некоторые люди отдают предпочтение исключительно питанию в ресторане,  перевод - некоторые люди отдают предпочтение исключительно питанию в ресторане,  английский как сказать

некоторые люди отдают предпочтение

некоторые люди отдают предпочтение исключительно питанию в ресторане, а другие, наоборот, признают еду только домашнего приготовления. Итак, попробуем рассмотреть все достоинства и возможные недостатки ресторанной еды по сравнению с домашней.
ресторанная еда значительно экономит время. Чтобы приготовить полноценный обед, хозяйке придется провести несколько часов на кухне. В ресторане приятная атмосфера.
Обед или ужин в ресторане может стать настоящим праздником, благодаря не только интересному и вкусному меню, но и красивому интерьеру, хорошей музыке.
Возможность попробовать блюда любых национальных кухонь
Когда вы собираетесь в ресторан, у вас есть широчайший выбор, какую кухню предпочесть: китайскую, итальянскую, мексиканскую, тайскую. Приготовить такое в домашних условиях часто не под силу.
Самый главный и очевидный минус – это стоимость ресторанных блюд, которые обойдутся в несколько раз дороже, чем домашняя пища. Действительно, за удовольствие надо платить!

Вероятность отравления в ресторане очень мала, но все-таки такой риск есть, особенно если постоянно питаться там. Ведь мы не знаем ничего о поварах, которые готовят пищу, а также о том, насколько свежие продукты используются в этих целях. В домашних условиях испорченный продукт будет немедленно выкинут, а вот в ресторане мы знаем.

Итак, ресторанная еда имеет ряд своих достоинств и недостатков, однако, кажется, что самое разумное решение это разумно совмещать два вида питания. Тогда, и ресторанная и домашняя еда будут приносить одинаковое удовольствие.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Some people prefer exclusively food in the restaurant, while others recognize food just home cooking. So, let's consider all the advantages and possible disadvantages of restaurant meals compared to home.restaurant food saves time. To cook a complete meal, the owner will have to spend a few hours in the kitchen. Pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant.Lunch or dinner in the restaurant can become a real treat, thanks to not only interesting and delicious menu and beautiful interior, good music. An opportunity to taste the dishes of any national cuisineWhen you are going to a restaurant, you have a wide choice of cuisine which prefer: Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Thai. Cook this at home often.The most important and obvious minus is the cost of restaurant meals, which cost several times more expensive than home-cooked food. Really, you have to pay for the pleasure!The likelihood of poisoning the restaurant is very small, but still, there is a risk, especially if you eat there. After all, we don't know anything about cooks who cook, as well as how fresh products are used for this purpose. At home a spoiled product will immediately eject, but the restaurant we know.So, the restaurant food has some of its advantages and disadvantages, however, it seems that the most reasonable solution is reasonable to combine two kinds of food. Then, and restaurant and homemade food will bring the same pleasure.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
some people prefer to only eating at the restaurant, while others recognize only home-cooked food. So, try to consider all the advantages and possible disadvantages of restaurant food compared to home.
Restaurant food saves time. To prepare a complete meal, the hostess will have to spend a few hours in the kitchen. The restaurant is a pleasant atmosphere.
Lunch or dinner in a restaurant can be a real treat, not only because of interesting and tasty menu, but nice interior, good music.
The ability to taste the dishes of any national cuisine
When you are going to a restaurant, you have a wide choice of what kitchen prefer: Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Thai. Cook is at home often can not.
The most important and obvious negative - the cost of restaurant meals, which will cost several times more expensive than homemade food. Indeed, for the pleasure you have to pay! The probability of poisoning in the restaurant is very small, but still there is such a risk, especially if you ever eat there. We do not know anything about the chefs who prepare food and how fresh products are used for this purpose. At home, the damaged product will be immediately thrown out, but the restaurant we know. So, restaurant food has a number of advantages and disadvantages, however, it seems that the most reasonable solution is reasonable to combine the two types of power. Then, and restaurants and home cooking will bring the same pleasure.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
some people prefer the only food in the restaurant, and others, on the contrary, recognize the food is homemade. so, try to consider the merits and possible disadvantages of restaurant food, compared to domestic.restaurant management food saves considerable time. to cook a meal, the owner must spend several hours in the kitchen. in a pleasant atmosphere.lunch or dinner in a restaurant can be a real holiday, thanks not only interesting and вкусному menu, but also the beautiful interior, good music.the opportunity to taste dishes of national cuisinewhen you're in a restaurant, you have a wide choice, what choose: chinese, italian, mexican, thai. to make it in the home, often under the force.the most important and obvious disadvantage is the cost of restaurant meals that cost several times more expensive than home cooked food. really, you have to pay for it.the probability of poisoning in the restaurant is small, but still this is a risk, especially if you keep eating there. we don't know anything about chefs who prepare food, but also about how fresh ingredients are used for these purposes. in the home if the product will be immediately out here in the restaurant we know.so, restaurant management, food has its advantages and disadvantages, however, it seems that the most sensible solution that makes sense to combine the two types of nutrition. then, and restaurant management and home cooked meals, will bring the same joy.
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