Преступности и ее причинам могут быть даны психологические, социальные перевод - Преступности и ее причинам могут быть даны психологические, социальные английский как сказать

Преступности и ее причинам могут бы

Преступности и ее причинам могут быть даны психологические, социальные и философское объяснение . они дополняют друг друга, позволяя проанализировать причины преступности.
На индивидуальном уровне, причиной являются конфликт поведения человека с окружающей средой.
Попадая в проблемную ситуацию, человек выбирает преступный путь.
Но почему личность формируется таким образом? Следует обратиться к изучению современного общества. Очевидно, что причины преступности- политические, духовные и другие факторы, тесно связанные друг с другом.
Обстоятельства, ведущие к преступлению:
антиобщественное поведение родителей,
нервно - психологические заболевания родителей,
низкий уровень культуры в семье.
Негативные особенности поведения:
прежняя судимость,
негативное отношение к нравственным ценностям,
азартные игры.
Итак,преступность может возникнуть на основе взаимодействия личности и социальной среды.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Crime and its causes can be given psychological, social and philosophical explanation. they complement each other, allowing you to analyze the causes of crime.At the individual level, the cause of the conflict are human behavior with the environment.Getting to the problem situation, a person chooses a criminal way.But why personality is formed in this way? Should refer to the study of modern society. It is clear that the causes of crime, political, spiritual and other factors are closely related to each other.The circumstances leading to the offence:anti-social behaviour of their parents,alcoholism,neuro-psychological disorders parentslow level of culture in the family.Negative behaviors:previous convictionnegative attitudes towards moral values,spitefulness,drunkenness,gambling.So, crime may occur based on the interaction of the individual and the social environment.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Crime and its causes can be given psychological, social and philosophical explanation. they complement each other, allowing you to analyze the causes of crime.
At the individual level, the reason is the conflict of human behavior and the environment.
Once in a problematic situation, a person chooses a criminal path.
But why personality is formed in such a way? It should refer to the study of modern society. Obviously, the reason prestupnosti- political, religious and other factors are closely related to each other.
The circumstances leading to crime:
the antisocial behavior of parents,
nervous - psychological illness of parents,
low cultural level of the family.
Negative behaviors:
previous convictions,
negative attitude towards moral values,
Thus, crime may be based on the interaction between the individual and the social environment.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
crime and its reasons can be given to the psychological, social and philosophical explanation. they complement each other, allowing the analysis of the causes of crime. at the individual level.the cause is the conflict of human and environment. once in the problematic situation, a person chooses the criminal path. - but why personality is formed in such a way?it should be apply to the study of modern society. it is clear that the causes of crime, political, spiritual and other factors are closely related with each other.
the circumstances leading to the crime:
antisocial behaviour of parents' alcoholism,
the neuro psychological illness parents
low culture in the family.
the negative features of behaviour:
previous conviction.negative attitude to moral values,

bitchen, drinking, gambling. - so, the crime can be based on the interaction of individual and social environment.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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