Летом я приехала в гости к бабушке в деревню. С нами приключился забав перевод - Летом я приехала в гости к бабушке в деревню. С нами приключился забав английский как сказать

Летом я приехала в гости к бабушке

Летом я приехала в гости к бабушке в деревню. С нами приключился забавный случай. У бабушки жила кошка по имени Маринет. Кошка всегда спокойно гуляла по деревне. Она была ласковая и игривая. Если её брали на руки она начинала так сладко мурчать, что все во круг умилялись.
И как то раз она исчезла. Маринет никогда не пропадала на ночь. После своей прогулки она всегда возвращалась домой. Бабушка стала волноваться, вдруг с ней что-то случилось. Вместе с бабушкой мы ходили к соседям и спрашивали не видел ли кто нашу Маринет.
Через три дня мы с бабушкой пошли гулять по деревне. Когда мы проходили мимо дома мы увидели кошку очень похожую на нашу. Мы остановились и стали звать её, она подбежала и стала тереться об ноги. Мы поняли что это наша ласковая Маринет. Мы постучали в дом и хозяева нам рассказали историю. Они уезжали на несколько дней из дома, а форточку забыли закрыть. Наша кошка прогуливаясь по деревне почувствовала запах рыбы, которую они оставили на столе и влезла в дом через форточку. Все дни Маринет сидела в этом доме и ела рыбу. Она быстро вылезла и сбежала когда вернулись соседи.
Нам с бабушкой было очень стыдно за Маринет когда соседи рассказали эту забавную историю. Соседей эта история рассмешила и они не злились на нашу кошку потому что понимали что сами забыли закрыть форточку. Мы все вместе посмеялись и пошли домой. После этого случая Маринет очень часто приходила во двор этих людей и смотрела на форточку.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the summer I came to visit my grandmother in the village. With us prikljuchilsja a funny incident. The grandmother lived a cat named Marinet. Cat always calmly walked through the village. She was affectionate and playful. If her take on hands she began so sweetly purr that everyone in the circle of touched.And once she disappeared. Marinet never disappeared for the night. After his outing, she always returned home. Grandma became excited, suddenly with her that something happened. Together with her we went to neighbors and ask if anyone has not seen our Marinet. Three days later, my grandmother and I went for a walk around the village. When we passed the House we saw a cat very similar to ours. We stopped and began to call her, she ran over and began to rub on your feet. We understand that this is our affectionate Marinet. We knocked at the House and the owners told us a story. They were leaving for a few days from home, and forgot to close the pane. Our cat walking through the village felt the smell of fish, which they left on the table and got into the House through the window. All the days of Marinet was sitting in this House and ate fish. She quickly loosens and fled when neighbors have returned.Us with the grandmother was very ashamed of Marinet when neighbors told the funny story. Neighbors this story rassmeshila and they do not she should make them laugh at our cat because it understood that they forgot to close the window. We all laughed and went home. After this accident came very often Marinet yard and stared at the window.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the summer I came to visit my grandmother in the village. With us befall fun event. My grandmother lived a cat named Marinette. Cat always quietly walked through the village. She was affectionate and playful. If she took in her arms she began to purr so sweet that everyone in the circle be touched.
And once she was gone. Marinette never disappeared overnight. After her walk she always returned home. The grandmother became worried suddenly her that something had happened. Together with his grandmother, we went to the neighbors and ask if anyone has seen our Marinette.
Three days later, we went for a walk with his grandmother in the village. When we passed the house, we saw the cat is very similar to ours. We stopped and began to call her, she ran up and began to rub against his legs. We understand that it is our affectionate Marinette. We knocked on the owners of the house and told us the story. They were leaving for a few days out of the house and forgot to close the window. Our cat strolling through the village smelled of fish, which they left on the table and got into the house through the window. All days Marinette sat in the house and ate the fish. She quickly got out and fled when neighbors returned.
We were with my grandmother was very ashamed of Marinette when neighbors told this funny story. Neighbors story amused and they were angry with our cat because they realized that they forgot to close the window itself. We all laughed and went home. After this incident, Marinette very often went into the courtyard of the people and looked at the window. She quickly got out and fled when neighbors returned. We were with my grandmother was very ashamed of Marinette when neighbors told this funny story. Neighbors story amused and they were angry with our cat because they realized that they forgot to close the window itself. We all laughed and went home. After this incident, Marinette very often went into the courtyard of the people and looked at the window. She quickly got out and fled when neighbors returned. We were with my grandmother was very ashamed of Marinette when neighbors told this funny story. Neighbors story amused and they were angry with our cat because they realized that they forgot to close the window itself. We all laughed and went home. After this incident, Marinette very often went into the courtyard of the people and looked at the window.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the summer i came to visit my grandmother in the village. we had a case. my grandmother lived a cat named маринет. the cat always calmly walked to the village. she was gentle and playful. if her hands, she began to take on that sweet мурчать everything in terms of умилялись.and once she was gone. маринет never been at night. after her trips, she always come home. grandma was worried if something happened to her. together with the grandmother, we went to the door and asked if they'd seen our маринет.three days later, my grandmother and went for a walk in the village. when we passed the house we saw a cat is very similar to ours. we stopped and started calling her, she ran up and started rubbing feet. we know that this is our lovely маринет. we knocked on the house owners told us a story. they went away for a few days at home and forgot to close the window. our cat walking through the village felt the smell of fish, which they left on the table and went into the house through the window. all the days маринет sitting in this house and ate the fish. she quickly got out and ran away when they got back to the neighbors.my grandmother was very ashamed of маринет when neighbors told the funny story. this story is amused by the neighbors and they were angry at our cat because they understood that they forgot to close the window. we all laughed and went home. after this incident, маринет often came into the yard of the people and looked at the window.
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