Когда я начинала учиться в школе, о компьютерах приходилось только меч перевод - Когда я начинала учиться в школе, о компьютерах приходилось только меч английский как сказать

Когда я начинала учиться в школе, о

Когда я начинала учиться в школе, о компьютерах приходилось только мечтать. Все образование основывалось лишь на деревянной крашеной доске, меле и тряпке. Учились, однако, мы хорошо, общались "вживую", а не в чатах, свободное время проводили на воздухе, а не за компьютером...

Тем не менее, использование компьютера дает возможность применять новые формы и методы обучения
1. Создание и показ презентаций и видеоматериалов по теме урока.
Например, Показ анимированных физических явлений (флеш-анимации) для лучшего восприятия, особенно если данное явление невозможно увидеть в реальных экспериментах. Такие анимации очень продуктивны при изучении таких тем, как "Тепловые явления", "Строение вещества", "Ядерные реакции", "Электрический ток".
2. Проведение виртуальных лабораторных работ, где можно менять параметры системы, повторять работу или останавливать её ход.
3. Использование интернет-подключения для демонстрации учащимся полезных сайтов, фото-и видео-сюжетов он-лайн, для проведения он-лайн-тестов и видео-конференций с другими школами
4. Использование средств интерактивной доски для работы с графическими объектами (графики функций, проекции векторов, модели молекул, атомов и др.)
Нельзя не отметить, что посредством компьютера учители и ученики черпают из Интернета много полезной информации для уроков, для своего методического самообразования.
Как видно из вышеизложенного, в компьютеризации школы очень много положительного.
Но я бы хотела обратить внимание на негативные стороны данного вопроса.
1. Влияние электро-магнитного излучения на организм вцелом. С физической точки зрения ткани человека - парамагнитный материал: то есть они способны «намагничиваться», воспринимать магнитные поля. Медицинские исследования показывают, что воздействие таких полей вызывает изменение обмена веществ на клеточном уровне. Переменные электромагнитные поля вызывают колебания ионов в человеческом организме, что тоже имеет определенные последствия.Не следует забывать и об электростатическом поле мониторов. Сильное электростатическое поле не безобидно для человеческого организма. Стоит обратить внимание еще и на то, что при работе монитора электризуется не только его экран, но и воздух в помещении. Причем он приобретает положительный заряд. Положительно наэлектризованная молекула кислорода не воспринимается организмом как кислород, что вызывает у пользователя кислородное голодание.
2. Очевидно пагубное влияние компьютера на зрение человека. Светящиеся точки на экране монитора не являются естественным источником света, цветовые оттенки также далеки от натуральных, к тому же пиксели постоянно мигают с высокой частотой. Это приводит к зрительной усталости, к микро-травмированию зрительного нерва и сосудов глазного дна.
3. От систематического просиживания возле компьютера страдает осанка и спинной мозг человека. Неправильная (сгорбленная, с вытянутой вперед головой) посадка человека:
-увеличивает и без того большую нагрузку на позвоночник,
-заставляет жидкость межпозвоночных дисков оттекать назад,
-приводит к чрезмерному растяжению мышц, поддерживающих осанку,
-напрягает мышцы шеи и плеч, вызывая спазм сосудов, подходящих к головному мозгу.
4. Развивается психологическая зависимость от работы на компьютере. Прогулкам на воздухе дети предпочитают "посидеть за компом", используя его не для учебных целей, а для общения в соцсетях , игр или просмотра фильмов. Здесь нужно отметить тот факт, что даже на сайтах, где много познавательной, полезной информации, зачастую окружают рекламы, привлекательные картинки которых нельзя не заметить.
5. Ученики разучились искать, выбирать главное, классифицировать информацию по заданной теме. Зачем терять время, листать пыльные книги, идти в читальный зал, выписывать руками цитаты, если можно по любому запросу найти готовый материал, распечатать его и выдать за свое творение?
6. Увлекаясь виртуальными экспериментами, мы забываем о живом ощущении проделанного руками и увиденного глазами. Конечно, хороший опыт трудно подготовить, безошибочно провести, умело исправить и объяснить не очень "красивые" результаты. Это к тому же занимает много времени. Проще нажать на кнопку и все сделает за тебя компьютер.
И еще техническое переоснащение школ часто происходит в ущерб другим нуждам учащихся. вместо того, чтобы сэкономленные средства школы направить на модернизацию пришкольной спортивной площадки и окружающей территории, все средства школа "обязана" тратить на новые компьютеры, планшеты, доски, и т.д. Почему школа не может распоряжаться своими средствами по своему усмотрению?
