за мешок. А сколько весит один мешок? Вы говорите около 40 килограмм. Хорошо, цена немного выше обычной . Почему помидоры такие дорогие? понимаю , значит , сейчас у вас не сезон помидоров. Морковь, свекла, капуста, лук, чеснок- все это имеется в продаже. Огурцов и зеленого горошка нет. Я должен сказать вам, что цены у вас довольно высокие. В порту, откуда мы сейчас пришли, цены значительно ниже. Какую скидку на стоимость провизии вы смогли бы нам дать? нам нужно от 300 до 500 килограммов каждого сорта овощей. Сколько вы сказали? Около дести процентов от общей стоимости провизии. Хорошо, я должен посоветоваться с капитаном
Результаты (
английский) 1:
As for vegetables, I would like to see your list and price list. You want to say that there are only those products which are marked in the price in red pencil. I understand you correctly? Ok. Potatoes-60 p per bag. And how much weight one bag? You're talking about 40 kilograms. Well, the price is a little higher than normal. Why such an expensive tomatoes? understand, then, now you do not season the tomatoes. Carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic-everything is available. Green peas and cucumbers do not. I must tell you that you have a fairly high prices. At the port, where we now came, the prices are considerably lower. What kind of discount on the price of food could you give us? We need from 300 to 500 pounds of each variety of vegetables. How much did you say? About ten percent of the total cost of the caterer. Well, I must consult with the captain
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
As for vegetables, I would like to see your list and price list. You want to say that now are available only those products which are marked in the price list with a red pencil. Did I understand you correctly? Good. Potatoes - 60 pence per bag. And how one weighs the bag? You're talking about 40 kilograms. Well, price is a little higher than normal. Why tomatoes are so expensive? I understand, so now you do not have a season tomatoes. Carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, chesnok- all commercially available. Cucumbers and green peas there. I must tell you that the price you are quite high. The port, from where we have come today, the price is much lower. What kind of discount on provisions you could give us? we need from 300 to 500 kilograms of vegetables each class. What did you say? About ten percent of the total cost of the caterer. Well, I have to consult with the captain
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
With regard to vegetables, I would like to see your list and price list. Do you want to say that it is now available in only those products that are marked in the pricelist a red pencil. I have correctly understood?Well. Potatoes 60 pence for the bag. And how many weighs one bag? You say 40 per kilogram. Well, the price is slightly higher than normal. Why tomatoes such expensive? It is my understanding, then, is now you don't season tomatoes.Carrots, beets, cabbage, onion, garlic and all of this is available for purchase. Cucumbers and green peas. I must tell you that the prices you are quite high. At the port, where we now have, the price is significantly lower.What is a discount on the cost sailing you have been able to us to give? We need 300 500 kilograms of each class vegetables. How much did you say? Some pronouncements per cent of the total value of supplies. Well,I must consult with Captain
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