The Department of LawThe Department of Law is one of the nine departme перевод - The Department of LawThe Department of Law is one of the nine departme английский как сказать

The Department of LawThe Department

The Department of Law
The Department of Law is one of the nine departments of the Yaroslavl State University with a current enrollment of more than 5000 students. The faculty educates students for Russian Law offices.
The teaching staff of the department is academicaly strong and teaching is maintained at a high level . There are about 30 members of the staff. 19 of whom are professors and assistant professors.
All educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by the chairs of the department. They are: the chair of the History and the Theory of State and Law? The Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and the Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure. A professor or an assistant profes- sor holds each of them.
Selection of staff and students, scheduling of classes, distribution of grants are the tasks of the Dean’s Office.
The course of study at the department is five years. Serious attention is given to socio-political and aesthetic subjects as well as physical training. They include political economy, philosophy and foreign languages. Besides, law students study many special subjects as well. Among them: Labour Law, covering the legal rules that regulate labour relations; Criminal Low which examines crime and treatment of criminals; Criminology which deals with crime and its various aspects and studies the types of aims and the types of people who commit crimes. Knowledge of all these laws will enable those studying them to understand the role of Russian laws, to intensify the strug- gle against crime and breaches of law.
Though the curriculum is very intense, the students are left time for pri- vate study. In the course of their study at the faculty students concentrate on the subjects in which they are going to major. They also have an opportunity to devote themselves to the special study of different subjects by which they are greatly attracted in the scientific groups. All students of the department are members of the Students Scientific Society.
The undergraduates of the department gain practical experience in their field practicing as lawyers at procurator’s offices and courts.
Therefore the whole course of study is aimed at preparing highly quali- fied specialists prossessing a wide range of knowledge. The course is con- cluded by presentation of a thesis requiring independent research. In addition, students must pass state examinations to earn their diploma. All graduates get jobs in their fields, personal desires and inclinations being tak- en into account.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Department of LawThe Department of Law is one of the nine departments of the Yaroslavl State University with a current enrollment of more than 5000 students. The faculty educates students for Russian Law offices.The teaching staff of the department is strong academicaly and teaching is maintained at a high level. There are about 30 members of the staff. 19 of whom are professors and assistant professors.All educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by the chairs of the department. They are: the chair of the History and the Theory of State and Law? The Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and the Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure. A professor or an assistant profes-sor holds each of them.Selection of staff and students, scheduling of classes, distribution of grants are the tasks of the Office Dean's.The course of study at the department is five years. Serious attention is given to the socio-political and aesthetic subjects as well as physical training. They include political economy, philosophy and foreign languages. Besides, law students study many special subjects as well. Among them: Labour Law, covering the legal rules that regulate labour relations; Criminal Low which examines treatment of crime and criminals; Criminology which deals with crime and its various aspects and studies the types of aims and the types of people who commit crimes. Knowledge of all these laws will enable those studying them to understand the role of Russian laws, intensify parameter is closely related to the strug-gle against crime and breaches of law.Though the curriculum is very intense, the students are left time for pri-vate study. In the course of their study at the faculty students concentrate on the subjects in which they are going to major. They also have an opportunity to devote themselves to the special study of different subjects by which they are attracted greatly in the scientific groups. All students of the department are members of the Students Scientific Society.The undergraduates of the department to gain practical experience in their field, practicing as lawyers at procurator's offices and courts.Therefore the whole course of study is aimed at preparing highly quali-fied specialists prossessing a wide range of knowledge. The course is con-cluded by presentation of a thesis requiring independent research. In addition, students must pass state attended to earn their diploma. All graduates get jobs in their fields, personal desires and inclinations being tak-en into account.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Department of Law The
The Department of Law is one of the nine departments of the Yaroslavl State University with a current enrollment of more than 5,000 students. Faculty educates students The Russian Law for offices.
The teaching staff of the department is academicaly strong and teaching is maintained at a high level. There are about 30 members of the staff. 19 whom are professors of and assistant professors.
All educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by the chairs of the department. They are: the chair of the History and the Theory of State and Law? The Chair of Civil Law and Procedure and the Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure. Professor or an A assistant profes- sor holds each of them.
Selection of staff and students, scheduling of classes, distribution of grants are the tasks of the Dean's Office.
The course of study at the department is five years. Serious attention is given to socio-political and aesthetic subjects as well as physical training. They include political economy, philosophy and foreign languages. Besides, law students study many special subjects as well. Among them: Labour Law, covering the legal rules that regulate labour relations; Criminal Low which examines crime and treatment of criminals; Criminology which deals with crime and its various aspects and studies the types of aims and the types of people who commit crimes. All of these Knowledge laws will enable those studying them to understand the role of Russian laws, to intensify the strug- gle against crime and breaches of law.
Though the curriculum is very intense, the students are left time for pri- vate study. In the course of their study at the faculty students concentrate on the subjects in which they are going to major. They also have an opportunity to devote themselves to the special study of different subjects by which they are greatly attracted in the scientific groups. All students of the department are members of the Students Scientific Society.
The undergraduates of the department gain practical experience in their field practicing as lawyers at procurator's offices and courts.
Therefore the whole course of study is aimed at preparing highly quali- fied specialists prossessing a wide range of knowledge. The course is con- cluded by presentation of a thesis requiring independent research. In addition, students must pass state examinations to earn their diploma. All graduates get jobs in their fields, personal desires and inclinations being tak- en into account.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the department of law. the department of law is one of the nine departments of the transfer window state university with a current enrollment of more than 5000 students. the study educates students for english law offices. the teaching staff of the department is in the restaurant and academicaly) is at a high level. there are about 30 members of the staff.19 of whom are professors and assistant professors.
all educational, methodical and scientific research work is conducted and guided by the chairs of the department. they are: the chair of the history and the theory of state and law. the chair of civil law and procedure and the chair of criminal law and procedure. a professor or an assistant profes - sor holds each of them.selection of staff and students, scheduling of classes, the distribution of grants are the tasks of the dean's office. "the course of study at the department is five years. serious attention is given to socio political and aesthetic subjects as well as physical training. they include political economy, culture and foreign languages. besides, the law students study many special subjects as well.among them, labour law, and the legal rules that regulate labour relations; criminal law which examines crime and the treatment of criminals; criminology which deals with crime and its various aspects and studies the types of aims and the types of people who commit crimes. knowledge of all these laws will enable us to understand the role of the english intensify the strug - gle against crime and breaches of law. though the curriculum is very intense, the students are left time for l - vate study. in the course of their study at the faculty. students concentrate on the subjects in which they are going to pay.they also have an opportunity to devote themselves to the special study of different subjects in which they are greatly attracted in the scientific groups. all students of the department are members of the students scientific society. undergraduates
of the department gain practical experience in their field "as lawyers at procurator's offices and courts.therefore the whole course of study is aimed at preparing highly quali - fied prossessing: a wide range of knowledge. the course is con - cluded by presentation of a thesis requiring independent research. in addition, students must pass the state examinations to earn their diploma. all graduates get jobs in their fields, personal email and inclinations a do en into account.
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