Английские пабы – это места, где продают всевозможные напитки, где мож перевод - Английские пабы – это места, где продают всевозможные напитки, где мож английский как сказать

Английские пабы – это места, где пр

Английские пабы – это места, где продают всевозможные напитки, где можно провести вечер с компанией друзей. Свое зарождение пабы начали именно в Великобритании, где-то с девятисотых годов (им больше тысячи лет, что автоматически делает их одними из самых интересных мест Англии), поэтому именно там их сейчас насчитывается больше всего. Довольно часто люди полагают, что в британских пабах не принято есть. А между тем, паб в Великобритании можно назвать рестораном. Раньше там действительно можно было купить только спиртное, а вот сейчас можно найти не только мелкие закуски вроде чипсов и орешков, но и вполне полноценные блюда со всех уголков британской кухни. Причем иногда вкусную еду покупают чаще чем алкоголь. Пабы есть повсюду. Это национальная гордость. И в маленьких городах Англии, и в столице Великобритании их довольно много. Интересны и посетители пабов. Если раньше законы Великобритании запрещали детям до 14 лет даже переступать порог таких заведений, а еще ранее туда не пускали даже женщин, то сейчас входы открыты всем. Поэтому очень часто, зайдя в паб, можно полюбоваться картиной милой семейной идиллии. Многие семьи там обедают и проводят совместные вечера. Из алкоголя чаще всего в пабах заказывают пиво. В Великобритании пиво очень жалуют, быть может, потому что оно дешевле всех других напитков. Любой паб старается предоставить как можно больше видов пива, ведь это – их визитная карточка. А в некоторых пабах можно найти даже пиво, которого нет ни в одном магазине, чему особо рады приезжие туристы. Интерьер британских пабов очень своеобразен. Обычно там есть два зала, разделенных стеной или перегородкой. Непременно есть барная стойка – главный атрибут паба. В целом, стиль пабов достаточно сдержанный и строгий, как и вся выдержанная классика Англии. Свет здесь обычно приглушенный, получается такая атмосфера уединенности и комфорта. Чаще всего в интерьере пабов используется дерево, которое владельцы британских пабов любят сочетать с картинами разных эпох и различными витыми переплетениями. Но и это не все интересные моменты. В пабах, помимо всего прочего, можно провести день играючи, в прямом смысле этого слова. Футбольные трансляции, бильярд, дартс – все что угодно на любителя. Изюминкой же считается пабовая викторина – их проводят обычно раз в неделю, по выходным, и посетители соревнуются в том, чтобы дать больше правильных ответов на всевозможные вопросы. А победителю иногда достается кружка любимого напитка в качестве приза. Британские пабы обязательно стоит посетить всем, кто хотя бы раз планирует вообще побывать за границей. Ведь мало где еще можно посмотреть на местных жителей, попробовать местное великолепное пиво, стать участником пабовой викторины, ощутить на себе всю атмосферу британской классики – и все это за один раз!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
English pubs is a place where they sell all sorts of drinks, where you can spend an evening with a group of friends. Its emergence pubs started in the uk, somewhere in the devâtisotyh biennium (more than a thousand years, that automatically makes them one of the most interesting places in England), so this is where they now number more than anything. Quite often people believe that in British pubs are not accepted there. Meanwhile, British pub can be called. Before there's really only one could buy liquor, and now you can find not only small snacks like chips and nuts, but also quite full meals from all corners of British cuisine. Sometimes tasty food is bought more often than alcohol. Pubs are everywhere. It's national pride. And in small cities in England, and the uk capital them quite a lot. Interesting and customers of pubs. If earlier the Uk laws prohibiting children under 14 years even crossed the threshold of such establishments, and even earlier there were not allowed even to women, it is now open to all inputs. Therefore, very often, going to the pub, you can admire the picture of the cute family Idyll. Many families there having dinner and hold joint pm. Of alcohol in pubs more often bought beer. In the uk a beer really complaining, perhaps because it is cheaper than all the other drinks. Any pub strives to provide as many kinds of beer, after all it is their calling card. And some pubs can be found even a beer, which is not in any store, which particularly delighted visitors tourists. The Interior of the British pub is very distinctive. Usually there are two rooms, separated by a wall or partition. Certainly there are bar-the main attribute of the pub. In General, the style of discreet enough and close pubs, like all seasoned classic England. The light here is usually muted, it turns out such an atmosphere of privacy and comfort. More often than not in the Interior of the pub is used wood, which the owners of British pubs like combined with paintings from different epochs and various twisted interlacing. But that's not all the interesting moments. In pubs, among other things, you can spend the day playing, in the truest sense of the word. Soccer, billiards, darts-anything. The highlight is Pub-Quiz-they spend usually once a week, on weekends, and customers compete to provide more correct answers to all sorts of questions. And the winner gets sometimes mug drink as a prize. British pubs to visit all those who at least once plans generally visit abroad. After all, where little can show for the locals, try the local excellent beer, become a party to the pabovoj quizzes, feel the atmosphere of the entire British Classics-all at once!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
