Это общие правила, которые могут подвергаться различным модификациям,  перевод - Это общие правила, которые могут подвергаться различным модификациям,  английский как сказать

Это общие правила, которые могут по

Это общие правила, которые могут подвергаться различным модификациям, в каждом отдельном районе. Заходя в подъезд, вы нередко наталкнетесь на длинный список того, что нельзя делать. Например, иногда запрещается двигать мебель после 21.00. Также часто требуется, чтобы на ножках стульев и столов были специальные накладки, защищающие от сильного трения.

Однако все эти ограничения не идут в сравнение редкими, но занимательными архаичными остатками британского права. Закон запрещает умирать в здании Парламента. Провинившемуся грозит арест и тюремное заключение. Эта вынужденная мера была придумана, чтобы избежать ненужного ажиотажа: дел в том, что закон предписывает хоронить с государственными почестями каждого, кому все же «посчастливиться» умереть в здании Вестминстерского дворца. Проверить достоверность этого закона не удалось, хотя он и приводится на многих официальных сайтах.

Зато точно установлено, что до сих пор не отменен декрет 1313 года, запрещающий депутатам приходить на работу в доспехах. Закон строго соблюдается и по сей день. А если вы наклеите почтовую марку с изображением ее величества вверх ногами, то вам может грозить обвинение в государственной измене.

Нельзя не вспомнить и некоторые из американских законов. В Оклахоме запрещены медвежьи бои, а врачи во Флориде не имеют права спрашивать пациентов, есть ли у них при себе оружие. В Монтане жене запрещено открывать почту, приходящую на имя мужа. В Северной Каролине вас могут наказать за исполнение песен в неверной тональности. В Аризоне нельзя отказывать в просьбе дать стакан воды.

Список можно продолжать еще долго, но вернемся к Швейцарии. Острую критику со стороны французских журналистов вызвал новый закон, направленный на защиту животных. То, что французам показалось «чрезмерной заботой», в Конфедерации обсуждалось на самом высоком уровне. Текст принятого парламентом закона можно прочитать здесь.

Нормы подробно прописывают, как нельзя обращаться с домашними животными. Например, морских свинок, кроликов и хомячков можно покупать только парами, чтобы у них не развивалась депрессия. Прежде чем умертвить аквариумную рыбку, ее необходимо оглушить, чтобы она не чувствовала боли. Если же у вас есть слон, то вольер должен быть не менее 30 кв м. У свиней должна быть возможность ежедневно принимать душ. Кстати, во Франции нельзя нарекать свиней именем Наполеон.

