6. Она ведет
себя так, будто она ребенок. 7. Минуту, другую он стоял
посреди комнаты, как будто не зная, что делать. 8. Почему
вы смотрите на меня так, словно я говорю неправду? 9. Она
говорила и смеялась, словно играла на сцене. 10. Я люблю
тебя так, как любил бы собственную сестру.
11. У меня
было такое чувство, будто мы говорим с ним на разных
языках. 12. Я уверена, он будет держаться так, будто не
чувствует никакой боли. 13. Она дышала так тяжело, как
будто бежала всю дорогу. 14. Он говорит так, как будто
повторяет чьи-то слова. 15. У вас такой вид, словно вы не
знаете, куда идти. 16. Он говорил о вас так, будто хорошо
вас знает. 17. Я помню все так четко, словно это произош
ло вчера. 18. Почему у тебя такой вид, будто ты мне не
веришь? 19. Похоже, что все уже ушли. 20. У меня такое
чувство, будто меня обманули. 21. Он говорит так, как будто
ему не семнадцать лет, а семьдесят.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
6. She isas if she's a child. 7. Minute, another he stoodin the middle of the room, as if not knowing what to do. 8. Whyyou look at me like I say wrong? 9. Shetalked and laughed, as if played on stage. 10. ya lyublyuyou as much as would love to own sister. 11. I haveIt was the feeling that we are talking with him on differentlanguages. 12. I'm sure he will stay as if notfeels no pain. 13. She breathed so heavily, asIf running down all the way. 14. He said this as ifrepeats someone else's words. 15. you have such kind of like you don'tknow where to go. 16. He talked about you like goodyou know. 17. I remember it all so clearly, like this proizoshLo today. 18. Why do you have such a view, though I do notdo you believe? 19. It seems that everything is already gone. 20. I have afeeling that me cheated. 21. He said this as ifHe was not seventeen years and seventy.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
6. It is
as if she is a child. 7. Minute, the other, he stood
in the middle of the room, as though not knowing what to do. 8. Why do
you look at me as if I tell a lie? 9. She
talked and laughed, as if played on stage. 10. I love
you like love to his own sister.
11. I
had a feeling that we are talking with him on different
languages. 12. I'm sure he will stay as if not
feel any pain. 13. She was breathing as hard as
if running all the way. 14. He said as if
repeating someone else's words. 15. You look as if you do not
know where to go. 16. He talked about you as if well
you know. 17. I remember it all so clearly, as if it proizosh
lo yesterday. 18.
Why do you look as if you did not believe me? 19. It seems that everything is already gone. 20. I have a
feeling that I was deceived. 21. He speaks as if
he was not seventeen, and seventy.
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