Я живу в городе . Хотелось бы жить в Краснодаре. Этот город мне очень нравится. Он красивый, много парков, магазинов. И в Краснодаре у меня много Родиствеников живут
I live in the city. I would like to live in Krasnodar. I really like this town. He's beautiful, lots of parks, shops. And in Krasnodar I have many Rodistvenikov live
I live in. I would like to live in Krasnodar. The city I really like. It is beautiful, many parks and shops. And I have a lot Krasnodar Rodistvenikov live
i live in the city. would live in krasnodar. the city i like it very much. he's handsome, many parks, shops. and i have a lot of родиствеников living in krasnodar