эта история о совершенно разных людях:о чарли, мальчике из очень бедно перевод - эта история о совершенно разных людях:о чарли, мальчике из очень бедно английский как сказать

эта история о совершенно разных люд

эта история о совершенно разных людях:о чарли, мальчике из очень бедной семьи, и о вилли вонка, владельце самой лучшей шоколадной фабрике в мире.
на первый взгляд они абсолютно разные: чарли десятилетний мальчик, живущий вместе с родителями, бабушками и дедушками. у него на первом месте семья, он скорее будет голодать, чем есть больше всех. вилли вонка, мужчина который не общается со своей семьей и думает только о себе.
но однажды они встретятся и их жизни уже никогда не станут прежними.
история начинается с того, что спустя 10 лет вилли вонка открывает фабрику и приглашает пятерых детей посетить ее. билет на фабрику можно получить, купив шоколадку, где и есть золотой билет.
спустя какое-то время 5 счастливчиков собираются у ворот фабрики, среди этих детей находится чарли.
вилли вонка организовал эту экскурсию, чтобы выбрать ребенка, который будет владеть этой фабрикой в дальнейшем.
вонка подготовил испытания для этих детей, чтобы выбрать лучшего. и в конце дня из пятерых детей до конца дошел только чарли.
вилли вонка предложил ему быть владельцем фабрики, с условием, что он должен будет покинуть семью. но чаоли отказался, так как семья для него была главнее всего.
после этого вилли вонка не мог работать он не понимал что происходит.
спустя какое-то время вилли вонка идет к чарли за советом и рассказывает о своем отце. чарли предлагает сходить к нему и поговорить. после того как вилли мирится со своим отцом, он вновь предлагает чарли фабрику, и позволяет его семье отправиться вместе с чарли. вилли подружился с семьей чарли и его жизнь стала намного счастливее.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This story is about a completely different people: about Charlie, a boy from a very poor family, and Willy Wonka, the owner of the best chocolate factory in the world.
at first glance, they are completely different: 10-year-old boy, Charlie living with her parents and grandparents. He has family in the first place, he would rather starve than eat the most. Willy Wonka, a man who does not deal with my family and think only of themselves.
but once they meet and their life will never be the same again.
history begins with the fact that after 10 years the Willy Wonka factory opens and invites five children to visit her. You can get a ticket, buying chocolate, where is the golden ticket.
After some time the 5 lucky winners are at the gates of the factory, among these children is Charlie.
Willy Wonka has organized this tour to select child who will own this factory later on.
Wonka has produced a test for these children to choose the best. and at the end of the day from five children only until the end of Charlie.
Willy Wonka invited him to be the owner of the factory, with the condition that he would have to leave the family. but čaoli refused because he was family trumps all.
then Willy Wonka could not work it did not understand what was going on.
after a while Willy Wonka comes to Charlie for advice and talks about his father. Charlie has to go to him and talk. After Willie reconciled with his father, he again invites Charlie factory, and allows his family to go with Charlie. Willie became friends with Charlie and his family life has become a lot happier.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
this story is about a completely different people: Charlie, a boy from a very poor family, and Willy Wonka, the owner of the best chocolate factory in the world.
at first glance they are quite different: Charlie ten year old boy who lives with his parents and grandparents. his family in the first place, he would rather starve than eat the most. Willy Wonka, the man who does not communicate with his family and thinks only of himself.
but once they meet and their lives will never be the same.
story begins with the fact that 10 years later, Willy Wonka factory opens and invites you to visit her five children. ticket to the factory can be obtained by buying a chocolate bar, where is the golden ticket.
5 after some time lucky gather at the factory gate, among these children is Charlie.
Willy Wonka organized this tour to select a child who will own this factory in the future .
Wonka prepared a test for these children to choose the best. and at the end of the day of five children came to the end only Charlie.
Willy Wonka invited him to be the owner of the factory, with the condition that he would leave his family. chaoli but refused, because the family is more important to him was just.
then Willy Wonka could not work he did not understand what was happening.
after a while Willy Wonka goes to Charlie for advice and talks about his father. Charlie offers to go to him and talk. after Willie reconciled with his father, he again offers charlie factory, and allows his family to go with Charlie. Willie became friends with Charlie and his family life became much happier.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
It is a story of a totally different people:on the Charlie, young boy from a very poor family, and the willy sprinkled, owner the best chocolate in the world.
at first glance they are completely different: Charlie ten-year old boy,Living together with their parents, grandparents. to him at the first place the family, he would rather go hungry than there are more all. willy sprinkled, a man who is not communicating with his family and thinks only about himself.
But one day, they will meet and their life is already will never be unchanged.
the story begins with the fact that 10 years Willie sprinkled opens a factory and invited five children to visit it. ticket to the factory can be obtained,When you buy little boy, where there is a golden ticket.
a later time 5 lucky people are collected at the gate factory, among these children is Charlie.
Willie sprinkled organized this tour, to select the child,Who will own the mill. in the future.
sprinkled has prepared a test for these children, to select a better. And, in the end of the day from five children up to the end of the stop only Charlie.
Willie sprinkled invited him to be the owner of the al-shifa factory, on the condition that he will have to leave. But чаоли refused, as the family for him was blocked.
After that willy sprinkled could not work it does not understand what is happening.
a later time willy sprinkled in to Charlie for the Council and talks about his father. Charlie invites go to him and talk.After willy outrage with his father, he once again invites Charlie factory, and allows his family to go to, together with Charlie. Willie loved him with the family Charlie and his life became much happier.
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