пятна № 3, № 5, № 6, в том числе земляные работы, устройство дорожного покрытия с установкой гранитных бордюров, наружное освещение с установкой осветительных опор на фундаментах и прокладкой кабелей
spot No. 3, no. 5, no. 6, including earthworks, installation of pavement with granite curbs, outdoor lighting installation lighting poles on the foundations and laying of cables
spot number 3, № 5, № 6, including earthwork, paving the installation of granite curbs, exterior lighting with the installation of lighting columns on foundations and cabling
Spot 3, 5, 6, including excavation, the device the road with installing the granite curbs, exterior lighting, installing lighting supports on the seatings and cabling