Это было в один холодный вечер. Погода была ужасна: дул ледяной ветер  перевод - Это было в один холодный вечер. Погода была ужасна: дул ледяной ветер  английский как сказать

Это было в один холодный вечер. Пог

Это было в один холодный вечер. Погода была ужасна: дул ледяной ветер и шел снег. Автобус остановился посреди дороги. Приехала полиция и скорая помощь. Что же случилось? Утром работники фирмы "Ргшл" поехали в Лондон на конференцию.Но перед этим они зашли в кафе. Среди них поехал талантливый инженер-программист Оливер Джонсон. Директор компании ценил этого работника. Рядом с ОЛивер сидел его напарник Ник, который тоже представлял свою научную работу на конференции. Оливеру нужно было выпить таблетку,но воды он не взял. Ник предложил бутылку воды. Но Оливер не отказался. В итоге Оливеру стал плохо себя чувствовать и за несколько минут умер. За это дело взялся известный детектив Робби Смит. Он подозревал 3 человек: Ника, Дени и водителя автобуса. Он допрашивал каждого из них и выяснил что отравил Оливера Дени Грейс. Оказывается в то утро,когда все работнки зашли в кафе. Дени попросила своего друга,официанта,подсыпать в блюдо Оливера яд. Причина отравления: Дени хотел присвоить себе должность Оливера,а присвоил место в тюрьме.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It was one cold evening. The weather was terrible: icy wind blew and it was snowing. The bus stopped in the middle of the road. Police and ambulance arrived. What happened? In the morning, workers of the firm "Rgšl" went to London for the Conference, but before that they were at a café. Among them rode a talented software engineer Oliver Johnson. Director of the company that valued employee. Next to Oliver sat his team mate Nick, who also represented his scientific work at the Conference. Oliver had to drink a water pill, but it was not picked up. Nick offered a bottle of water. But Oliver has not declined. As a result, Oliver became feel bad and died within a few minutes. The case took a famous detective Robbie Smith. He suspected the man 3: NIKA, Denis and the bus driver. He questioned each of them and found out that poisoned Oliver Denis Grace. It turns out that morning, when all the rabotnki entered the cafe. Denis asked her friend, waiter to pour into dish Oliver poison. The cause of the poisoning: Denis wanted to usurp the post of Oliver, and assigned a place in jail.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It was a cold evening. The weather was horrible: cold wind was blowing and it was snowing. The bus stopped in the middle of the road. Arrived police and ambulance. What happened? Morning "Rgshl" company workers went to London for konferentsiyu.No before that they went into a cafe. Among them rode a talented software engineer Oliver Johnson. The director of this valued employee. Oliver sat next to his teammate Nick, who also presented his research work at the conference. Oliver had to take a pill, but he did not take the water. Nick offered a bottle of water. But Oliver refused. As a result, Oliver began to feel bad, and a few minutes died. For this it took the famous detective Robbie Smith. He suspected 3 persons: Nick Denis and the bus driver. He questioned each of them and found out that the poisoned Oliver Denis Grace. It turns out that morning, when all rabotnki went into a cafe. Denis asked his friend, the waiter to pour in Oliver dish poison. The cause of poisoning: Denis wanted to usurp the office of Oliver and conferred in prison.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it was a cold night. the weather was terrible, it was the cold wind and snow. the bus stop in the middle of the road. the police and an ambulance. what happened? in the morning the company "ргшл" come to london for the конференцию.но before they went into the cafe. among them was a talented software engineer oliver johnson. the ceo appreciated that employee. oliver sat next to his partner nick, who also represented his scientific work at the conference. oliver had to drink the pill, but he didn"t take. nick offered a bottle of water. but oliver refused. eventually, oliver became sick and died in a few minutes. this is the famous detective robbie smith. he had a 3 man: nick, denis and the bus driver. he interviewed each of them and found out that poisoned oliver denis grace. it turns out that morning, when all работнки went into the cafe. i asked my friend, waiter, put in the dish"s poison. the reason of poisoning: denis wanted to take the post of oliver, and took place in the prison.
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