Особенности законодательства в одной стране могут вызывать улыбку, недоумение или непонимание в другой. То, что может казаться нормальным, где-то может восприниматься крайне негативно. Так что, прежде чем ругать законы другой страны, стоит задуматься, а все ли правила носят универсальный характер?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
These are general rules that can be subjected to various modifications in every district. Stepping into a staircase, you often natalknetes′ on the long list of don'ts. For example, sometimes it is forbidden to move furniture after 21.00. Also often requires that the legs of chairs and tables were special linings that protect against strong friction.However, these restrictions do not go to compare rare but entertaining archaic remnants of British law. The law prohibits dying in the Parliament building. Quilty faces arrest and imprisonment. This measure was designed to avoid unnecessary hype: cases that the law prescribes to bury with State honors everyone who still "lucky" die in the building of the Palace of Westminster. Verify the validity of this law have failed, although it appears in many official websites. But it is not yet canceled the Decree forbidding the year 1313 deputies to come to work in the shell. The law is strictly observed to this day. If you paste a postage stamp depicting her Majesty upside down, you could face a charge of treason.It is impossible not to remember and some of American laws. Oklahoma banned bear fights, while doctors in Florida have no right to ask patients whether they have weapons. In Montana, the wife cannot open emails coming in the husband's name. In North Carolina you can be punished for performing songs in the wrong key. In Arizona you cannot refuse a request to give a glass of water.The list can go on for a long time, but back to Switzerland. Sharp criticism from French journalists has sparked a new law aimed at protecting animals. What the French seemed "excessive concern" at the Confederation was discussed at the highest level. Text of Act of Parliament can be read here. The rules prescribe in detail, as it is impossible to treat pets. For example, Guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters, you can only buy in pairs so that they do not have developed depression. Before you kill the goldfish, it is necessary to stun, so she does not feel pain. If you have an elephant, the enclosure must be at least 30 sq. m. in pigs should be able to take a shower every day. By the way, in France cannot be offended pigs named Napoleon.Peculiarities of legislation in one country can cause a smile, bewilderment or misunderstanding in the other. What may seem normal, somewhere can be perceived very negatively. So, before you scold the laws of another country, it is worth considering, and if all the rules are universal?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
These are general rules that can be subjected to various modifications in each area. By accessing the porch, you often natalknetes a long list of what not to do. For example, sometimes it prohibited to move furniture after 21.00. It is also often requires that the legs of chairs and tables were special pads that protect against strong friction. However, these restrictions do not go in comparison with rare but entertaining archaic remnants of British rule. The law prohibits die in the Houses of Parliament. Guilty face arrest and imprisonment. The measure was conceived in order to avoid unnecessary hype: cases that the law prescribes burying with state honors everyone who is still "lucky" to die in the building of the Palace of Westminster. Check the accuracy of this law could not, even though he is on many official websites. But it is well established that there is still not abolished the decree in 1313 forbidding the MPs to come to work in the Shell. The law strictly enforced to this day. If you paste a stamp with the image of Her Majesty's upside down, then you may face charges of treason. It is impossible not to recall some of the American laws. In Oklahoma banned bear fights, and doctors in Florida do not have the right to ask patients if they have a weapon. In Montana, the wife is forbidden to open the mail that comes in the name of her husband. In North Carolina, you can be punished for singing songs in the wrong key. In Arizona, it is impossible to deny the request for a glass of water. The list goes on for a long time, but go back to Switzerland. Sharp criticism from the French journalists has caused a new law aimed at protecting animals. The fact that the French seemed "excessive concern" at the Confederation discussed at the highest level. The text adopted by the Parliament Act can be found here. The rules prescribed in detail, as it is impossible to deal with pets. For example, guinea pigs, rabbits, and hamsters can be bought only in pairs, so that they did not develop depression. Before you kill aquarium fish, it is necessary to stun, so she did not feel pain. If you have an elephant, the enclosure must be at least 30 square meters. Pigs should be able to take a shower every day. Incidentally, in France you can not narekat pig named Napoleon. Features of legislation in one country can bring a smile, confusion or misunderstanding in the other. What may seem normal, somewhere may be perceived negatively. So before you blame the laws of another country, it is worth considering, and all the rules are universal?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this is the general rule, which can be subjected to various modifications, in every single area. get inside, you often наталкнетесь on a long list of what not to do. for example,sometimes may not move the furniture after 9:00. also often requires that the legs of chairs and tables were special pads to protect from severe friction.

however, these restrictions are not rare in comparison.but interesting develop of british law. the law prohibits to die in the parliament building. провинившемуся face arrest and imprisonment. the emergency measure was invented.to avoid unnecessary anxiety: cases in which the law prescribes buried with state honours anyone yet "посчастливиться» die at the westminster palace.to verify the validity of the act did not, although he appears on many official sites.

but clearly established that still has not repealed the decree 1313)banning) come to work in the shell. the law is strictly enforced, and to this day. if you наклеите postage stamp with image of her majesty's upside down.you can be in charge of high treason.

can not remember, and some of the laws of the united states. oklahoma banned bear fights, and physicians in florida did not have the right to ask the patientsdo they have any guns. in montana the wife not to open the mail, приходящую in the husband's name. in north carolina, you can punish them for performances in the wrong key.in arizona could not refuse the request to give a glass of water.

list can go on and on, but let's go back to switzerland. sharp criticism from the french journalists called the new lawaiming at the protection of animals. what the french thought "excessive заботой», the confederacy was discussed at the highest level. the text of the act of parliament can be read here.

norms prescribe in detail, how can contact with pets. for example, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters can only buy couples to have developed depression.before death the aquarium fish, it is necessary to stop, she didn't feel the pain. if you have the elephant, the crate should be not less than 30 square meters. do pigs have the opportunity every day to take a shower.by the way, can нарекать pigs in france by napoleon.

especially legislation in one country may be a smile, surprise or confusion in the other. what may seem like normal.where it might be perceived very negatively. so, before you say the laws of another country, ought to think, and all the rules are universal?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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