Summary of Significant Changes and ClarificationsEffective for applica перевод - Summary of Significant Changes and ClarificationsEffective for applica английский как сказать

Summary of Significant Changes and

Summary of Significant Changes and Clarifications
Effective for applications submitted, or due, on or after December 26, 2014
Overall Document, The Application Guide has been updated to align with changes to NSF’s
Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that implements 2 CFR § 200, Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform
Guidance). The Uniform Guidance incorporates language from eight existing Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circulars into one consolidated set of guidance in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Editorial changes. Editorial changes have been made to either clarify or enhance the intended meaning of
a sentence or section. Additionally, new screen images throughout highlight updated Research
and Related (R&R) forms as well as NSF-specific forms.
Chapter IV – Section 1, Grant Application Package, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Documents and Forms, have updated
instructions for the new forms and format.
Chapter V – Section 2, SF 424 (R&R) (Cover Sheet), 2.4.c Previous Tracking ID (Field 4.c
on the Form), has been added to reflect this new line in the updated form and to clarify that this line should
not be used for proposals submitted to NSF.
Chapter V – Section 2, SF 424 (R&R) (Cover Sheet), 2.5 Enter Applicant Information (Field 5 on the
Form), has updated instructions for the person to be contacted on matters involving the application, which
reflects the revised format of information being requested.
Chapter V – Section 4, R&R Other Project Information, 4.7 Attach Project Summary/Abstract (Field 7
on the Form), has been updated to reiterate that Project Summaries must be formatted with separate
headings for the overview, must include a statement on the intellectual merit of the proposed activity, and
must include a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed activity, noting that failure to include these
headings may result in the proposal being returned without review.
Chapter V – Section 4, R&R Other Project Information, 4.9 Attach Bibliography & References Cited
(Field 9 on the Form), has been supplemented with language to clarify that the section must include
bibliographic citations only and must not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the 15-page
Project Description.
Chapter V – Section 4, R&R Other Project Information, 4.12 Add Other Attachments (Field 12 on the
Form), has removed information regarding the Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan and Data Management Plan as
those sections will no longer be uploaded as other attachments but will now be uploaded as separate
sections of the NSF Cover Page.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.2, Enter Senior/Key Person (Field A on the
Form), has been supplemented to reflect that, for consistency with the NSF cost sharing policy, if person
months will be requested for senior personnel, a corresponding salary amount must be entered on the
budget. The section also clarifies that, if no person/months and no salary are requested for senior personnel,
the proposal must be submitted via FastLane because does not currently have a mechanism to
remove PIs from the budget form.
Grants.Gov Application Guide
A Guide for Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via
December 26, 2014
Page 3
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.3, Enter Other Personnel (Field B on the
Form), has been supplemented to reflect the conditions under which salary requests of administrative and
clerical staff can be made.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.4, Enter Equipment Description (Field C on
the Form), has been supplemented to clarify the definition of Equipment to determine appropriateness for
inclusion in the budget.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.5, Enter Travel (Field D on the Form), has
been supplemented in both subsections 1. Domestic Travel Costs Funds Requested and 2. Foreign Travel
Costs Funds Requested. Under Domestic Travel Costs the revisions include the removal of Canada and
Mexico and the addition of the list of U.S. territories and possessions. Under Foreign Travel Costs, the
revisions include clarification on allowable expenses and clarification on the allowability of travel costs for
dependents of key personnel.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.6, Enter Participant/Trainee Support Costs
(Field E on the Form), has been supplemented to clarify allowable costs under participant support.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.8, Other Direct Costs (Field F on the Form),
has been supplemented in three areas to align with 2 CFR § 200: 1. Materials and Supplies; 3. Consultant
Services; and 5. Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs.