На последок - одна капля дёгтя. Электронный дневник - так ли это необходимо? Ведь это снова дополнительная нагрузка на учителей, когда не каждый имеет возможность свободно сесть и работать в этой сети, нагрузка на добросовестных родителей, которые теперь вместо живого общения с детьми и бумажными дневниками должны будут найти место и время выйти в интернет, чтобы увидеть оценки и домашние задания своих детей. А для недобросовестных учеников и их семей ничего не изменится - ведь теперь можно написать учителю, что все в порядке, ребенок под контролем. Зато не надо идти в школу и краснеть перед педагогом.

Вот такое мое противоречивое мнение по поводу инновационных технологий и их внедрения в образовательный процесс. Буквально недавно, когда из-за какой-то неполадки на полдня отключили электричество, я еще раз убедилась в том, что доска, мел и тряпка - это главные помощники в учебном процессе,
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I started to attend school, on computers accounted for only dream of. All education was based only on a wooden painted Board, Mele and rag. However, we were well communicated "live", and not in chat rooms, free time spent in the air, not the computer ... However, the use of computer makes it possible to use new forms and methods of teaching1. create and show presentations and videos on the topic of the lesson.For example, the show's animated physical phenomena (Flash animation) for better usability, especially if this phenomenon is impossible to see in real-world experiments. Such animations are very productive in studying topics such as "Thermal phenomena", "structure of matter", "nuclear reactions", "electric current".2. the virtual labs where you can change the settings for the system, repeat the work or stop its progress.3. use of the Internet to show students the useful sites, photo and video stories online, to conduct on-line tests and video-conferences with other schools 4. The use of an interactive whiteboard for drawing objects (graphics functions, vectors, projection models of molecules, atoms, etc.)It should be noted that through the computer teachers and students derive from the Internet a lot of useful information for lessons for his methodical self.As you can see from the above, in the computerization of schools very much positive.But I would like to draw attention to the negative side of the issue.1. the influence of electro-magnetic radiation on the body as a whole. From a physical point of view human tissue-ParaMagnetic material: that is, they are capable of "v. make magnetic;", see magnetic fields. Medical studies show that exposure to these fields causes a change of metabolism at the cellular level. Variable electromagnetic fields cause fluctuations of the ions in the human body, that too has certain effects. It should not be forgotten and the electrostatic field monitors. A strong electrostatic field is not harmless to the human body. You should pay attention to that when it electrified monitor not only his screen, but also the air in the room. And it is a positive charge. Positively naèlektrizovannaâ an oxygen molecule is not recognized by the body as the oxygen that causes the user for oxygen deprivation.2. clearly the negative influence of the computer to human vision. Continuously lit pixels on the screen are a natural source of light, the color also are far from natural, the pixels are constantly flashing in blue. This causes the Visual fatigue, to micro-injury of the optic nerve and blood vessels of the fundus.3. Systematically sitting near a computer suffers a posture and spinal cord of man. Incorrect (hunched, with elongated head) human landing: -increases the already large load on the spine,-causes the liquid to flow back intervertebral disc -generates excessive stretching of the muscles that support your posture -straining the muscles of the neck and shoulders, causing Vasospasm, suitable to the brain.4. Develop psychological dependence on the computer. Walking on air children prefer to "sit at the computer", using it not for educational purposes, and to communicate in social networks, gaming or watching movies. It should be noted that even on sites where a lot of informative, useful information, often surrounded by advertising attractive pictures which cannot be overlooked.5. The students have forgotten how to search for, select all, to categorize the information on a given topic. Why waste time, flipping the dusty books, go to the reading room, write out the hands of quotes, if you can find any request for material ready, print it out and pass off as his creation? 6. Getting carried away virtual experiments, we forget about the live sensation by hands and seeing eyes. Of course, a good experience is difficult to prepare, unmistakably a skillfully corrected and explained not very "nice" results. It also takes a lot of time. Simply click on the button and will do everything for you computer. And even retrofitting schools often comes at the expense of other needs of students. instead of the savings spent on the modernization of school priškol′noj sport ground and surrounding area, all school "owes" to spend on new computers, Tablet PCs, boards, etc. Why school cannot deposit your finances on your own?Lastly-one drop spoonful of fly. E-diary-is this necessary? This is again an additional burden on teachers, when not everyone has an opportunity to sit down and work on that network, the load on the conscientious parents who now instead of live communication with children and paper journals will have to find a place and time to get online to see the assessment and homework to their children. But for some students and their families, nothing will change, because now you can write the teacher, that everything is in order, the child under control. But do not go to school and the teacher blush. Here is my contradictory opinions about innovative technologies and their introduction into the educational process. Just recently, when due to some problem with the half-cut electricity, I was satisfied that the Board, chalk and rag-these are the main assistants in the learning process,
