Здравствуйте!Спасибо вам за ваш флирт. Мне действительно очень приятно перевод - Здравствуйте!Спасибо вам за ваш флирт. Мне действительно очень приятно английский как сказать

Здравствуйте!Спасибо вам за ваш фли

Спасибо вам за ваш флирт. Мне действительно очень приятно, что вы обратили свое внимание! Я новичок на этом сайте, поэтому было очень приятно получить ваш флирт.
Я понимаю, что среди такого большого списка красивых девушек вы посылаете мне флирт. Но я готова бороться за ваше внимание. Это так трудно быть честным в современное время, но я стараюсь, я настолько открыта сердцем и наивна, я страдаю от этого очень часто.
Несмотря на это я верю в истинную любовь, искренние отношения и счастливые семьи. Я мечтаю создать крепкую семью, и верю, что ты можешь мне помочь в этом. Это слишком трудно найти человека, кто может слушать и слышать, с кем можно говорить обо всем, мне кажется я нашла такого человека. Это ты!
Меня интересует все что относиться к вам. Как ты себя чувствуешь сегодня? Как это ваше настроение? Да, я понимаю, что это очень примитивные и простые вопросы, но если честно так не хватает именно такого простого внимания и проявления чувства, чтоб быть нужной кому-то... По крайней мере это очень часто бывает в моей жизни!
Может быть, это только неважные детали вашей жизни, но все наши жизни состоят из различных ситуаций, моментов и мы должны оценить все минуты и даже секунды.
Дорогой, а каково ваше отношение к любви? Я надеюсь, что вы именно поэтому здесь на сайте, и мы могли бы построить прочные отношения в будущем.
Напишите мне, я заинтересована в вас так много, что я хочу разделить с вами все: счастье и горе, смеяться вместе с вами, плакать с вами, шутить с вами.
Возможно это сейчас покажется вам банально, но лишь несколько теплых нежных слов от вас в мой адрес способны согреть мое сердце!
Я буду очень ждать вашего ответа мой дорогой!
С надеждой на ответ ваш
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello!Thank you for your flirting. I really glad you turned their attention! I am new to this site, so it was really nice to get your flirt. I understand that among such a large list of beautiful girls you send me flirt. But I'm ready to compete for your attention. It's so hard to be honest in this modern time, but I'm trying, I'm so open-hearted and naive, I suffer from this very often. Despite this I believe in true love, sincere relationships and happy families. My dream is to create a strong family, and believe that you can help me on this. It's too hard to find a man who can listen and hear, with whom you can talk about everything, I think I have found such a person. It's you! I am interested in all that apply to you. How are you today? How is your mood? Yes, I understand that this is a very primitive and simple questions, but honestly it is so lacking in such a simple attention and expressions of feelings to be needed someone ... At least it is very often in my life! Maybe it's just unimportant details of your life, but all of our lives are made up of various situations, moments and we have to evaluate all the minutes and even seconds. Dear, and what is your attitude to love? I hope that's why you are here on the site, and we could build a strong relationship in the future. Email me, I'm interested in you so much that I want to share with you all: happiness and sorrow, laugh with you, cry with you, joking with you. Perhaps it now you think corny, but only a few warm gentle words from you to me are able to warm my heart!I will really wait for your reply my dear!Looking forward to your replyAliona
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thank you for your flirting. I'm really pleased that you have turned their attention! I'm new to this site, so it was very nice to get your flirt.
I understand that among the long list of such beautiful girls you send me a flirt. But I'm ready to fight for your attention. It's so hard to be honest in modern times, but I'm trying, I'm so open hearted and naive, I suffer from this very often.
Despite this, I believe in true love, sincere attitude and happy family. My dream is to create a strong family, and I believe that you can help me in this. It's too hard to find someone who can listen and hear, with whom you can talk about everything, I think I have found such a person. It's you!
I am interested in all that apply to you. How do you feel today? How is your mood? Yes, I understand that this is a very primitive and simple questions, but to be honest because it lacks such a simple manifestation of attention and feeling to be needed by someone ... At least it is very often in my life!
Maybe it is only unimportant details of your life, but our lives are made ​​up of different situations, moments, and we have to evaluate all the minutes and even seconds.
My dear, what is your attitude to love? I hope that that is why you are here on the site, and we could build a strong relationship in the future.
Write to me, I am interested in you so much that I want to share with you all: happiness and sorrow, laugh with you, cry with you joke with you.
Maybe it will seem banal today, but only a few gentle warm words from you addressed to me able to warm my heart!
I will be very glad to welcome you answer my dear!
Looking forward to your response
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i Thank you for your fate. I am indeed very pleased that you have their attention! I'm new on this site, it was therefore very pleased to get your fate.
I understand,That among a large list of such beautiful girls you send me fate. But I am ready to fight for your attention. This is because it is difficult to be honest in a modern time, but I try, I have so much open heart and clever,I somehow from this very often.
In spite of this I believe in true love, sincere relations and happy family. I dream to create a strong family, and believe that you can help me in this.It is too difficult to find a person who can listen and hear, with whom you can talk about all the, I think I have found such a person. This is you!
I am interested in all that apply to you. How are you feeling today?As this is your mood? Yes, I understand that this is a very primitive and simple questions, but if I don't have enough it is such a simple attention and manifestations of feelings, but be the desired кому-то ...At least this is very often the case in my life!
May be, it is only poor parts your life, but all of our lives are made up of various situations, moments and we must assess all minutes and even seconds.
Road,And what is your attitude toward love? I hope that you are that is why here at the site, and we could build a strong relationship in the future.
Please write me, I am interested in you so much that I want to share with you all.Happiness and sorrow, laugh with you, cry with you, i love you.
May now seem like you trite, but only a few warm delicate words from you in my address can warm my heart!
I shall be very wait for your reply my dear!
with hope to answer your
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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