В песне Stressed Out и в клипе рассказывается как трудно взрослеть. Де перевод - В песне Stressed Out и в клипе рассказывается как трудно взрослеть. Де английский как сказать

В песне Stressed Out и в клипе расс

В песне Stressed Out и в клипе рассказывается как трудно взрослеть. Детство — один из центральных образов Stressed Out, это золотая эпоха, в которую лирический герой отчаянно хочет вернуться, о чём и говорит прямым текстом в припеве: Wish we could turn back time // To the good old days // When our momma sang us to sleep («Как бы мы хотели вернуться // В старое доброе время // Когда мама убаюкивала нас колыбельной»). С детством связаны самые тёплые, уютные воспоминания, красочные образы: неуловимый запах (Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young // How come I’m never able to identify where it’s coming from?), знакомый ручей (Home grown, the stone’s throw from a creek we used to roam), домики на деревьях (tree house homes).

На уровне видео возвращение в детство происходит самым буквальным образом. Клип снят в реальных домах, где прошло детство участников группы Тайлера и Джоша. По сути они играют самих себя в прошлом: катаются на огромных, нелепых трёхколёсных велосипедах; используют комически затянутое «тайное приветствие»; носят одежду, больше подходящую для подростков, нежели для взрослых мужчин; репетируют прямо в спальне за неимением более подходящих помещений.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Song Stressed Out and in the video explains how difficult it is to grow up. Childhood is one of the central images Stressed Out, it's golden era, in which the lyrical hero desperately wants to go back to what and said in plain text in the chorus: Wish we could turn back time//To the good old days//When our momma sang us to sleep ("As we wanted to get back in good old time//when Mama ubajukivala us a Lullaby"). Childhood are linked most of the warm, cozy memories, colorful images: the elusive smell (Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young//How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from?) familiar Creek (Home grown, a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam), cabins in the trees (tree house homes).At the level of video return to childhood takes place in the most literal way. Clip filmed in actual homes where childhood team members Tyler and Josh. In fact they played themselves in the past: ride on huge, ridiculous trjohkoljosnyh bicycles; using comically prolonged "secret greeting"; wear clothes more suitable for teenagers than for adult males; rehearse right in the bedroom for lack of a more suitable premises.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The song Stressed Out and in the video explains how difficult it is to grow up. Childhood - one of the central images of Stressed Out, a golden era in which the lyrical hero desperately wants to return, and what says in plain text in the chorus: Wish we could turn back time // To the good old days // When our momma sang us to sleep ( «As much as we wanted to return // In the good old days // When she lulled us lullaby"). Since childhood, associated with the most warm, cozy memories, colorful images: the elusive smell (Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young // How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from?), A familiar creek (Home grown, the stone's throw from a creek we used to roam), houses in trees (tree house homes).

at the level of the video there is a return to childhood the most literal way. The clip was shot in real homes where Childhood band members Josh and Tyler. In fact, they play themselves in the past: ride on huge, ridiculous tricycle; use comically tightened "secret cheer"; wear clothes more suitable for teenagers than for men; rehearsing right in the bedroom for the lack of more suitable premises.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the song Stressed out and video highlights how difficult it is to grow up. childhood is one of the central images Stressed out, this is a golden era, in which the lyric hero desperately wants to come, what says specifically in chorus: wish i could turn back time / / to the good old days / when our momma sang us to sleep ("how would we like to return / / old time / when my mother rocked me us колыбельной»). when connected with the warm, cozy memories, colorful images: the elusive smell (sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when i was young / / how come i'm never able to identify where it's coming from? a friend of mine creek (home grown, the stone's throw from a creek we used to roam) houses in trees (tree house homes).at the level of the video return in childhood is the most literal way. music video filmed in real homes, where's childhood band members tyler and josh. in fact they play themselves in the past, are huge, like трёхколёсных bicycles; use comic drawn out "secret приветствие»; wear clothes more suitable for adolescents than for adult males; practicing right in the bedroom in the absence of more suitable premises.
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