1) В воскресенье мы ожидали приезда гостей. Мы ждали приезда бабушки у перевод - 1) В воскресенье мы ожидали приезда гостей. Мы ждали приезда бабушки у английский как сказать

1) В воскресенье мы ожидали приезда

1) В воскресенье мы ожидали приезда гостей. Мы ждали приезда бабушки уже два часа, но она все не приходила.
2) Педагогический факультет осуществляет подготовку преподавателей. Лучшие студенты оканчивают аспирантуру в университете.
3) Я рассчитываю вернуться очень скоро. Не жди меня в школе, иди домой.
4) – Я полагаю, вы голодны. Вам надо идти домой. – Но я не могу, я жду преподавателя, чтобы обсудить свои оценки с ним.
5) Я признаю свою ошибку. Я требовал от него слишком многого и пытался приучить его повиноваться мне.
6) Наш билет на три лица. А кинотеатр небольшой, всего на 200 человек.
7) Нас не пустили на лекцию, когда мы опоздали, хотя посещение лекций не было обязательным (было по выбору). Мы не ожидали, что наш преподаватель будет таким строгим.
8) Она забросила английский и занялась историей. Как легкомысленно с ее стороны.
9) Лекция была очень скучной и никто не слушал преподавателя.
10) Педагогический состав школы очень молодой. Все преподаватели – это большие энтузиасты, внимательные к ученикам.
11) Я понятия не имею, куда он ушел. Мы ожидали, что он придет вечером.
12) Этот бар вмещает всего 30 человек. У меня совсем другое представление о веселье. Давай пойдем куда-нибудь еще.
13) – Что он за человек? – Он хороший студент и хорошо успевает в институте.
14) – А как он выглядит? – Его легко узнать. Он очень высокий, с необычной прической.
15) Он признался, что украл эти деньги. Но на него это совсем не похоже.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) on Sunday we were expecting guests ' arrival. We waited for the arrival of grandmother already two hours, but it didn't come.2) the Faculty carries out preparation of teachers. The best students graduate from graduate school at the University.3) I hope to return very soon. Don't wait for me at school, go home.4)-I suppose you are hungry. You need to go home. -But I can't, I'm waiting for the teacher to discuss their assessment of him.5) I admit my mistake. I demanded him too much and tried to teach him to obey me.6) our ticket for three persons. And a small cinema, just 200 people.7) we are not allowed to go to a lecture, when we're late, while attending lectures was not mandatory (it was optional). We did not expect that our teacher is strict.8) She gave up English and history. As lightly on her part.9) lecture was very boring and nobody listened to teacher.10) school teaching staff is very young. All teachers is great, attentive enthusiasts to the disciples.11) I have no idea where he's gone. We expect that he will come tonight.12) this bar has a capacity of just 30 people. I have a completely different idea of fun. Let's go someplace else.13) is that he's a man? -He is a good student and a good time to the Institute.14)-and how it looks? Is it easy to learn. He is very tall, with an unusual hairdo.15) he admitted that he stole the money. But it doesn't seem to be.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) On Sunday, we were expecting the arrival of guests. We were waiting for the arrival grandmother for two hours, but she did not come.
2) Faculty of Education trains teachers. The best students graduating from graduate school at the University.
3) I hope to return very soon. Do not wait for me at school, go home.
4) - I think you're hungry. You need to go home. - But I can not, I'm waiting for the teacher to discuss their assessment of him.
5) I acknowledge my mistake. I demanded too much of him, and tried to teach him to obey me.
6) Our ticket for three persons. A small cinema, only 200 people.
7) We are not allowed to lecture, when we're late, although attendance of lectures was not compulsory (it was optional). We did not expect that our teacher would be so strict.
8) She brought her English and took up history. How lightly with her ​​hand.
9) The lecture was very boring and no one was listening to the teacher.
10) The teaching staff of the school is very young. All teachers - more enthusiastic and attentive to the disciples.
11) I have no idea where he went. We expect that it will come in the evening.
12) This bar holds only 30 people. I have a very different idea of fun. Let's go somewhere else.
13) - What kind of person he is? - He is a good student and a good time to the Institute.
14) - And he looks like? - It is easy to learn. He is very tall, with an unusual hairstyle.
15) He admitted that he stole the money. But it is not at all like.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(1) the sunday we were expecting the arrival of guests. we waited for the arrival of grandmother for two hours, but she never came.
2) faculty of education carries out the training of teachers.the best students coming out of graduate school at the university.
3) i hope to come back very soon. don't wait for me in school, go home.
4) - i guess you're hungry. you have to go home. - but i can't, i'm waiting for the teacherto discuss their evaluation of him.
5) i admit my mistake. i demanded from him too much and tried to get him to disobey me!
6) our ticket to the three faces. and the small, only 200 people.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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