У меня есть два питомца. Это морские свинки. Имя одной из свинок Молли, другой Растрепыш. Каждую неделю я чищу их клетку. И каждый день я их кормлю перед сном
I have two pet. It's guinea pigs. The name of one of the pigs Molly, the other Rastrepyš. Every week I'll groom them. And I feed them every day at bedtime
I have two pet. This guinea pigs. Name one of the pigs, Molly, another Rastrepysh. Every week I clean their cage. And every day I feed them before bedtime
I have two pet. This is marine infants. Name of one of the sows Molly, another Растрепыш. Every week i do it their cage. And every day i their Ayu joins me before you go to bed at night more multitasking performance