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Курментинские пещеры
Для того, чтобы ответить на эти вопросы и отчетливее представить себе гипотетического строителя курментинских пещер, обратимся к истории взаимоотношений армян и католиков. Дружба между ними началась во время крестовых походов. Армяне принимали у себя крестоносцев, снабжали их по договоренности оружием и продовольствием и даже принимали участие в спасении христианских реликвий. С этого времени большая община армян оказалась в Палестине и расселилась по многим другим азиатским городам. Появились армяне и в Семиречье, и на Иссык-Куле, о чем свидетельствуют находки нательных крестиков, по очертаниям напоминающих армянские хачкары, и намогильных памятников с надписями на армянском языке. В Чуйской долине обнаружена даже могила армянского епископа.
Тогда же, в 13 веке, начинаются дипломатические переговоры с Ватиканом о взаимной помощи. Для армян – это очень трудный период. Границы Великой Армении с трудом удерживают турецкие и иранские войска, она теряет область за областью и к концу средневековья реальной становится угроза полного уничтожения армян. Именно поэтому часть армянского народа идет на соглашение с Ватиканом и принимает унию. Папа Римский формально становится главой армян-католиков. Именно их испанские картографы именовали «армянскими братьями», чтобы отличить от тех, которые унию не приняли.
Иссык-кульские армяне могли быть именно униатами. Это объясняет интерес составителей Каталанского атласа к их монастырю и хранящимся в нем мощам апостола и евангелиста Матфея. И они вполне могли быть создателями курментинского пещерного комплекса, плавные правильные арки которых, выдают руку очень умелых строителей. Здесь, в окружении разноплеменных народов, исповедующих разнообразные религии, в условиях наступления ислама, который как раз во второй половине 13-н.14 века начинает ужесточать свою миссионерскую политику, была реальная необходимость прятать свои монашеские труды и свои святыни, так же, как это было принято и в самой, вечно воюющей Армении.
Итак, перед нами прошли все известные на сегодняшний момент исторические субъекты, которые могли иметь отношение к пещерному комплексу, расположенному на полуострове в районе с. Курменты. Из них – только армянские братья имели цель, средства, достаточные возможности и причину для строительства подземного монастыря. Наши гипотезы могут подтвердить или опровергнуть масштабные археологические раскопки как самого пещерного комплекса, так и расположенного неподалеку Курментинского городища.
В 1926 году о пустующем монастыре вспомнили. После утверждения Советской власти в Киргизии здесь был открыт детский дом, для детей, потерявших родителей. Он просуществовал до середины тридцатых годов. Кстати первым директором детского дома, был родной дед нынешнего директора Дегенбаевой Г. О.НазаралиевОрозалы.
Зимой 1941 года был вновь открыт Детский дом для 400детей блокадного Ленинграда. В 1947 году дети были возвращены в Ленинград. В 1999 году приезжала чета из Ленинграда. Они были воспитанниками детского дома. Они рассказывали, что везли их поездом до Рыбачьего, а потом на барже до Светлого мыса. Очень многие дети умерли в дороге. Когда прибыли в Светлый мыс, их здесь встретили жители-кыргызы. Кто чем помог в эти трудные военные годы. Жили все очень дружно. Дети привезли с собой даже пианино. Жители в первый раз видели пианино, и многие даже с окрестных сел приходили посмотреть на пианино.
В1950 году был вновь открыт детский дом, который просуществовал до конца 70-х. Этот детский дом давал сразу и профессиональное техническое образование.Тедети,котрые воспитывались до сих пор поддерживают добрые отношения с нынешним детским домом.
В 1998 году началась новая история детского дома на Светлом мысе. Детского дома «Мээрим Булагы» Гульнары Дегенбаевой.
Здание, пустовавшее с 90-х годов, ветшало. Земля вокруг него заросла кустарником и колючкой. Поэтому когда Гульнара попросила передать ей объект, ни кто не возражал. Дикий пустырь с руинами ни кому не был нужен.