Chapter V – Section 7, R&R Funds Requested Budget, 7.10, Enter Indirect Costs (Field H on the
Form), has be
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Summary of Significant Changes and ClarificationsEffective for applications submitted or due on or after December 26, 2014Overall, The Application Guide has been updated to align with changes to NSF'sProposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that implements 2 CFR § 200, UniformAdministrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (UniformGuidance). The Uniform Guidance incorporates language from eight existing Office of Management andBudget (OMB) Circulars into one consolidated set of guidance in the Code of Federal Regulations.Editorial changes. Editorial changes have been made to either clarify or enhance the intended meaning ofa sentence or section. Additionally, new screen images throughout highlight updated Researchand Related (R & R) forms as well as NSF-specific forms.Chapter IV-Section 1, Grant Application Package, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Documents and Forms, have updatedinstructions for the new forms and format.Chapter V-Section 2, SF 424 (R & R) (Cover Sheet), 2.4 (c) Previous Tracking ID (Field 4 con the Form) has been added to reflect this new line in the updated form and to clarify that this line shouldnot be used for proposals submitted to NSF.Chapter V-Section 2, SF 424 (R & R) (Cover Sheet), Enter Applicant Information 2.5 (5 on the FieldForm), has updated instructions for the person to be contacted on matters involving the application, whichreflects the revised format of information being requested.Chapter V-Section 4, R & R Other Project Information, Project Summary Attach a 4.7/Abstract (Field 7on the Form) has been updated to reiterate that Project Summaries must be formatted with separateheadings for the overview, must include a statement on the intellectual merit of the proposed activity, andmust include a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed activity, noting that failure to include theseheadings may result in the proposal being returned without review.Chapter V-Section 4, R & R Other Project Information, References and Bibliography Attach 4.9 Cited(Field 9 on the Form) has been supplemented with language to clarify that the section must includebibliographic citations only and must not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the 15-pageProject Description.Chapter V-Section 4, R & R Other Project Information, 4.12 Other Attachments Add (Field 12 on theForm), has removed information regarding the Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan and Data Management Plan asthose sections will no longer be uploaded as other attachments but will now be uploaded as separatesections of the NSF Cover Page.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.2, Enter Senior/Key Person (Field (A) on theForm) has been supplemented to reflect that, for consistency with the NSF cost sharing policy, if personmonths will be requested for senior personnel, a corresponding salary amount must be entered on thebudget. The section also clarifies that, if no person/months and no salary are requested for senior personnel,the proposal must be submitted via FastLane because does not currently have a mechanism toRemove PIs from the budget form. THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONGrants.Gov Application GuideA Guide for Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via Grants.govDecember 26, 2014Page 3Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.3, Enter Other Personnel (Field B on theForm) has been supplemented to reflect the conditions under which salary requests of administrative andclerical staff can be made.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.4, Enter Equipment Description (Field (C) onthe Form) has been supplemented to clarify the definition of Equipment to determine appropriateness forinclusion in the budget.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.5, Enter Travel (Field D on the Form), hasbeen supplemented in both subsections 1. Domestic Travel Costs Funds Requested and 2. Foreign TravelCosts Funds Requested. Under Domestic Travel Costs the revisions include the removal of Canada andMexico and the addition of the list of U.S. territories and possessions. Under Foreign Travel Costs, therevisions include clarification on allowable expenses and clarification on the allowability of travel costs fordependents of key personnel.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.6, Enter Participant/Trainee Support Costs(Field E on the Form) has been supplemented to clarify allowable costs under participant support.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.8, Other Direct Costs (Field F on the Form)has been supplemented in three areas to align with 2 CFR § 200:1. Materials and Supplies; 3. the ConsultantServices; and 5. Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs.Chapter V-Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.10, Enter Indirect Costs (Field H on theForm) has be
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Significant Changes of Summary A Clarifications and
the Effective for the Submitted applications, or of due, or on the after December 26, 2014
The Overall the Document, the Application Guide Review of The has Been an updated to the align with changes to the NSF's
the Proposal & Award the Policies & the Procedures Guide Review (PAPPG) That implements 2 CFR § 200, a Uniform
the Administrative the Requirements, Principles, Cost, and the Audit the Requirements for Federal Awards (a Uniform
Guidance). Guidance incorporates a Uniform of The language from the existing an eight of Office of the Management and
The Budget (the OMB) Circulars Into the set of one's Consolidated Guidance in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Editorial changes. Changes have Been Editorial made to an either clarify or Enhance the Intended Meaning of
a sentence or section called. Additionally, new screen the images Throughout the highlight of an updated Research,
and updates Related (the R & the R) the forms as with a well as with the NSF-specific the forms.
