1. Англичане говорят, что подкову нужно вешать концами вверх, чтобы удача не вывалилась. 2. Застегните пальто, чтобы не простудиться. Вам следует больше заботиться о своем здоровье. 3. Они вынуждены были говорить шепотом, чтобы никто их не услышал. 4. Она сделала вид, будто ищет что-то в карманах, чтобы никто не заметил ее волнения. 5. Давайте сядем и поговорим, чтобы не было недоразумений. 6. Давай возьмем такси, чтобы не пропустить поезд. 7. Мать закрыла балкон, чтобы шум не разбудил ребенка. 8. Он надвинул шляпу на глаза, чтобы его не узнали. 9. И вдруг ему стало душно, и он ухватился за спинку стула, чтобы не упасть. 10. Что-то меня клонит в сон. Давай выпьем по чашечке кофе, чтобы не заснуть. 11. Разведчикам пришлось двигаться очень осторожно, чтобы враг не услышал их. 12. Дети были взволнованы, они опасались, как бы кто-нибудь из старших не вошел до того, как они упакуют рождественские подарки. 13. Уберите книги в шкаф, чтобы они не запылились. 14. Мне нужно просушить вещи, чтобы их не испортила моль. 15. Закрой тюбик клея, чтобы он не засох. 16. Закрой окно, прежде чем включить свет, чтобы не налетели комары. 17. Смой косметику перед сном, чтобы не было аллергии.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The English say that you need to hang a horseshoe ends upward to luck fell out. 2. Fasten the coat so as not to catch a cold. You should care more about their health. 3. They were forced to speak in a whisper, so that nobody heard. 4. She pretended as if looking for something in the pockets, so nobody noticed her excitement. 5. Let Us sit down and talk, to avoid misunderstandings. 6. Let's take a taxi so as not to miss the train. 7. Mother closed the balcony to noise awoke the baby. 8. He nadvinul Hat over her eyes to his. 9. And suddenly it became stuffy, and he grabbed the back of the Chair to keep from falling. 10. Something I tend to sleep. Let's have a cup of coffee to stay awake. 11. The Scouts had to move very cautiously to the enemy did not hear them. 12. Children are excited, they feared, as someone from senior not logged before they packed Christmas gifts. 13. remove the book in a closet, so they are not dusted off. 14. I need to dry things in order not to spoil the Mole. 15. Close the tube of glue so that it is not withered. 16. close the window before you turn on the light to descend not mosquitoes. 17. Wash makeup before going to bed to avoid allergies.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The British say they need to hang a horseshoe ends up to luck is not tumbled. 2. Fasten the coat, so as not to catch a cold. You should be more concerned about their health. 3. They had to speak in a whisper, so nobody heard. 4. She pretended looking for something in his pocket, so that no one noticed her excitement. 5. Let's sit down and talk, to avoid misunderstandings. 6. Let's take a taxi, not to miss the train. 7. The mother closed the balcony, the noise did not wake the child. 8. He pulled his hat over his eyes, that he was not learned. 9. And suddenly it became stuffy, and he grabbed the back of his chair to keep from falling. 10. Something I feel very sleepy. Let's have a cup of coffee to stay awake. 11. Scouts had to move very carefully, so that the enemy did not hear them. 12. The children were excited, they feared that someone from the senior was not included before they will pack Christmas gifts. 13. Remove the book in the closet, so that they are not dusty. 14. I need to dry the things that they did not spoil the mole. 15. Close the tube of glue, so it does not withered. 16. Close the window before you turn on the light, lest flew mosquitoes. 17. Wash makeup before going to bed to avoid allergies.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. the british say that a shoe need to концами up to luck never fell out. 2. застегните coat so as not to catch cold. you should больше take care of their health. 3. they had to whisper, that no one heard. 4. she did look as if looking for something in my pocket, чтобы nobody noticed her excitement. 5. let"s sit down and talk, so there"s no misunderstanding. 6. let"s take a taxi, not to miss the train. 7. mother closed the balcony to the noise to wake the baby. 8. he надвинул hat in the eyes, not to узнали. 9. and if he was hot, and he jumped on the back of a chair, not to fall. 10. something i клонит in dream. let"s grab a cup of coffee to stay awake. 11. разведчикам had to move very carefully, so they don"t hear them. 12. the children were excited, they feared, as one of the senior pass before they рождественские wrapped gifts. 13. put the books in the cupboard, чтобы they don"t of. 14. i need to dry things, not to spoil a moth. 15. close тюбик glue that he never withered. 16. close the window, прежде than lights to out mosquitoes. 17. wash make-up before going to sleep, not to be аллергии.
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