Дорогой, любимый, неповторимый Джастин! Если ты читаешь это письмо, то перевод - Дорогой, любимый, неповторимый Джастин! Если ты читаешь это письмо, то английский как сказать

Дорогой, любимый, неповторимый Джас

Дорогой, любимый, неповторимый Джастин! Если ты читаешь это письмо, то, прочти его до конца. Когда я писала это письмо тебе, мои руки дрожали, а слезы текли без остановки. . . Я хотела от всего сердца, не как знаменитому Джастину Биберу, а простому 19 летнему парню Джастину сказать что. . . Ты один в моем сердце ... Мой мир, моя Вселенная ... Ты мой, ты только мой! Твой голос сводит меня с ума, твой голос заставляет сердце биться чаще ... Ты для меня все самое дорогое и желанное. Без тебя мне невозможно дышать, существовать, жить! Ты мой светлый лучик счастья в этом мраке бесконечных, одинаковых дней. Я живу лишь для тебя. Знаешь, когда я вижу твой образ, моё сердце замирает, но когда я начинаю думать о тебе, оно бешено колотится в груди, разрывая сосуды, и просится к тебе. Я хочу каждый день наслаждаться твоей прекрасной улыбкой, хочу видеть, как ты счастлив. Я тебя очень сильно люблю и жду встречи с тобой. Каждый создает свой мир, свою любовь. Мы мечтаем, придумываем то, чего, наверно, нет, и верим в это. Постепенно мир вокруг оказывается совсем не таким, как я хотела, человек который мне дорог занимает все мои мысли совсем не тот, хотя я его придумала, нарисовала, для меня ты идеален. При мысли о тебе появляются слезы на глазах и что-то колет в груди. Я готова перевернуть мир ради тебя. Я очень тебя люблю!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear, beloved, unique Justin! If you are reading this letter, then read it till the end. When I wrote this letter to you, my hands were shaking, and tears flowed without stopping. I wished with all my heart, not as the famous Justin Bieber, and simple 19 year old boyfriend Justin say that ... You are the one in my heart. My world, my universe ... You're my, you're my only! Your voice driving me insane, your voice makes the heart beat faster. You're for me all the most expensive and desirable. Without you I cannot breathe, exist, live! You are my light gleam of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. You know, when I see your image, my heart skips a beat, but when I start to think about you, it is furiously pounding in the chest, breaking blood vessels, and begging to you. I want every day to enjoy your beautiful smile, I want to see how you're happy. I love you very much and look forward to meeting with you. Everyone creates his own world, his love. We dream, invent something, probably, no, and believe in it. Gradually the world around turns out to be quite different, as I wanted a man who is dear to me my thoughts is not the same, although I came up with it, drew, to me you are perfect. When the thought of you tears in my eyes and something the tunic in the chest. I was ready to turn the world for you. I really love you!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear, dear, fantastic, Justin! If you are reading this letter, then read it to the end. When I wrote this letter to you, my hands were shaking, and tears flowed without stopping. . . I wanted with all my heart, not as the famous Justin Bieber and a simple 19 year old boyfriend Justin say. . . You're the one in my heart ... My world, my universe ... You're my, you're my only! Your voice makes me crazy, your voice makes the heart beat faster ... You're the most expensive and desirable for me. Without you I am not breathe, live, live! You are my light ray of happiness in this endless darkness, the same days. I live only for you. You know, when I see your image, my heart stops, but when I start to think of you, it pounding in the chest, tearing blood vessels and asking for you. I want to enjoy every day of your lovely smile, I want to see you happy. I love you very much and look forward to seeing you. Everyone creates his own world, his love. We dream, invent something, probably not, and believe in it. Gradually, the world around is not the way I wanted, a man who is dear to me takes my mind is not the same, though I came up with, painted, for me you are perfect. The thought of you appear tears in the eyes and something prick in his chest. I am ready to change the world for you. I love you so much!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dear, darling, with justin! if you read this letter, and read it to the end. when i write this letter to you, my hands were shaking and tears flowed without stopping. ... i wish from the heart, not the famous justin биберу, a 19 years old boy justin say. ... you are the only one in my heart... my world, my universe. you are my, you are my only! your voice makes me crazy, your voice makes my heart pumping. you for me is the most expensive and sought after. without you i can't breathe, exist, live! you are my bright sunshine of happiness in this darkness endless, the same days. i live only for you. you know, when i see your picture, my heart skips a beat, but when i'm starting to think of you, it's racing in the chest, rupturing receptacles, and be with you. i want every day to enjoy your beautiful smile, i want to see you happy. i love you very much and i'm looking forward to seeing you. everyone is my world, my love. we dream, make up what is, perhaps, no, and believe in it. gradually the world around is not what i wanted, a man who i care about is my every thought is not the same, even though i have painted for me, you are perfect. at the thought of you, tears in eyes, and then stabs her in the chest. i'm ready to change the world for you. i love you very much!
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