Партнерское предложениеВилла с гарантированным арендным доходом 6% год перевод - Партнерское предложениеВилла с гарантированным арендным доходом 6% год английский как сказать

Партнерское предложениеВилла с гара

Партнерское предложение
Вилла с гарантированным арендным доходом 6% годовых в Евро
за 2/3 от стоимости.

1. Инвестор приобретает виллу в собственность заплатив 2/3 ее стоимости.
Стоимость виллы - 310 тыс. Надо заплатить 200 тыс. Евро
Сделка проходит при участии Европейского банка
2. Вилла гарантированно арендована на 5 лет с доходностью 6% годовых и находится в залоге у Продавца.
3. Инвестор может не выплачивать оставшуюся часть стоимости виллы в течение 5-ти лет, и получать 2/3 арендного дохода.
4. По истечении 5 лет Инвестор вправе:
- пролонгировать договор аренды на 5 лет;
- воспользоваться опцией обратного выкупа;
- выкупить виллу и использовать самостоятельно.
5. Арендный доход выплачивается ежеквартально равными частями, начиная с 01.06.2016 года.
6. Инвестору может быть предоставлен кредит от Европейского банка по ставке 5% годовых в Евро.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Partnership proposalVilla with a guaranteed rental income of 6% per annum in EURover 2/3 of the cost.1. an investor buys a villa in property by paying 2/3 of its value. Prices villas-310 thousand. Have to pay 200 thousand. Euro The transaction takes place with the participation of the European Bank for2. Villa is guaranteed to be rented for 5 years with a yield of 6% per annum and is located in the mortgage from the seller.3. investor might not pay the remainder of the cost of the villa for 5 years, and receive 2/3 of rental income.4. after 5 years, the investor shall have the right to: -to prolong the lease for 5 years; -use the option of redemption;-redeem your villa and use yourself.5. Rental income is paid quarterly installments, starting with a 01.06.2016 year.6. Investor may be granted a loan from the European Bank at the rate of 5% per annum in euro.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Partnership Offer
Villa with a guaranteed rental income of 6% per annum in Euro
for 2/3 of the cost. 1. Investor acquires ownership of a villa in paying 2/3 of the cost. The cost of the villa - 310 thousand. It is necessary to pay 200 thousand. Euro Deal held with the participation of the European Bank 2. Villa rented guaranteed for 5 years with a yield of 6% per annum and is pledged to the Seller. 3. An investor can not pay the cost of the remainder of the villa for 5 years, and have 2/3 of the rental income. 4. After 5 years, investors have the right to: - to prolong the lease for five years - have the option to repurchase; - to buy and use their own villa. 5. Rental income is paid quarterly in equal installments starting from 01.06.2016 year. 6. The investor may be granted a loan from the European Bank at the rate of 5% per annum in the euro.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the partnership proposal
villa with guaranteed rental income of 6% per annum in the euro
2 / 3 of the room.

1. the investor buys the villa property for 2 / 3 of its value.
the villas - 310 thousand.you have to pay 200 thousand. euro
deal passes, with the participation of the european bank
2. the villa is guaranteed for 5 years with a mean of 6% per annum, and is in the mortgage seller.
3.the investor can not pay the remaining amount villas within 5 years, and receive 2 / 3 of rental income.
4. after 5 years, the investor may:
- prolong the lease 5 years.- use the option of reverse ransom;
- buy a villa and used independently.
5. rental income is paid quarterly instalments, commencing with the 01.06.2016.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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