Вчера я гулял по осеннему лесу.Это был Бамбуковый лес Сагано в Киото.  перевод - Вчера я гулял по осеннему лесу.Это был Бамбуковый лес Сагано в Киото.  английский как сказать

Вчера я гулял по осеннему лесу.Это

Вчера я гулял по осеннему лесу.Это был Бамбуковый лес Сагано в Киото. Длинные стволы вздымались вверх, заставляя солнечный свет проходить сквозь них . Поросшие мхами камни-валуны сопровождали меня на протяжении всей моей прогулки. Когда ты гуляешь по лесу, то слышишь особенный звук, который возникает в результате контакта ветра со стройными бамбуковыми стеблями. Этот звук, отдаленно напоминает музыку. Когда ты слышишь эти звуки, то чувствуешь умиротворение. Я наслаждался свежим воздухом и этой мелодией.
Немного пройдя, я наткнулся на пруд. По левую сторону от пруда располагаются храм, а по правую - горы. Эта картина как нельзя лучше складывалась в красивый пейзаж. Незабываемое впечатление производит танец мягко качающихся под напором ветра стеблей бамбука и возникающий при этом необычный звук.
После того, как я вернулась домой, я ощущала гармонию и умиротворённость. Я получила незабываемые впечатления, которые ещё на долго будут оставаться в моей памяти, как и та самая мелодия в этом лесу.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Yesterday I was walking in the autumn forest. It was a bamboo forest in Sagano of Kyoto. Long trunks grew up, forcing the sunlight pass through them. MOSS covered stones-boulders accompanied me throughout my walk. When you walk through the forest, then you hear a special sound that arises from the contact of rain with slender bamboo stalks. This sound resembles music. When you hear these sounds, then you feel appeasement. I enjoyed the fresh air and this melody.A little passing, I came across the pond. On the left side of the pond are the temple, and on the right mountain. This picture is the best evolved into a beautiful landscape. Unforgettable impression dance gently shaking under the pressure of wind stalks of bamboo and occurs when the abnormal sound. After I returned home, I felt harmony and tranquillity. I got unforgettable impressions, which has for a long time will remain in my memory as the same melody in this forest.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Yesterday I was walking in the autumn was lesu.Eto Bamboo Forest Sagano in Kyoto. Long trunks rose up, causing the sunlight to pass through them. Covered with moss rocks, boulders accompanied me throughout my riding. When you walk through the woods, you hear a special sound that occurs as a result of contact with the wind slender bamboo stems. This sound, vaguely reminiscent of the music. When you hear these sounds, you feel peace. I enjoyed the fresh air and this melody.
Little passed, I came across a pond. On the left side of the pond located the temple, and on the right - the mountains. This picture is the best shape in a beautiful landscape. Unforgettable impression dance gently swaying under the pressure of bamboo stems and wind occurring at the same time unusual sound.
After, I returned home, I felt the harmony and tranquility. I had an unforgettable experience that even for a long time will remain in my memory, as is the same melody in the forest.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
yesterday i was walking in the autumn лесу.это was bamboo forest сагано in kyoto. long guns, rising up into the sunlight pass through them. covered with stones and boulders will accompany me throughout my trip. when you are walking in the forest, hear a sound that arises as a result of exposure to wind with thin bamboo stalks. the sound of music, a reminder. when you hear that sound, you feel peaceful. i enjoyed the fresh air and the melody.a little walk, i came across the pond. on the left side of the pond is the temple, and on the right is the mountain. this picture may be performed in a beautiful landscape. an impressive dance gently качающихся under pressure wind bamboo stalks and the resulting in this unusual sound.after i came back home, i felt harmony and content. i got an impression that even for a long time will remain in my memory, like the tune in this forest.
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