В Соединенных Штатах Америки, Великобритании и многих других англоязыч перевод - В Соединенных Штатах Америки, Великобритании и многих других англоязыч английский как сказать

В Соединенных Штатах Америки, Велик

В Соединенных Штатах Америки, Великобритании и многих других англоязычных стран закон хабеас корпус гарантирует, что никто не может проводиться в тюрьме без суда и следствия. Хабеас корпус стал Закон из-за диких партия провела в 1621 году в доме Лондона заведомо дебошир леди, Алиса Робинсон. Когда констебль появился и спросил ее и ее Гости успокоились, г-жа Робинсон якобы обругал его так сильно, что он арестован ее, и местные судьи, совершенные ее в тюрьму. Когда она наконец предстал перед судом, миссис Робинсон история ее лечения в тюрьме вызвало гневный протест. Она была на диете наказания из хлеба и воды, вынуждены спать на голой земле, раздели и получила 50 ударам плетью. Такое лечение было варварским даже по суровым стандартам того времени; что сделало его хуже было, что г-жа Робинсон была беременна. Общественный гнев был настолько велик, что она была признана невиновной, констеблем, который ей арестован без предъявления ордера был отправлен в тюрьму, и судья был выговор. И дела, а также других аналогичных случаях, привело к принятию закона о хабеас корпус в Великобритании в 1679 году. Закон все еще находится на британских книг Статут, и его версии используется в Соединенных Штатах, где закон рассматривается как такой важной гарантией свободы, статья 1 Конституции провозглашает, что «хабеас корпус не приостанавливается за исключением в случае восстания или вторжения». Хабеас корпус является частью Латинской фразы - хабеас корпус ad subjiciendum - что означает «Пусть тело предстать перед судьей». По сути, приказа хабеас корпус является приказ от имени народа (или, в Великобритании, суверенной) одновременно производить заключении лица в суде.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the United States, Britain and many other English-speaking countries, the law of habeas corpus guarantees that no one shall be held in prison without charge or trial. Habeas corpus became Law because of a wild party held in the year 1621 in London's notoriously rowdy House Lady, Alice Robinson. When Constable appeared and asked her and her Guests calmed down, Ms. Robinson allegedly cursed him so hard that he arrested her, and local judges, committed her to jail. When she finally appeared before the Court, Mrs Robinson, the history of its treatment in prison caused an outcry. She was on a diet of bread and water punishment, forced to sleep on the bare ground, stripped and received 50 lashes. Such treatment was barbaric even by the grim standards of the time; What made it worse was that Ms. Robinson was pregnant. Public anger was so great that she was acquitted, Constable, it arrested without a warrant and was sent to prison, and the judge was reprimanded. And businesses, as well as other similar cases had resulted in the adoption of the law on habeas corpus in Great Britain in the year 1679. The law is still on the British Statute books, and his version is used in the United States, where the law is regarded as such an important guarantee of freedom, article 1 of the Constitution establishes that "the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in the case of rebellion or invasion." Habeas corpus is part of the Latin phrase-habeas corpus ad subjiciendum-which means "Let the body be brought before a judge. In fact, the writ of habeas corpus is a writ on behalf of the people (or, in the uk, the sovereign) simultaneously produce custody in court.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the United States, Great Britain and many other English-speaking countries the law of habeas corpus ensures that no one can be held in prison without trial. Habeas corpus has become law because of the wild party held in 1621 in London's notoriously rowdy house lady, Alice Robinson. When the constable came and asked her and her guests settled down, Mrs. Robinson allegedly abused him so much that he arrested her, and the local judge committed her to prison. When she finally appeared before the court, Mrs Robinson, the story of her treatment in prison has caused an outcry. She was on a diet punishment of bread and water, forced to sleep on the bare ground, stripped and received 50 lashes. Such treatment was barbaric even by the harsh standards of the time; what made it worse was that Ms. Robinson was pregnant. Public anger was so great that she was acquitted, the constable who arrested her without warrant was sent to prison, and the judge was reprimanded. And the case and other similar cases, led to the adoption of the law on habeas corpus in the United Kingdom in 1679. The law is still on the statute books of the British, and its version used in the United States, where the law is regarded as such an important guarantee of freedom, Article 1 of the Constitution states that "habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in case of rebellion or invasion." Habeas corpus is part of the Latin phrase - habeas corpus ad subjiciendum - which means "Let the body be brought before a judge." In fact, the order is an order of habeas corpus on behalf of the people (or, in the UK, the sovereign) to simultaneously imprisoned person in court.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the united states of america, britain and many other english speaking countries, the habeas corpus act provides that no one may be held in jail without trial.the remedy of habeas corpus was the act of the wild party held in 1621, the house of london known дебошир lady alice robinson. when the policeman came and asked her and her guests atms. robinson reportedly swore at him so much that he arrested her and local judges committed her to the prison. when she finally appeared in court, mrs. robinson, the history of its treatment in prison caused an angry protest.she was on a diet of bread and water), forced to sleep on bare earth, stripped and received 50 lashes. such treatment was a barbaric even by standards of the time; what made it worse.what ms. robinson was pregnant. public anger was so great that she was deemed innocent, with which she was arrested without a warrant was sent to jail, and the judge was reprimanded. and cases
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