1. With the new countries in, the United Nations will for the first ti перевод - 1. With the new countries in, the United Nations will for the first ti английский как сказать

1. With the new countries in, the U

1. With the new countries in, the United Nations will for the first time include Britain’s allies and associates.
2. The ratification debate should take place as quickly as possible, it being understood that the president of the republic should not sign the treaty until the “preconditions” are fulfilled.
3. Objectives and plans established, the organizing function comes into play.
4. There being no survivors, the exact causes which led to the accident will never be known.
5. All other things being equal, one would assume that the latter solution is more plausible.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. With the new countries in the United Nations, will for the first time include Britain's allies and associates.2. The ratification debate should take place as quickly as possible, it being understood that the president of the republic should not sign the treaty until the "preconditions" are fulfilled.3. Objectives and plans established, the self-organizing function comes into play.4. There being no survivors, the exact causes which led to the accident will never be known.5. All other things being equal, one would assume that the latter solution which is more.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. with the new countries in the united nations will for the first time: britain's allies and associates.2. the ratification debate should take place as quickly as possible, it being understood that the president of the republic should not sign the treaty in the "preconditions" are fulfilled.3. objectives and plans by the organizing function comes into play.4. there being no survivors, the exact causes which led to the accident will never be known.5. all other things being equal, one would assume that the latter solution is more plausible.
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