Chapter IV of - the Section 1, by Grant the Application the Package, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 the Documents and the Forms, have an updated
instructions for the the forms and the format new.
Chapter the V - the Section 2, SF 424 (the R & the R) (the Cover the Sheet), the Previous 2.4.c Tracking ID (Field, 4.c
on the the Form), has Been added to Reflect the this new line in the an updated the form and to clarify That the this line Should
not the BE USED for Proposals the Submitted to the NSF.
Chapter the V - the Section 2, SF 424 (R & R) (Cover Sheet ), 2.5 Enter Applicant Information (Field 5 on the
the Form), has an updated instructions for the person to be contacted on matters involving the application, which reflects the revised format of information being requested. Chapter V - Section 4, R & R Other Project information, 4.7 Attach Project Summary / Abstract (Field 7 on the Form), has been updated to to reiterate That by Project Summaries a must the BE formatted with is separate headings for the it overview, a must the include a statement the on the Intellectual merit a of the Proposed activity, and a must the include a statement the on the Broader Impacts of the Proposed activity, noting That failure the to the include for These headings may of result in the proposal being of the returned without review. Chapter the V - the Section 4, the R & the R Other by Project Information Part, 4.9 the Attach Bibliography & References view Cited (Field, 9 on the the Form), has Been supplemented with language to clarify That the section called a must the include bibliographic citations only and a must not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the 15-page by Project the Description. Chapter the V - the Section 4, R & R Other Project information, 4.12 Add Other Attachments (Field 12 on the the Form), has removed information regarding, the Postdoctoral Mentoring the Plan and the Data the Management Plan as those sections will no longer be uploaded as other attachments but will now be uploaded as separate sections of the NSF Cover Page. Chapter V - Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.2, Enter Senior / Key Person (Field A on the Form ), has supplemented Been to Reflect That, for consistency with the NSF the cost sharing policy, the if person months will of the BE Requested for senior Personnel, a Corresponding the salary amount a must the BE ENTERED on the budget. Also clarifies section called of The That, the if the no person / months and the salary are the no senior Requested for Personnel, the proposal a must the BE the Submitted Via FastLane Because does not have a Mechanism of currently to the remove PIs from the budget The form. NATIONAL SCIENCE the FOUNDATION Grants. Gov the Application Guide Review A Guide Review for the Preparation and Submission of the NSF the Applications Via December 26, 2014 Page 3 Chapter V - Section 7, the R & the R Funds Requested the Budget, 7.3, the Enter Other Personnel (Field, Bed and on the the Form), has Been supplemented to reflect the conditions under which salary requests of administrative and clerical staff can be made. Chapter V - Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.4, Enter Equipment Description (Field C on the Form), has been supplemented to clarify the definition of Equipment to the Determine the appropriateness of for inclusion in the budget. Chapter the V - the Section 7, the R & the R Funds Requested the budget, 7.5, the Enter the Travel (Field, the D on the the Form), has Been supplemented in Both Subsections 1. Leagues Domestic the Travel Costs Funds Requested and 2. States Foreign the Travel Costs Funds Requested. The Travel Costs Leagues Domestic Under the revisions the include the Removal of Canada and Mexico City and the addition of the list of US Territories and Possessions. Under Foreign Travel Costs, the revisions include clarification on allowable expenses and clarification on the allowability of travel costs for dependents of key personnel. Chapter V - Section 7, R & R Funds Requested Budget, 7.6, Enter Participant / Trainee Support Costs (Field E on the the Form), has Been supplemented to clarify Allowable Costs under Participant support. Chapter the V - the Section 7, the R & the R Funds Requested the Budget, 7.8, Other the Direct Costs (Field, the F on the the Form), has Been supplemented in a three Areas to the align with 2 CFR § 200: 1. Materials and Supplies; Consultant 3. Services; 5. Subawards and / Consortium, / Contractual Costs. Chapter the V - the Section 7, the R & Requested the R Funds The Budget, 7.10, the Enter Indirect Costs (of H on the Field, the Form), the BE has

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
