По моему мнению нет особых различий между мной раньше и мной сейчас. И перевод - По моему мнению нет особых различий между мной раньше и мной сейчас. И английский как сказать

По моему мнению нет особых различий

По моему мнению нет особых различий между мной раньше и мной сейчас. Или это просто сложно для меня провести эти границы. Поменялись цели в жизни. Конечно, ведь с возрастом мы становимся более осознанным и мудрее, но я думаю, что ребенок не повзрослеет по настоящему пока он находится под опекой родителей. Я все еще хочу обладать силой ветра, мне нравится играть в снежки с друзьями, я хочу на море и в горы научится фристайлу. Чем старше мы становимся тем больше знаем и больше хотим. Не все знания оказываются хорошими и я бы хотела забыть очень много чего, просто выкинуть из головы ненужный мусор. Если говорить честно, то мне нравится ходить в школу, ведь учителя не научат плохому. Школа, институт или колледж - это время мечтаний и больших надежд в хорошее и успешное будущее, и если эти мечты не угаснут, и ты будешь стремятся воплотить их в реальность не опуская руки перед любыми даже самыми сложными препятствиями, то они приведут тебя куда только ты пожелаешь. На уроках географии я узнала много чего интересного и поэтому сейчас я хочу посетить страны, города и и их достопримечательности, о которых в детстве даже не догадывалась. Думаю это и есть те самые границы.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In my opinion there is no difference between me and before me now. Or it's just hard for me to hold these boundaries. Swapped goals in life. Of course, because as we age, we become more informed and wiser, but I think that the child is not truly Hayes while he is under the care of their parents. I still want to have the force of the wind, I like playing in the snow with my friends, I want to on the sea and in the mountains to learn freestyle. The older we get the more we know the more we want. Not all knowledge are good and I'd like to forget a lot of things just throw out unwanted debris out of your head. If we speak honestly, I like to go to school because teachers do not teach bad. School, Institute or College is a time of dreams and high hopes in good and successful future, and if these dreams will not, and you will seek to translate them into reality without dropping hands before any even the most difficult obstacles, they will lead you where you wish. Geography lessons I learned a lot of interesting things and therefore I now want to visit countries, cities and their sights in childhood do not even guess. I think this is the same border.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In my opinion there is little difference between me and before me now. Or it's just hard for me to hold these boundaries. Exchanged goals in life. Of course, as we age, we become more conscious and wiser, but I think that the child does not grow up until the present, he is under the care of parents. I still want to have the power of the wind, I like to play in the snow with my friends, I want the sea and the mountains to learn freestyle. The older we get the more and more want to know. Not all skills are good and I would like to forget a lot of things, just let go of the unnecessary waste. To be honest, I like to go to school, because the teachers do not teach bad. The school, college or college - the time of dreams and high expectations in a good and successful future, and if those dreams do not fade, and you will strive to translate them into reality is not dropping his hands in front of any, even the most difficult obstacles, they will lead you wherever you are wish. In geography lessons I have learned a lot of interesting things, and so now I want to visit the country, and the city and its attractions, which a child did not even know. I think this is the very border.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in my opinion, no significant differences between before and now. or it's just hard for me to hold the line. a goal in life. of course, with age, we become more informed and wise,but i think that the child grows out of this when he is under the care of their parents. i still want to have the power of wind, i like to play in the snow with my friends, i want to learn фристайлу sea and mountains.the older we get, the more and more want to know. not all skills are good, and i would like to forget a lot of things, just throw out garbage. to be honest,i like to go to school, but teachers do not teach it. school, university or college is a time for dreams and great hope in a good and successful future, and if these are not угаснут,and you're going to make them a reality not big hands before any even the most complex obstacles, they will lead you wherever you want.in geography, i learned a lot of interesting things, and so now i want to visit the country, the city and attractions, which i didn't even know. i think this is the border.

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