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When I started to study at the school, about the computers could only dream. All education is based only on the painted wooden board, chalk and eraser. We learned, however, we are well communicated "alive" and not in a chat room, free time spent in the air, not on the computer ... However, the use of a computer makes it possible to apply new forms and methods of training 1. Create and show presentations and videos on the topic of the lesson. For example, the animated show physical phenomena (flash animation) for a better listening experience, especially if this phenomenon can not be seen in real experiments. These animations are very productive in the study of topics such as "Thermal phenomena", "Structure of Matter", "nuclear reaction", "electric current". 2. Conducting virtual labs, where you can change the parameters of the system, repeat the operation or stop its progress. 3. Use of Internet connectivity for demonstrations to students useful sites, photo and video stories on-line, for on-line tests and video conferencing with other schools 4. Use of the interactive whiteboard to work with graphic objects (graphics features projections of models of molecules, atoms, and others.) It should be noted that by the teacher's computer and students derive from the Internet a lot of useful information for lessons for his methodical self. As can be seen from the above, in the computerization of schools is very much positive. But I would like to draw attention to the negative aspects of this issue. 1. Influence of electromagnetic radiation on the organism as a whole. From a physical point of view of human tissue - paramagnetic material: that is, they are capable of "magnetized" perceive magnetic fields. Medical studies show that exposure to such fields causes a change in the metabolism at the cellular level. Alternating electromagnetic fields cause fluctuations in ions in the human body, which also has some posledstviya.Ne should forget about the electrostatic field monitors. A strong electrostatic field is not harmless to the human body. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when the monitor is not electrified only the screen, but also the air in the room. And he gets a positive charge. Positively electrified oxygen molecule is not perceived by the body as oxygen, which causes the user anoxia. 2. Obviously a detrimental effect on a person's vision computer. Glowing dots on the screen are not a natural light source, the color tones are also far from positive, to the same pixels are continuously flashing at a high frequency. This causes visual fatigue, to micro-injury of the optic nerve and retinal vessels. 3. From a systematic prosizhivaniya suffering posture at the computer and the human spinal cord. Invalid (bent, stretched out with his head) planting rights: -uvelichivaet the already heavy load on the spine, intervertebral discs -zastavlyaet fluid flow away back -privodit to excessive stretching of the muscles that support your posture, -napryagaet neck and shoulder muscles, causing spasm of blood vessels suitable to the brain. 4. Developing psychological dependence on computer work. Walking on air children prefer to "sit at the computer," not using it for educational purposes, and to communicate in social networks, games or watching movies. It should be noted that even at sites where a lot of informative, useful information is often surrounded by advertising, attractive pictures which can not be overlooked. 5. Students have forgotten how to look, choose importantly, classified information on a given topic. Why waste time flipping dusty books, go to the reading room, to write citations hands, if you can find on any request finished material, print it out and hand over their creation? 6. Carried away by virtual experiments, we forget about the living sense of the done and seen through the eyes of his hands. Of course, it is difficult to prepare a good experience, unerringly conduct skillfully fix and explain the not so "beautiful" results. It also takes a long time. Simply press the button and will do everything for you computer. And retooling schools often occurs at the expense of other needs of students. instead of savings allocated to upgrading school schoolyard playground and surrounding area, all funds school "obliged" to spend on new computers, tablets, boards, etc. Why school can not manage their funds on your own? Lastly - a drop of tar. Electronic diary - is it necessary? It is again an additional burden on teachers, when not everyone has the freedom to sit down and work on the network, the load on conscientious parents who now instead of living with the children, and paper-based diaries would have to find a place and time to go online to see the assessment and homework their children. And for unscrupulous students and their families will not change anything - it is now possible to write a teacher that everything is in order, the child under control. But do not go to school and blush in front of a teacher. Here is my opinion on the contradictory of innovative technologies and their implementation in the educational process. Just recently, when, due to some problems in the half-day no electricity, I have been assured that the board, chalk and eraser - these are the main helpers in the learning process,

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
When I began my studies in the school, on the computers accounted for only dream of. All education was based only on a wooden board before and after restoration, and тряпке Mele Bay. From my own experience, however, we are well, chatted with "arse", and not in chat,Free time in the outdoors, and not on the computer ... The Lord does not, however, the use of your computer gives you the opportunity to apply new forms and methods of teaching
1.The establishment and show presentations and videos on the topic lesson.
