1. существует вероятность, что единственный ребенок в семье часто буде перевод - 1. существует вероятность, что единственный ребенок в семье часто буде английский как сказать

1. существует вероятность, что един

1. существует вероятность, что единственный ребенок в семье часто будет испытывать чувство одиночества;

2. когда в семье растет один ребенок, то он пребывает в условиях сверхопеки и контроля, ему запрещают вести нормальную физическую активность, какую можно наблюдать у детей, которые растут с братьями и сестрами. Родители единственного ребенка проявляют излишнюю опеку для защиты своего отпрыска от любого физического ущерба;
подрастая, ребенок начинает бояться, что с родителями может что-то случиться, и он останется совсем один. С годами этот страх усиливается и может перерасти в комплексы или болезнь;
3. привыкая, что за него в детстве решают все проблемы родители, единственный ребенок и в будущем будет надеяться на чью-то помощь в решении любых, даже самых мелких вопросах;
4. имея небольшой опыт общения со своими сверстниками в младенчестве, единственный ребенок будет сталкиваться с проблемами взаимоотношений с одноклассниками в школе и с коллективом на работе в будущем.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. There is a possibility that an only child will often feel a sense of loneliness;2. when a child grows up in a family, then he is in a sverhopeki and control, it prohibits lead normal physical activity, which can be observed in children who are growing up with brothers and sisters. Parents only child have excessive care to protect his offspring from any physical damage;growing up, the child begins to fear that his parents might have something happen, and it will be all alone. Over the years, this fear is amplified and can develop into complexes or disease;3. getting used to that for him as a child decide all the problems parents, an only child, and in the future will rely on someone's assistance in solving any, even the most minor issues;4. having a small experience of communication with their peers in infancy, only child will be confronted with problems relationship with classmates at school and with the staff at work in the future.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1, there is a possibility that an only child will often feel a sense of loneliness; 2. when the family grows one child, it is in terms sverhopeki and control, it is forbidden to lead a normal physical activity, which can be observed in children who grow up with siblings. The parents of an only child custody been too to protect their offspring from any physical damage; growing up, the child begins to fear that their parents might have something to happen, and it will remain all alone. Over the years, this fear is amplified and can develop into complexes or disease; 3. used that for him as a child solve all the problems the parents, the only child in the future will rely on someone else's help in solving any, even the smallest matters; 4. having little experience with their peers in infancy, the only child will face challenges of relationships with classmates at school and with the team at work in the future.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. There is a chance that the only child in the family will often feel a sense of loneliness;lord 2. When the family is one of them a child, he spent in the сверхопеки and control,It prohibit lead a normal physical activity, which can be observed in children who grow up with brothers and sisters.Parents are the sole custody of the child are unnecessary for the protection of their father completely aback from any physical harm;
as I became older, the child begins to fear that, with the parents that might happen,And he will be remembered as one. With the years, this fear is amplified and can degenerate into complexes or disease;
3. flying, that for him in childhood address all the problems parents,The only child, and in the future will look to chew the assistance in the management of any, even the most minor matters;
4. having a small experience with their peers in the bog,The only child will be confronted with problems with classmates in school and with your team at work in the future.

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