summary of Significant changes and Clarificationseffective for applications submitted, or in, on or after december 26, 2014the document, the application guide has been updated with changes to NSF"s withproposal & award policies and procedures guide (PAPPG) that implements 2 cfr section 200, uniformadministrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards (uniformguidance). the uniform guidance this language from eight existing office of management andbudget (omb) Circulars into one consolidated set of guidance in the code of federal regulations.editorial changes. editorial changes have been made to either clarify or enhance the intended meaning ofa sentence or section. additionally, the new screen images and highlight updated researchand related (r & r) forms as well as NSF specific forms.chapter iv, section 1, the grant application package, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, documents and forms, have updatedinstructions for the new forms and format.chapter v, section 2, sf 424 (r & r) (cover sheet), 2.4.c previous tracking id (field. 4. con the form, has been added to reflect this new line in the updated form and to clarify that this line shouldnot be used for proposals submitted to NSF.chapter v, section 2, sf 424 (r & r) (cover sheet), 2.5 enter Applicant information (field 5 on theform, has updated instructions for the person to be contacted on matters involving the application andreflects the revised format of the information being requested.chapter v, section 4, r & r other project information, the Attach project summary / abstract (field 7on the form, has been updated to reiterate that project summaries must be formatted with separateheadings for the overview, must include a statement on the intellectual merit of the proposed activity, andmust include a statement on the impacts of the proposed activity, noting that failure to include theseheadings may result in the proposal being returned without review.chapter v, section 4, r & r other project information, 4.9 Attach bibliography & references cited(field 9 on the form), has been supplemented with language to clarify that the section must includebibliographic citations only and must not be used to provide parenthetical information outside of the 15 pageproject description.chapter v, section 4, r & r other project information, 4.12 add other attachments (field 12 on theform, has removed information regarding the Postdoctoral Mentoring plan and data management plan.those sections will no longer be uploaded as other attachments but will now be uploaded as separatesections of the NSF cover page.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.2, enter senior / key person (field a on theform), has been supplemented to reflect that, for consistency with the NSF cost sharing policy, if personmessage will be requested for senior personnel, a corresponding salary amount must be established on thebudget. the section also clarifies that, if a person / months and no salary is requested for senior personnel.the proposal must be submitted via FastLane because does not currently have a mechanism toremove PIs from the budget form.national science foundationgrants program. Gov application guidea guide for preparation and submission of NSF applications via Grants.govdecember 26, 2014page 3chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.3, enter other personnel (field b on theform), has been supplemented to reflect the conditions under which salary requests of administrative andclerical staff can be made.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.4, enter equipment description field c onthe form), has been supplemented to clarify the definition of equipment to determine appropriateness forinclusion in the budget.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.5, enter travel (field d on the form), andbeen supplemented in both subsections 1. domestic travel costs funds requested and 2. foreign travelcosts funds requested. under domestic travel costs the revisions include the removal of canada andmexico and the addition of the list of u.s. territories and possessions. under foreign travel costs, therevisions include clarification on allowable fees and clarification on the allowability of travel costs fordependents of key personnel.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.6, enter 5 / Trainee support costs(field e on the form), has been supplemented to clarify allowable costs under participant support.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.8, other direct costs (field f on the form)has been supplemented in three areas with with 2 cfr section 200: 1. materials and supplies; 3. consultantservices; and 5. Subawards / consortium / Contractual costs.chapter v, section 7, r & r funds requested budget, 7.10, enter Indirect costs (field h on theform, has be
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