Силами энтузиастов на свои собственные средства без какой-либо помощигосударства, был отреставрирован монастырь, и в нём воспиталось117 детей–сирот и социальных сирот. Дети 7 национальностей. Все дети в совершенстве владеют 2-мя языками: русским и кыргызским. 66 детей были интегрированы в родные биологические семьи,после проведения социальной работы с родителями и родственниками ребенка.С интегрированными детьми имеется обратная связь.С 2000 года по 2010 годДетский Дом дал работу 25 жителям села, этого не достаточно для большего развития, получения большего результата для реабилитации детей группы риска, у нас не хватает финансовых средств, чтобы обеспечить заработную плату профессиональным педагогам и учителям. ФункционируетДетский Дом за счет собственных средств, частных пожертвований, грантов, и за счет своего сельского хозяйства. Сотрудники детского дома повышают свою квалификацию за счет тренингов и семинаров, проводимых различными организациями.Организация осуществляет тесное сотрудничество с местным самоуправлением области, района и уже вышел на республиканский уровень. Участок для игровых и прогулочных составляет 2га земель. Имеется подсобное хозяйство: коровы, лошади, бараны, козы, пчёлы. В 2010 году Глава местного самоуправления без какой-либо причины отобрал 3.3 га пахотных земель…
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Kurmentinskie cavesIn order to answer these questions and more to imagine a hypothetical Builder kurmentinskih caves, turn to the history of relations between Armenians and Catholics. Friendship between them began during the Crusades. Armenians have hosted the Crusaders, supplied them with weapons and food should be arranged and even participated in the rescue of Christian relics. Since that time, the large community of Armenians turned out in Palestine and settled in many other Asian cities. Armenians appeared in semirechye and in Issyk-Kul, as evidenced by finds of baptismal crosses indented reminiscent of Armenian khachkars and namogil′nyh monuments with inscriptions in Armenian. In the Chui Valley found even the tomb of Armenian Bishop.At the same time, in the 13 century, begin diplomatic talks with the Vatican on mutual assistance. For Armenians is a very difficult period. The borders of Armenia could hardly hold the Turkish and Iranian forces, it loses scope for the scope, and by the end of the middle ages the real becomes the threat of total annihilation of the Armenians. That is why part of the Armenian people goes to the agreement with the Vatican and accepts Union. The Pope formally becomes head of Armenian Catholics. It is their Spanish cartographers called "Armenian brothers" to differentiate from those that the Union did not accept.Issyk-Kul Armenians could be just the Uniates. This explains the interest of the drafters of the Catalan Atlas to their monastery and stored the relics of the Apostle and evangelist Matthew. And they could be the creators of the kurmentinskogo cave complex, smooth right arch that will hand a very skilled builders. Here, surrounded by raznoplemennyh peoples professing diverse religions, in the face of the onset of Islam, which is just in the second half of the 13-14 century begins to tighten its policy, the missionary was a real need to hide their monastic labors and their shrines, in the same way as it was made and the eternally warring in Armenia.So, we went through all the currently known historical actors that could be relevant to a cave complex, located on a peninsula in the area c. Kurmenty. Of them, only the Armenian brothers had the purpose, funds sufficient opportunities and the reason for the construction of underground monastery. Our hypotheses can confirm or deny large-scale archaeological excavations of the cave complex and nearby Kurmentinskogo settlement.In 1926 a year on an empty monastery remembered. After the approval of the Soviet regime in Kyrgyzstan was opened an orphanage for children who lost their parents. It existed until the mid thirties. By the way, the first Director of the orphanage, was native Santa Degenbaevoj, the current Director of the NazaralievOrozaly.In the winter of 1941 year has reopened the orphanage for 400detej the siege of Leningrad. In 1947 year children were returned to Leningrad. In the year 1999 visited couple of Leningrad. They were inmates of the orphanage. They were told that they had been transported by train to the fishing, and then by barge to light the Cape. Very many children died on the road. When arrived at the Bright toe, they are greeted by the residents-Kyrgyz. Who helped in the difficult war years. All lived very amicably. Children brought even a piano. Residents for the first time saw a piano, and many even with the surrounding villages came to look at the piano.V1950 year has reopened the orphanage, which existed until the late 70 's. The orphanage gave immediately and vocational education. Tedeti, which brought up still maintain good relations with the current children's home.In the year 1998 started a new story of the orphanage on the bright Cape. Orphanage "Meerim Bulagi» Gulnara Degenbaevoj.The building, with two 90-ies, decayed. The land around it was overgrown with scrub and Thorn. So when Gulnara asked to convey an object no one objected. Wild wasteland with the ruins of none is not needed.Forces enthusiasts on their own means, without any pomoŝigosudarstva, the monastery was restored, and vospitalos′117 children-orphans and social orphans. Children 7 nationalities. All children are fluent in 2 languages-Russian and Kyrgyz. 66 children were integrated into their biological families, after carrying out social work with parents and relatives of the child. With integrated children have feedback. With the year 2000 godDetskij House 2010 gave work 25 villagers, that's not enough for a larger development, getting more bang for the rehabilitation of children at risk, we do not have enough financial withredstv to provide the salary for professional educators and teachers. FunkcioniruetDetskij House at their own expense, private donations, grants, and due to its agriculture. The orphanage staff improve their skills through trainings and seminars organized by various organizations. the organization works closely with local government area, area and is already out on Republican level. For gaming and pleasure is 2ha land. A part-time farm: cows, horses, sheep, goats, bees. In 2010 year, the head of local government without any reason seized 3.3 hectares of arable land.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Kurmenty cave
To answer these questions, and visualize a hypothetical builder Kurmenty cave, turn to the history of relations between the Armenians and the Catholics. Friendship between the two began during the Crusades. Armenians hosted the Crusaders, by agreement supplied them with food and weapons, and even took part in the rescue of Christian relics. Since that time, a large community of Armenians was in Palestine and settled in many other Asian cities. There were Armenians and the Seven Rivers, and of the Issyk-Kul, as evidenced by the findings pectoral cross, resembling the outline of Armenian khachkars, gravestones and monuments with inscriptions in Armenian. In Chui valley detect even the tomb of the Armenian bishop.
