Мой дорогой Жак!Спасибо что вы написали мне! Вы не забыли обо мне и дл перевод - Мой дорогой Жак!Спасибо что вы написали мне! Вы не забыли обо мне и дл английский как сказать

Мой дорогой Жак!Спасибо что вы напи

Мой дорогой Жак!
Спасибо что вы написали мне! Вы не забыли обо мне и для меня это большое счастье!Спасибо за замечательную фото!
В эти дни меня не было на территории, было очень много работы. Я уезжала из родного города и была в местах, где очень плохой интернет. Потому я не могла сообщить вам о том, как сильно я соскучилась!
Дорогой, я каждую минуту помню о вас, ценю очень что вы нашли время и написали мне!
Как ваши дела? Как настроение?
Для меня разлука с тобой, является самым нетерпимым и невыносимым временем.
Я хочу сказать, что каждый день, когда я не вижу тебя, моя голова и мои мысли, только и думают о тебе. Мои глаза ищут тебя в незнакомых силуэтах. И начинают гореть ярче, когда я вижу тебя рядом. Мне хочется, чтобы время входило в наше положение, и помогало нам идти быстрее друг без друга и наслаждаться бесконечностью времени когда мы вместе. Моя душа так привязана к тебе, что уже считает твою душу, половинкой своей.
Я хочу любимый, чтобы ты всегда улыбался. Хочу, чтобы время, не было так жестоко к нам.
Мне кажется ты и есть для меня та родственная душа, которую люди ищут целую жизнь, и бывает, что так и не находят.
Люди часто скрывают свои чувства и переживания. То, что мы чувствуем в разные мгновения может коснуться потаенного уголка в душе.
Я скучаю по тебе так, что хочется обнять тебя крепко-крепко и держать, не разжимая рук. Пока хватит сил. Окружить любовью, защищая от чужих недобрых взглядов. И только мое сердце будет тихонько дышать рядом с тобой. Прикоснуться бы губами к твоей шее, ища твой пульс. Найти. Поцеловать. Обжечь дыханием, услышав которое, ты все поймешь без слов…
Я скучаю по тебе. Сижу у окна и смотрю на небо, как будто оно принесет мне весточку от тебя.
С любовью
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My dear Jacques!Thanks that you wrote to me! You won't forget about me and for me it is a great happiness! Thank you for the wonderful photo!These days I haven't been inside, had a lot of work. I came away from his native city and was in places where a very bad Internet connection. Because I could not tell you how much I missed! Darling, I remember every minute of you, appreciate very that you take the time and write me! How are you? As the mood?For me parting with you is the most intolerable and the unbearable time.I want to say that every day when I see you, my head and my thoughts only, and think of you. My eyes are searching for you in unfamiliar silhouettes. And begin to burn brighter when I see you next. I wish that time was our situation and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we're together. My soul is so bound to you that already considers your soul, half of his. I loved that you always smiling. Want to see time not been so brutally toward us.It seems to me you are for me the soulmate, that people are looking for a lifetime, and sometimes never found.People often hide their feelings and experiences. What we feel at different moments can touch a recessed area in the shower.I miss you so much that I want to hug you tight-tight and keep not unclasping hands. Until enough strength. Surround with love from someone else's bad attitudes. And my heart will quietly breathe next to you. Touch the lips to your neck, looking for your heart rate. To find. Kiss. Burn the breath, hearing that, you all will understand without words ...I miss you. Sit by the window and look at the sky, as if it will bring me to hear from you.With love Irina
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My dear Jacques!
Thank you that you have written to me! You have not forgotten about me and for me it is a great happiness! Thank you for the wonderful photo!
These days I have not had in the territory, it was a lot of work. I was away from his native city was in a place where a very bad internet. Because I could not tell you how much I miss you!
Dear, I remember every minute of you, I appreciate very much that you have found time and wrote to me!
How are you? How are you?
To me, parting with you, is the most intolerant and intolerable time.
I want to say that every day when I see you, my head and my thoughts, just think of you. My eyes are looking for you in unfamiliar silhouette. And start to burn brighter when I see you next. I wish that time was part of our position and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we're together. My soul is so attached to you that have believed your soul, your half.
I want my love, that you are always smiling. I want to make the time, it was not so cruel to us.
I think you have for me, and that soul mate that people are looking for a lifetime, and it happens that way and do not find.
People often hide their feelings and experiences. What we feel at different moments can touch the hidden corners of the soul.
I miss you so, that I want to hug you tightly and keep, without moving his hands. While strong enough. Surrounded by love, protecting from prying evil views. Only my heart will breathe quietly beside you. Touch to his lips to your neck, searching for your heart rate. Find. Kiss. Burn breathing, hearing that, you will understand everything without words ...
I miss you. I sit by the window and look at the sky, as if it would bring me news of you.
With love
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My dear Jacques!
Thank You that you have written me! You have not forgotten about me and for me, this great happiness!Thank you very much for the excellent photo!
in these days I have not been in the territory, it was a lot of work.I boarded from their native city and was in the field, where a very bad internet. Because I do not have to inform you that, as far i am соскучилась!
Road, i remember every minute of you, I appreciate very much that you have found the time and write me!
How are you? As mood?
for me being separated from you, is the most intolerable and unbearable time.
I want to say that every day, when I do not see you, my head and my thoughts, and think only of you.My eyes are looking for thee in unfamiliar chenille patch detailing mixed with wool complete. And they are beginning to glow brighter, when I see you next. I want to ensure that the time was in our situation,And has helped us to go faster without each other and enjoy an abysmal time when we are together. My soul so tied to thee, that thou already considered per capita, halved citrus its.
I want to favorite, so that you are always smile when.I would like to, to ensure that the time has not been so badly to us.
i think you and I are to the sister soul, which people are looking for a whole life, and it is, that the so and do not find.
people often hide their feelings and consciousness. TheThat we feel in different moments can refer to uncorrected angle in the shower.
i i miss you so that you don't want cuddle you firmly, firmly and hold, not depressing palm rest. Until enough force. Surround love,By protecting from foster oneness views. And only my heart - mummy will breathe next to you. Touch to kiss your neck, thy temple pulse. To find. Kiss. Burn your breathing, when you hear that,You're all verdure without words ...
i i miss you. Sitting at the window and look at the sky, as if it would bring me swept from thee.
with love
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