А Она надевает плащ, берет табаку в дорогу и отправляется в противопол перевод - А Она надевает плащ, берет табаку в дорогу и отправляется в противопол английский как сказать

А Она надевает плащ, берет табаку в

А Она надевает плащ, берет табаку в дорогу и отправляется в противоположную сторону, к войне и голодным детям. Забирая души с собой, по дороге она всегда читает им сказку и вкладывает в ладонь имбирное печенье.
Умирать в такие дни совсем не страшно.
Сколько ей лет? Этого уж точно никто не знает. Одно явно: среди огромного количества знакомых за бессчётное число прошедших лет у Неё есть только один друг. Когда весь день Она шагает по лесу на Север, а потом резко разворачивается на Запад, друг не спрашивает, почему. Когда неделю не спит она по ночам, как не спит и днями, а потом целый месяц не просыпается под звуки дождя, друг собирает хворост и не дает огню в очаге погаснуть. И все же несколько раз в году друг пропадает на долгие дни и недели.
Тебе кажется мой рассказ странным, несбыточным? Думаешь Её нет? Хм, может ты и прав. Но вот не одну тысячу лет говорят, что Она прячется в непослушной рыжей прядке за ухом, в янтарной точке правого глаза.И то, что ты считаешь недостатками, она бережет как самое дорогое свое сокровище.
Думаешь, Её нет?..
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
And She puts on a raincoat, takes snuff in the road and goes in the opposite direction, towards war and hungry children. Taking away the soul with you along the way, she always reads them a story and puts in the Palm of the gingerbread cookie.Die these days is no big deal.How old is she? This certainly no one knows. One thing clearly: among the vast numbers of acquaintances for a countless number of the years, it has only one friend. When the whole day she walks through the Woods to the North, and then sharply turns to the West, a friend asked why. Once a week she does not sleep at night, like sleep, or days, and then the whole month of not waking up to the sound of rain, each collects firewood and fire in the fireplace off. And yet several times a year, each lost for days and weeks.You think my story is strange, unreal? Do you think It is? Hmm, maybe you're right. But that's not one thousand years say that she hides in a naughty redhead part behind the ear, in the amber point right eye. and what you consider weaknesses, it saves as the most precious treasure.Do you think Its not?..
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
She wears a cloak, takes snuff on the road and goes in the opposite direction to the war and hungry children. Taking souls with him on the way she always reads them a story and puts in the palm of ginger biscuits.
Dying in those days, not scary.
How old is she? This is certainly no one knows. One clearly: among the vast number of friends for countless years past it has only one friend. When the whole day, she walks through the woods to the north, and then abruptly turns to the West, one does not ask why. Once a week she does not sleep at night, and he does not sleep for days, and then a month does not wake up to the sound of rain, one collects firewood and does not go out the fire in the hearth. And yet, several times a year each lost for many days and weeks.
You think my story strange goose? She's not thinking? Hmm, maybe you're right. But that's more than a thousand years says she hides in naughty red locks behind the ear, in amber at the right glaza.I what you think drawbacks as it protects your most precious treasure.
Think Its not? ..
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
She wears a raincoat, takes tobacco in the road and is sent to the opposite side, to war and hungry children. Won't showers with a, on the road it has always reads them a story and invests in the palm имбирное biscuits.
Die in such days are not scared.
How old is she? This is no one knows. One is clearly: among a great number of familiar for the countless number of years it has only one each.When the entire day it definitively in the forest to the north, and then it turns to the West, each is not asked why. When a week is not sleeps it at night, as well as not sleeping and days, and then a month is not wakes the sounds rain,Each collects firewood and does not provide a fire in the hearth go out. And all same several times a year, each disappears in the long days and weeks.
do you think my story strange, evolutionary process itself? There is no thinking about it? Hum, can you and rights.But that is not one thousand years it is said that she hides in непослушнои perhaps reached marriageable age for the ear, the amber point right eye.And the fact that you think shortcomings, it a penny saved is a penny earned as the most expensive its treasure.
they think, its not?..
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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