Then, in the 13th century, beginning with the Vatican diplomatic negotiations on mutual assistance. For Armenians - this is a very difficult period. The boundaries of Greater Armenia hardly hold Turkish and Iranian forces, it loses the region and beyond the region by the end of the Middle Ages became a real threat of complete annihilation of the Armenians. That is why a part of the Armenian people is an agreement with the Vatican and accept the union. Pope formally becomes the head of Armenian Catholics. It is their Spanish cartographers called "Armenian brothers", to distinguish it from those who did not accept the union.
Issyk-Kul Armenians could be that the Uniates. This explains the interest of the drafters of the Catalan Atlas to their monastery, and stored in it the relics of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew. And they may well have been the creators of Kurmenty cave complex, flowing arches are correct, give a hand very skillful builders. Here, surrounded by the mingled people professing different religions, Islam under attack, who was in the second half of the 13th century, n.14 starts to tighten its missionary policy was a real need to hide their monastic labors and their shrines, as well as It was made ​​in the most eternally belligerent Armenia.
So, we went through all the well-known at the moment of the historical subject, which could be relevant to the cave complex, located on a peninsula in an area. Kurmenty. Among them - only the Armenian brothers had a goal means ample opportunity and the reason for the construction of the underground of the monastery. Our hypothesis can confirm or deny large-scale archaeological excavations both the cave complex and the nearby Kurmenty settlement.
In 1926, on an empty monastery remembered. Following the approval of the Soviet regime in Kyrgyzstan was opened an orphanage for children who lost their parents. It lasted until the mid-thirties. By the way the first director of the children's home, was a native grandfather of the current director G. Degenbaevoy O.NazaralievOrozaly.
winter of 1941 was re-opened children's home for 400detey besieged Leningrad. In 1947, the children were returned to Leningrad. In 1999, the couple came from Leningrad. They were inmates of the orphanage. They were told that they were taken by train to the fishing, and then by barge to Cape Light. Many children died on the way. When arrived at the Cape Light, they are met, Kyrgyz residents. Who does what helped in the difficult war years. We lived all very friendly. Children brought even a piano. Residents for the first time saw the piano, and many even from the surrounding villages came to see the piano.
V1950 was re-opened an orphanage, which lasted until the end of the 70s. This orphanage gave once and professional technical obrazovanie.Tedeti, buyout raised still maintain good relations with the current children's home.
In 1998, the new history of the orphanage on a light cape. Orphanage "Meerim Bulagy" Gulnara Degenbaevoy.
The building, vacant since the 90s, dilapidated. The land around the bushes and thorn. So when Gulnara asked to give her an object, no one objected. Wild wasteland with ruins of whom are not needed.
Force enthusiasts on their own resources without any pomoschigosudarstva, the monastery was restored, and it vospitalos117 orphans and social orphans. Children 7 nationalities. All the children are fluent in 2 languages: Russian and Kyrgyz. 66 children were integrated into the native biological families, after the social work with the parents and relatives of children has rebenka.S integrated reverse svyaz.S 2000 to 2010 godDetsky House gave 25 villagers working, it is not enough for more development to get more results rehabilitation of children at risk, we do not have the financial means to provide the salaries of professional teachers and teachers. FunktsioniruetDetsky House from its own funds, private donations, grants, and due to its agriculture. The staff of the orphanage improve their skills by training and seminars held by various organizatsiyami.Organizatsiya works closely with the local government area, area and has already reached the republican level. The site for the game and pleasure is 2n land. There are part-time farm: cows, horses, sheep, goats and bees. In 2010, the head of local self-government without any reason selected 3.3 hectares of arable land ...