English pubs - a place where they sell all kinds of drinks, where you can spend the evening with a group of friends. Its emergence was started pubs in the UK, somewhere in the beginning of this century (it more than a thousand years, which automatically makes them one of the most interesting places in England), so that is where it now has the most. Quite often, people believe that in British pubs have been made. Meanwhile, a pub in the UK can be called a restaurant. Previously, there really could only buy alcohol, but now you can find not only small snacks like chips and nuts, but also quite full meals from all corners of British cuisine. And sometimes buy delicious food more often than alcohol. Pubs are everywhere. It is a national pride. And in small towns in England, and in the capital of the UK there are many. Interesting pubs and visitors. If earlier UK laws prohibit children under 14 years even cross the threshold of such establishments, and before that there were not even allowed women, it is now open to all the inputs. So very often, going to the pub, you can admire the picture of a cute family idyll. Many families have dinner there and spend the evening together. Because alcohol is most often bought beer in pubs. In the UK, the beer is very favor, perhaps because it is cheaper than all the other drinks. Any pub tries to provide as many types of beer, it's - their business card. And in some pubs can be found even beer, which is not found in any store, something very pleased to visiting tourists. Interior of British pubs are very peculiar. Usually there are two rooms separated by a wall or partition. Be sure to have a bar - the main attribute of a pub. In general, the style pubs quite restrained and austere, like all seasoned classics England. Light is usually subdued, obtained such an atmosphere of privacy and comfort. Most often used in the interior of pubs tree that owners of British pubs like to combine with paintings from different eras and different twisted weave. But this is not all the interesting moments. In pubs, among other things, you can spend the day playing, in the truest sense of the word. Football broadcast, billiards, darts - anything an amateur. The highlight of the pub quiz is considered - they are usually carried out once a week, on weekends, and visitors compete to give more correct answers to all sorts of questions. And the winner gets to sometimes drink a mug as a prize. British pubs worth a visit to anyone who at least once even planning to go abroad. After all, few places you can still look at the locals, try the excellent local beer, pub quizzes to become a party, feel the whole atmosphere of the British classics - all at once!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
English pubs - this is the place, where selling various drinks, where you can hold your evening with friends company. Its emergence pubs have begun it is in great Britain, where the area called Coppedè (them more than one thousand years,That automatically makes them one of the most interesting places England), so that is where there are now more than just. Quite often people believe that in British pubs are not accepted. In the meantime,A pub in the UK can be described as a restaurant. Before there was indeed could buy only about money, and now you can find not only small snacks like chips and crunchy,But it is quite rich cuisine from all corners British cuisine. And sometimes delicious food buy more often than alcohol. Pubs are everywhere. This is national pride. And in small towns England,And in the capital of Great Britain. Interesting and visitors pubs. If earlier laws prohibit children up to 14 years even crossed the threshold such institutions, and had previously there was not allowed even women,It is now open to all inputs. It is therefore very often, going to a pub, you can admire the picture sweet family waterfalls. Many families in Nizhnevartovsk and conducting joint evening. From the alcohol most often in pubs ordering beer.In Great Britain beer is very granting it, it may be, because it is cheaper than all the other beverages. Any pub is trying to provide as much as possible types of beer, because it is their business card.And in some pubs can be found even beer, which is not available in one store, which is particularly pleased visitors tourists. The interior british pubs are very different. Usually there are two conference rooms, separated by a wall or partition.Surely there is a bar counter - the main attribute pub. In general, the style pubs enough moderate and strict, as the entire displayed a classic England. Light here is usually softer,It is this atmosphere privacy and comfort. Most often, the interior pubs used tree, which the owners british pubs love combined with paintings from different eras and different twisted weaves.But this is not all interesting points. In pubs, among other things, you can spend a day if you like Beethoven, in the truest sense of the word. Football broadcast, billiards, darts, all that you want on the lover.Same is considered to be the centerpiece пабовая quiz - their will be escorted normally once a week, on the weekends, and visitors are competing to give more correct answers to all kinds of questions.A winner sometimes disreputable mug drink as a prize. British pubs to visit all those who at least once plans at all to visit abroad.But where there is little more you can look at the local inhabitants, try local excellent beer, and to become a party to пабовои quizzes, even feel the entire atmosphere British classics - and all of this at once!
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