1. У нас много продуктов, нам не нужно идти в магазин. 2. Вы задаете с перевод - 1. У нас много продуктов, нам не нужно идти в магазин. 2. Вы задаете с английский как сказать

1. У нас много продуктов, нам не ну

1. У нас много продуктов, нам не нужно идти в магазин. 2. Вы задаете слишком много
вопросов. 3. В вашей комнате много мебели?- Нет, там не очень много мебели. 4. Сейчас лето и
в магазинах много-много овощей и фруктов. 5. В твоем чае много сахару?- Нет, не много. 6. В их
группе мало студентов, которые знают язык хорошо. 7. Ты сделал много ошибок в сочинении?-
Нет, только несколько. 8. Когда я был здесь последний раз, на этой улице было мало деревьев.
9. У нас было слишком мало времени, чтобы успеть на поезд. 10. На улице много снега. 11. В
кинотеатре было мало людей. 12. В этой части города не много учреждений. 13. У нас была
чудесная весна, в этом году будет много яблок. 14. В бутылке много молока? 15. Несколько лет
назад в городе было мало широких красивых улиц. 16. У нее много книг на английском языке, но
мало на немецком. 17. На полке так много книг, что она может упасть. 18. Пожалуйста, не шумите
так сильно. 19. У меня в кошельке мало денег.- возьми немного из моей сумки. 20. У меня масса
новостей, давай поговорим. 21. Почему сегодня так мало студентов в Университете? 22. Я не
потратила много времени на подготовку доклада. 23. В буфете много чашек и несколько
стаканов. 24. Если у меня будет немного времени, я зайду к вам.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. we have many products, we do not need to go to the store. 2. you ask too muchissues. 3. in your room a lot of furniture?-no, there's not a lot of furniture. 4. now the summer andin-store lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. 5. in your tea a lot of sugar?-no, not many. 6. in theirthe few students who know the language well. 7. you made a lot of mistakes in composition?-No, only a few. 8. when I was here last time, the street was little trees.9. we had too little time to catch the train. 10. a lot of snow in the street. 11. in thecinema had little people. 12. in this part of town not many institutions. 13. we hada wonderful spring, this year will be a lot of apples. 14. in the bottle a lot of milk? 15. several yearsback in the city were few broad beautiful streets. 16. She has many books in English, butlittle in German. 17. on the shelf so many books that she could fall. 18. Please do not make noisesso much. 19. I have a little money in your wallet. a bit of-take my bags. 20. I have a mass ofNews, let's talk. 21. Why is today so few students at the University? 22. I am notspent a lot of time for preparation of the report. 23. the buffet many cups and moreglasses. 24. If I have some time, I'll come to you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. We have a lot of products, we do not need to go to the store. 2. You ask too many
questions. 3. In your room a lot of furniture? - No, there is not a lot of furniture. 4. It's summer and
stores lots of vegetables and fruits. 5. In your case a lot of sugar? - No, not much. 6. In their
little group of students who know the language well. 7. You have made ​​a lot of mistakes in the book? -
No, just a few. 8. When I was here last time, on this street there were few trees.
9. We had too little time to catch the train. 10. On the street a lot of snow. 11. In
the cinema there were few people. 12. In this part of town are not many institutions. 13. We had a
wonderful spring, this year will be a lot of apples. 14. In the bottle a lot of milk? 15. Several years
ago, the city had a little wide beautiful streets. 16. She has a lot of books in English, but
little German. 17. On a shelf so many books that it can fall. 18. Please do not make noise
so much. 19. I have a little purse deneg.- take a little out of my bag. 20. I have a lot
of news, let's talk. 21. Why is there so few students at the University? 22. I
spent a lot of time to prepare the report. 23. The buffet many cups and a few
glasses. 24. If I have some time, I'll come to you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. We have many products, we do not need to go to the store. 2. You are specifying too many
issues. 3. In your room much furniture?- No, there is not a lot of furniture. 4. It is now summer and
in stores many-to-many vegetables and fruits. 5.1. We have many products, we do not need to go to the store. 2. You are specifying too many
issues. 3. In your room much furniture?- No, there is not a lot of furniture. 4. It is now summer and
in stores many-to-many vegetables and fruits. 5.In thy Thae many Sahara?- No, not much. 6. In their
group little students, who know the language well. 7. You've made a number of errors in essay? -
No, only a few. 8. When I was here the last time,On this street there was little trees.
9. We have had far too little time, to catch the train. 10. On the street lots of snow. 11. In
cinema was little people. 12. In this part of the city not many institutions. 13. We have been
a nice spring,This year, there will be many apples. 14. In the bottle much milk? 15. A few years ago, in the city
was little broad beautiful streets. 16. It had many books in English, but
little in German. 17. On the shelf so many books,That it might fall off. 18. Please, do not keep quiet
so much. 19. I have a purse little money.- thou shalt take just a little bit from my bag. 20. I have mass
news, let's talk. 21. Why is today so little students at the University? 22.I do not
spent much of its time on the preparation of the report. 23. The Pavilion Pantry has many cups and a few
sleeves. 24. If I have to be a little bit of time, i'll come to you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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