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Before that we were all known to date historical actors, which could be of relevance to the nickname "Melek complex, located on the peninsula in the area. Курменты.Of them, only the Armenian brothers have had the purpose, means, sufficient capacity and the reason for the construction of an underground of the monastery.
Курментинские cave
in order to answer to these questions and many commentators to imagine a hypothetical constructor курментинских caves, turn to the Armenians of the history of the relationship and the Catholic churches.Friendship between them began during the crusades. The Armenians have been crusaders, supplied them by agreement states and food supply, and even participated in the rescue Christian relics.The sleek lines reminiscent Armenian pagan altars, and намогильных monuments with labels in the Armenian language. The Chui Valley is detected even tomb Armenian bishop.
at the same time, in the 13 century,Since that time a large Armenian community was in Palestine and emigres from Europe on many other Asian cities. There were Armenians and in Chuy, and the Issyk-kul ,, as evidenced non-motorola -approved bronze crosses,Begin diplomatic talks with the Vatican on mutual assistance. For the Armenians - this is a very difficult period. Borders the Republic of Armenia with difficulty holding the Turkish and Iranian troops,Pope formally becomes the head of the Armenian Catholics. It is their Spanish cartographers popularly known as the Armenian brothers", to distinguish them from those that Ukrainian elite were not adopted.
She loses an area outside the area and by the end of middle ages is becoming very real the threat of total destruction Armenians. It is for this reason that part of the people of Armenia is the agreement with the Vatican and is widely spread.Issyk-kul , Kyrgyzstan кульские Armenians could be precisely. This explains interest compilers atlas Catalan has been completed to their monastery and stored in the reliquary of apostle and evangelist Matthew.And they might well be creators курментинского as complex, smooth the correct arch which emit a hand very gifted builders. Here, surrounded by baked unleavened cakes peoples,Professing a variety of religion, in the context of Islam, which is once again in the second half 13-A.14 century begins to tighten its missionary policy,Was the real need to hide their monks works and their shrines, in the same way as it had been accepted, and in the most, forever belligerent Armenia.
so,Of them, only the Armenian brothers have had the purpose, means, sufficient capacity and the reason for the construction of an underground of the monastery.Before that we were all known to date historical actors, which could be of relevance to the nickname "Melek complex, located on the peninsula in the area. Курменты.Our hypothesis can confirm or refute extensive archaeological excavations as well as the very land complex, and located near Курментинского Shakhname.
In 1926, the monastery of the squalid conditions recounted. After the approval Soviet power in Kyrgyzstan here was open children's home, for the children, who have lost their parents. He remained in existence until the mid thirties.I think the first director of children's home, was native grandfather the current director Mr. Дегенбаевои. On.НазаралиевОрозалы.
in winter 1941, was newly opened children's home for 400 children St. Petersburg branch.In 1947, children have been returned to Leningrad. In 1999, she travelled from England. They were single gift children's home. They told that near their train up to sea, and then on the barge up to light the cape.Very many of the children have died on the road. When we arrived in bright cape, their here have met with the residents of marginalization. Who helped in these difficult war years. They are all very amicably. Children brought an even a piano.The children's home was immediately and professional technical education.Тедети,trainings monarchists still support good relations with the current children's home.
For the first time residents have seen a piano, and many even with surrounding villages came to see the piano.
IN1950 was again opened children's house, which remained in existence until the end of the 70-s.In 1998, began a new history of child at home on a light colored cape. Children's home "Recipients Булагы" strongest laboratory of that kind on Дегенбаевои.
Building, Korea looks forward with 90-s, ветшало. Land around the заросла with scrub and thin middle.The monastery has been restored, and it unquestioned117 orphans and abandoned children. Children 7 nationalities. All the children in fluent fluent in 2-ile languages: Russian and amend.Therefore, when Gulnara asked to allocate it to an object, nor those who did not object. Wild wasteland with rubble or who has not been required.
forces enthusiasts on their own funds without any помощигосударства,66 Children have been integrated into the native biological family,after the social work with the parents and relatives of the child.The integrated children there is feedback.From the year 2000 to 2010 годДетскии house gave the 25 inhabitants of the village, this is not enough for more development, more result for the rehabilitation of children at risk, we do not have the financial means,To ensure that wages professional educators and teachers. ФункционируетДетскии house with their own funds, private donations, grants, and at the expense of agriculture.The children's home can enhance their skills through training and seminars, carried out by the various United Nations organizations.The organization is working in close cooperation with the local self-rule area,The area and is already out on the republican level. The area for gaming and pleasure craft is 2ha of land. There is a cyberlaw economy: cows, horses, do not have political articles, goats, bees.In 2010, Head of the local self-government, without any reason selected 3.3 hectares of arable land ...
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