For example, displaying animated physical phenomena (flash animation) for a better perception,Especially if this is a normal phenomenon cannot be seen in real-world experiments. The animation is very productive when examining such topics as "Thermal phenomena", "structure", "Nuclear Reactions", "electric current" .
2.The virtual labs, where you can change system settings, repeat the work or stop its progress.
3. The use of internet connection for the purpose of demonstrating students useful sitesPhoto and video stories on-line, for the on-line tests and video-conference with other schools
4. The use of an interactive whiteboard to work with graphical objects (graphics functions, projection vectors,Models of molecules, atoms, etc. )
, it has to be said that through computer miracles and pupils derive from the Internet a lot of useful information for lessons learned, for its methodical self-education.
As can be seen from the above, in the computerization schools very much positive.
but I would like to draw attention to the negative aspects of the issue.
1. The electro-magnetic radiation on the human body atlarge.From the physical point of view human tissue - the measured material: that is, they can "намагничиваться", perceive magnetic fields. Medical studies show thatThat the effect of such fields causes the exchange of substances at the cell level. Variables electromagnetic fields cause fluctuations in ions in the human body, that, too, has a certain effects.It should not be forgotten and the electrostatic field monitors. A strong electrostatic field is not more alarmed over Belarus' relations with Iraq for human organism. It is to draw attention to another and to the factThat when the monitor is not only strong, but concedes tartificial fibers its screen, but it and the air in the room. And it is a positive charge.It's an electric atmosphere steeped in oxygen molecule is not perceived as oxygen metabolism, which causes the user has an oxygen starvation.
2. It is obvious deleterious effects on computer vision.Fluorescent points on the monitor screen is not a natural source of light, colors also are far from natural, to the same pixels continuously flash with high frequency.This leads to visual fatigue, to micro-traumas retina dystrophy and vascular ophthalmic seabed.
3. From the systematic просиживания near your computer suffers from body posture and spinal cord human brain.Incorrect (сгорбленная, pulled forward head) landing rights:
-increases and the greater the load on the spine,
-causes fluid helps with spinal disc conditions drives оттекать back,
-leads to excessive stretch muscles that support your posture,
-unlike many neck and shoulder muscles, causing vascular spasm, suitable to the head brain.
4. Is psychological dependence on the work on the computer.Internet CAFé, in the air children choose to "sit for компом", using its not for training purposes, and to communicate in соцсетях , gaming or watching movies. Here, it is necessary to point out the fact that, even on the web sites,Where there are many informative, useful information, often surround advertising, attractive picture which cannot go unnoticed.
5. Pupils Vladimir Ustinov search, select the main,Classified information on a given topic. Why waste time, leafed through dusty books, go to reading room, prescription hands quotes, if you can on any request to find a ready material,Print it and issue to the omlet?
6. bringeth virtual experiments, we forget a lively sensation score with both hands and JTA eyes. Of course, this is a good experience it was difficult to prepare,unmistakably to hold, ably correct and explain is not very "beautiful" the results. This is the same takes a long time. Simply press the button and all will make for you the computer.
And yet another technical re-equipping schools are often occurs at the expense of other needs of students. Instead,To ensure that the savings schools to send to upgrade schoolyard sports site and the territory, all the funds school "duty" to spend on new pcs, tablets, bulletin boards, and so on.Why doesn't the school may not dispose of their means at its discretion?
at последок - one drip honey. The Electronic diary - whether this is necessary? This is again an additional load on the teachers,When not everyone is free to sit down and work in the network, the load on bona fide parents,Now instead of live communication with children and paper blogs will be to find a place and time to get on to the Internet, to see evaluation and home job their children.As for bad pupils and their families nothing will not change - it is now possible to write teacher, that everything is in order, a child under control. But it does not need to go to school and ashamed before the birthday.

This is just a my conflicting views about the innovative technologies and their implementation in the educational process. Just recently, when the extent of the problem, the half day city sightseeing tour cut electricity,I once again was satisfied in that board, mel and rag - this is the main assistants in the educational process,
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