Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин! Это имя знакомо каждому не только в нашей стр перевод - Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин! Это имя знакомо каждому не только в нашей стр английский как сказать

Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин! Это имя зн

Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин! Это имя знакомо каждому не только в нашей стране, но и во всём мире, о нём мы знаем с раннего детства. Это он стал первым в мире космонавтом за всю историю человечества. Совсем недолго он был там в космосе. Но какие это были минуты! Народ нашей страны ликовал и гордился тем, что первый в мире в космос полетел наш советский лётчик. Это произошло 12 апреля 1961 года. Какая это была сенсация во всём мире! Человек облетел на космическом корабле «Восток» вокруг Земли и благополучно вернулся. Он видел нашу планету из космоса. Юрий Гагарин стал настоящим героем. Он прославил нашу страну, показал, на что способен советский народ, наши учёные, конструкторы, рабочие. Они создали первый в мире пилотируемый космический корабль. Сначала в космос летали собачки, но это был эксперимент над животными. Но человек, покоривший космос, это огромное достижение нашей страны!Гагарина любили все, не только в Советском Союзе, но и во всём мире. В 1961 году ему дали звание полковника и героя СССР. Его именем были названы улицы, проспекты, учебные заведения и даже кратер на обратной стороне Луны. Но жизнь Гагарина оказалась недолгой. Он был не только космонавтом, но и лётчиком. А лётчик не может не летать, не может без неба. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин трагически погиб в 1968 году при испытании самолёта вместе с лётчиком Серёгиным. Это было огромное горе, страна потеряла прекрасного человека, талантливого, обаятельного, с ослепительной улыбкой. Но память о нём осталась. Он навсегда остался первым в памяти миллионов людей, и все до сих пор гордятся им!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

Yuri Gagarin! This name is familiar to everyone, not only in our country but around the world, we know about it in early childhood. He became the world's first spaceman in the history of mankind. A very short time he was there in space. But what a minute! The people of my country was jubilant and proud of being the first in the world in our Soviet pilot flew to space. It was April 12, 1961. Which it was a sensation in the whole world! The man flew on a spaceship "Vostok" around the Earth and returned safely. He saw our planet from space. Yuri Gagarin was the real hero. He glorified our country, showed the potential Soviet people, our scientists, engineers, and workers. They have created the world's first manned spaceship. First in space were dogs, but it was an experiment on animals. But the man who conquered space, this is a great achievement of our country! the Gagarin loved everything, not only in the Soviet Union, but in the whole world. In 1961, he was given the rank of Colonel and hero of the SOVIET UNION. His name was named streets, avenues, schools and even a crater on the far side of the moon. But life was short-lived. Gagarina He was not only the spaceman, but the pilot. A pilot cannot fly, can not without the sky. Yuri Gagarin died in 1968, when testing the aircraft together with the pilot Serëginym. It was a huge mountain, the country lost a wonderful person, talented, charming, with a dazzling smile. But the memory of it remained. He will forever remain first in the memory of millions of people, and all still proud of them!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Yuri Gagarin! This name is familiar to everyone, not only in our country but around the world, we know about it from early childhood. It became the first astronaut in the world in the history of mankind. Just a short time he was there in space. But what were the minutes! People of our country rejoiced and proud that the world's first flew in space our Soviet pilot. It took place on 12 April 1961. What it was a sensation in the world! People circled on a spaceship "Vostok" around the Earth and returned safely. He saw our planet from space. Yuri Gagarin became a hero. He glorified our country showed what a Soviet people, our scientists, designers and workers. They have created the world's first manned spacecraft. First flew into space dog, but it was an experiment on animals. But the man who conquered space, it is a great achievement of our country! Gagarin was loved by all, not only in the Soviet Union, but also worldwide. In 1961 he was given the rank of colonel and hero of the USSR. His were named streets, avenues, schools and even a crater on the side of the Moon. But life Gagarin was short-lived. He was not only an astronaut but also a pilot. A pilot can not fly, can not do without the sky. Yuri Gagarin died tragically in 1968 in a test aircraft with a pilot Seregin. It was a huge mountain, the country has lost a wonderful person, talented, charming, with a dazzling smile. But the memory of it remained. He will forever remain in the memory of the first of millions of people, and all are still proud of it!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin! This name is familiar to each not only in our country, but also in the world, the we know from early childhood. It was the first in the world an astronaut in the history of mankind.Just a little longer he was there in space. But what are the minutes! The people of our country and Valentina romanova-chyskyyraj was quite proud that the first in the world in space flew our Soviet pilots. This occurred on 12 April 1961.What is this was a sensation in the world! People orbited the outer boat "East" around the Earth and safely returned. He saw our planet from space. Yuri Gagarin became a genuine hero.He labors with our country, has shown, that is capable to the Soviet people, our scientists, designers, working. They have created the world's first manned space rocket ship. First in space illusory pawl,But this was an experiment on animals. But man, with Lola Ponco space, this is a great achievement of our country!bomber loved all, not only in the Soviet Union, but also in the world.In 1961, he was given rank of colonel and hero of the USSR. His name had been named street, pamphlets, educational institutions and even crater on the back side of the Moon. But Yuri Gagarin's life has been lived. He was not only an astronaut,But and pilot. A pilot cannot fly, cannot without sky. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin died tragically in 1968, when testing an aircraft, together with pilot Серегиным. This was a great grief,Country has lost a great human rights, talented, Elena Molokhovets, Irlanda smile. But memory of it remained. It was for the first time in the memory of millions of people, and all are still proud of them!
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