как только все придут, мы будем обедать. Но мы не знаем точно, когда в перевод - как только все придут, мы будем обедать. Но мы не знаем точно, когда в английский как сказать

как только все придут, мы будем обе

как только все придут, мы будем обедать. Но мы не знаем точно, когда вернутся родители.
Спроси ее, придет ли она на вечер. Если она согласиться, все будут рады.
Он пришлет факс, как только прибудет в Рим. Он не знает, пробудет ли он там день или неделю.
Сли продюссер получит деньги, то он сделает прекрасный фильм. Но никто не знает, когда он их получит.
Интересно, будет ли завтра дождь. Если его не будет, то мы поедем за город.
Родители Макса не будут давать ему карманных денег до тех пор, пока он не исправит свои двойки. Он сомневается, сумеет ли он это сделать.
Спроси ее, согласится ли она помочь нам. Если она сделает это, то у нас не будет проблем.
Если корабль достигнет этой планеты, то ученые получат много интересных сведений. Интересно, скоро ли это произойдет?
Если я выпью этот кофе, то не смогу заснуть сегодня. Хотелось бы узнать, когда же ты перестанешь пить кофеипо вечерам?
Я сделаю это позже, если у меня будет время. Но я не знаю, когда оно у меня появится.
Никто не должен уходить, пока не вернётся управляющий, однако никто неизнает, когда он придет.
Если мы не получим факс сегодня, то завтра придётся лететь в Лондон. Интересно, сумеем ли мы купить билеты?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
as soon as all will come, we will have lunch. But we do not know exactly when the parents return. Ask her if she will come for the evening. If it is accepted, all will be happy.It will send the fax as soon as arrive in Rome. He does not know whether he will stay there for a day or a week. If the producer will get the money, then he will make a wonderful film. But no one knows when he will get them.I wonder whether there will be rain tomorrow. If it is not, then we'll go out of town.Max's parents would not give him pocket money until he has remedied his Deuce. He doubts whether he will be able to do it.Ask her if she would help us. If she does that, then we will have no problems.If the ship reaches the planet, scientists will get a lot of interesting information. I wonder whether that will happen soon?If I drink this coffee, then I won't be able to sleep tonight. I would like to know, when you stop to drink kofeipo evening?I'll do it later if I have time. But I don't know when I'll have it.No one should go away until you return, but Manager neiznaet, when he comes.If we do not receive fax today, then tomorrow will have to fly to London. I wonder whether we buy tickets?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
once all come, we will have dinner. But we do not know exactly when the parents return.
Ask her if she would come for the evening. If she agreed, all will be happy.
He will send the fax as soon arrive in Rome. He does not know whether he will stay there a day or a week.
Slee producer gets the money, he would make a great movie. But no one knows where he got them.
I wonder if rain tomorrow. If it is not, then we'll go out of town.
Parents Max will not give him pocket money as long as he does not correct his two. He doubts whether he will do it.
Ask her if she would help us. If it does, then we will have no problems.
If the ship reaches the planet, the scientists will have a lot of interesting information. I wonder how soon it will happen?
If I drink this coffee, you will not be able to sleep tonight. I would like to know when you stop drinking kofeipo evening?
I'll do it later if I have time. But I do not know when I will have it.
No one should leave until the control returns, but none neiznaet when he comes.
If we do not receive a fax today, then tomorrow will have to fly to London. I wonder whether we buy tickets?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
As soon as all will come, we will be open for lunch. But we do not know when exactly will return parents.
Ask her, whether or not it will be in the evening. If it was to accept, all will be happy.
it will send fax, as only will arrive in Rome. He does not know,Whether or not he will spend there day or a week.
Papac zubrs at liberty will receive money, he will make a great movie. But no one knows when it will be.
interesting, whether or not it will rain tomorrow. If it is not the case, we will go to the city.
Parents Max will not give him pocket money until such time as it will not correct their powers. He doubted, whether he will be able to do this.
ask her, would agree whether or not it to help us. If it would do this,We will not be problems.
if the ship reaches the planet, the scientists will have many interesting information. It is interesting, whether or not this will happen soon?
if i'll take a cup the coffee, it will not be able sleep today. I would also like to knowWhen you drink from my wife rebuked me кофеипо evenings?
I will do so at a later time, if I have time. But I do not know, when it appears to me.
no one should be used, as long as it does not return control, but no one неизнает,When it comes.
if we do not receive a fax today, tomorrow will have to fly to London. It is interesting, whether we are able to buy tickets?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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