Иногда, если ужасно хочется съесть печеньку, а нельзя – я задумываюсь. Что больше угодно Богу? Чтобы я был счастлив? Или чтобы ел только то, что положено? … И я ем печеньку.
Sometimes, if I want to eat an awful place, and cannot be, I think. What is more pleasing to God? So I was happy? Or to eat only what began? … And I eat cookies.
Sometimes, if you want so much to eat a cookie, and you can not - I wonder. What is more pleasing to God? So I was happy? Or to eat only what is necessary? ... And I eat a cookie.
Sometimes, if terribly want eat печеньку, and cannot be, i chase. That more than God? So I was happy? Or to eat only that started? ... And I eat печеньку.