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Сочинение на тему моя любимая книга

Сочинение на тему моя любимая книга

Хочу рассказать про свою любимую книгу "Бегущий в лабиринте. Я прочитала ее этой осенью и она просто запала мне в душу. Написал это великолепное произведение писатель Джеймс Дэшнер, чье творчество мне безумно нравится. Мне очень понравились три его книги:1. Бегущий в лабиринте. Испытание огнем. 3. Бегущий в лабиринте-Лекарство от смерти.
Лучше этих трех книг, просто-напросто нет! Так все загадочно и интересно с самого начала.Бегущий в лабиринте — фильм в жанре молодёжной антиутопии, основанный на одноимённой книге Джеймса Дэшнера. В главных ролях задействованы Дилан О’Брайэн, Томас Сангстер и Кая Скоделарио. Концептуальный дизайн фильма создал Ken Barthelmey.История подростка Томаса, попавшего на странном лифте в Глэйд — квадратное пространство, окружённое Лабиринтом. В Глэйде вместе с ним заперты около 60 других подростков, называющих себя глэйдерами. Ими руководит Алби, который первым оказался в этом месте. Юноши потеряли память. Всё, что они помнят о себе, это своё имя. Глэйдеры около трёх лет пытаются найти выход из Лабиринта, но не могут этого сделать, поскольку его конструкция меняется каждую ночь. Вдобавок в Лабиринте обитают жуткие чудовища гриверы, выползающие по ночам и убивающие всякого, кто не успел вернуться из Лабиринта в Глэйд до закрытия Дверей.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Essay on the topic, my favorite bookI want to tell you about his favorite book, "the maze Runner. I read it this fall and it just hooked me in the soul. Wrote this excellent piece by writer James Dashner, whose creativity I madly love. I really liked his three books: 1. Running in the maze. Trial by fire. 3. the maze Runner-a cure for death.Better these three books, simply no! So all mysterious and interesting from the start. the maze Runner-film in the genre of dystopian young, based on the eponymous book by James Dèšnera. Starring involves Dylan O'brien, Thomas Sangster and Kaya Skodelario. Conceptual design of the film created Ken Barthelmey. history of teenager Thomas, got a strange lift in Glèjd is a square space surrounded by a maze. In Glèjde with it locked up about 60 other teens, calling themselves glèjderami. Administered by Alby, who first appeared in this place. Boys lost memory. Everything they remember about myself, it's my name. Glèjdery about three years trying to find a way out of the labyrinth, but unable to do so because its design is changed every night. In addition, in a maze of eerie Monster inhabit grivery, vypolzaûŝie at night and killing anyone who failed to return from the maze in Glèjd prior to the closing of the doors.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The writing on the subject, my favorite book I want to tell you about their favorite book "Running in the labyrinth. I read it in the fall and it just sunk into my soul. Posted this magnificent work of writer James Dashner, whose work I am very like it. I really liked his three books 1. Running in the labyrinth. Trial by Fire. 3. Running in the labyrinth-cure for death. Better these three books simply do not! So all mysterious and interesting from the nachala.Beguschy in a maze - a film in the genre of youth dystopia based on the eponymous book by James Dashner. Actors involved Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Sangster and Kaya Scodelario. Conceptual design of the film created Barthelmey.Istoriya teenager Ken Thomas, got on an elevator in a strange Gleyd - square space surrounded by a maze. In Gleyde with him locked about 60 other teenagers calling themselves gleyderami. They are led by Albi, who first appeared in this place. The boys have lost the memory. All they remember about himself, is his name. Gleydery about three years trying to find a way out of the maze, but can not do so because its structure is changing every night. In addition, in the Labyrinth inhabit terrible monsters grivery, creeping out at night and kill anyone who did not return from the maze to Gleyd closed doors.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
An essay on the topic my favorite book

I wish to tell about their favorite book "The Quickie in the maze. I gave her this autumn and it simply proscribe me in per capita income. Wrote this is an excellent product of writer James Дэшнер,Whose creative love. I was very pleased with the three his book 1. The Quickie in the maze. Test fire. 3. The Quickie in the maze of medicine from death.
better these three books, simply no!So all hovers and interesting from the beginning.The Quickie in the labyrinth - movie genre in modern art. youth, based on the style book James Дэшнера. In the main roles are involved Dylan O'Su Misura service,Thomas Sangster and Kaya Скоделарио. Conceptual design film created Ken Bаrthelmey.History boy, Thomas, trapped in the bizarre lift in Глэид - square space, surrounded by labyrinth.In Глэиде together with him locked for 60 other adolescents, which claimed to be глэидерами. They are led by Vladimir Trofimov, who first proved to be in this location. Young men have lost their memory. All that they will recall the itself, this is your name.Глэидеры about three years trying to find a way out of the labyrinth, but are unable to do so, because its design changes every night. In addition in the maze animals horrible monsters гриверы,Выползающие at night and kill anyone who did not have the time to return from the labyrinth in Глэид prior to closing the doors.
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