мой любимый фильм это хорошие дети не плачутЭкки 11 лет и она учится в перевод - мой любимый фильм это хорошие дети не плачутЭкки 11 лет и она учится в английский как сказать

мой любимый фильм это хорошие дети

мой любимый фильм это хорошие дети не плачут
Экки 11 лет и она учится в 8 классе. Она - ярый поклонник футбола и каждый день после школы занимается своим любимым делом. Ее совершенно не волнует мнение ее одноклассника Джоепа о том, что футбол - это мужской вид спорта. Их учительница Ина планирует организовать поездку класса в спортивный лагерь для подготовки к футбольному турниру. К несчастью, у Экки обнаруживается серьезная болезнь - лейкемия , но она получает огромную поддержку в лице одноклассников и учительницы. Несмотря на свое заболевание, Экки оптимистично смотрит в будущее и продолжает свои тренировки.
Поездка в лагерь стала кульминационным моментом в развитии сюжета: Экки взбирается на высокое дерево, но не может спуститься вниз. И тут ей на помощь приходит ей злейший соперник Джоеп.
Рак добирается до мозга, не оставляя шансов на выздоровление. Джоеп организует футбольный матч между классом и отделом онкологии прямо во дворе больницы. Экки дарит Джоепу свой талисман - кулон в виде футбольного мяча.
Футбольный матч - это последнее, что видит Экки в своей жизни.
В финале проходит школьный турнир, в котором участвует сборная класса "Экки" и которая становится победителем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
my favorite movie is good kids don't cryEckey 11 years and she is studying in grade 8. She is an ardent football fan and every day after school is their favorite thing. It absolutely does not care about the opinion of her classmate Džoepa that football is a man's sport. Their teacher Ina plans to organize a trip in a sports camp to prepare for the football tournament. Unfortunately, Eckey is serious illness-leukemia, but she gets huge support in the person of classmates and a teacher. Despite his illness, Eckey optimistically looks to the future and continues his training.The trip to the camp was the culmination of the development of the plot: Eckey climbs the highest tree, but can't go down. And here she comes to the aid of her own worst opponent Džoep.Cancer gets to the brain, leaving no chance for recovery. Džoep organizes a football game between the class and the Division of Oncology right in the courtyard of the hospital. Eckey gives Džoepu its mascot-a pendant in the form of a soccer ball.Football game-this is the last thing sees Eckey in his life.In the final tournament, the school is held in the national class Eckey "and that is the winner.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
my favorite movie is good children do not cry
Ekki 11 years old and she is in the 8th grade. She - an ardent football fan and every day after school engaged in their favorite thing. She did not care about the opinion of her classmates Joep that football - is a male sport. Their teacher Ina plans to organize a trip class sports camp to prepare for the football tournament. Unfortunately, we found Ekki serious illness - leukemia, but it gets a lot of support in the face of classmates and teachers. Despite his illness, Ekki optimistic about the future and continues his training.
The trip to the camp was the culmination of the development of the plot: Ekki climbs a tall tree, but can not come down. And then she comes to help her bitterest rival Joep.
Cancer gets to the brain, leaving no chance for recovery. Joep organize a football match between the class and the Department of Oncology in the yard of the hospital. Ekki gives Joep its mascot - a pendant in the form of football.
Football match - the last thing he sees Ekki in his life.
At the end of the school held a tournament in which the team participates class "Ekki" and who is the winner.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My favorite movie this good children do not cry
Ekki 11 years and she is learning in class 8. It is intransigent diehard gamer football and every day after school in their favorite activities.Its totally not worried about view of her bullied Джоепа that football is a male sport. Their teacher Ina is planning to organize a trip class in a sports camp to prepare for football tournament.Unfortunately, the Ekki is detected a serious disease, leukaemia, but she receives great support, through classmates and teacher. In spite of their illness,Ekki optimistic looks to the future and continues to their workouts.
the trip to the camp was the culmination of a development in the scene: Ekki nuns at the high tree, but it could not descend down.And here it comes in it at any moment viagra Джоеп.
bathe to brain cancer, leaving no chance to recover. Джоеп organizes a football match between class and the division oncology hospital directly in the courtyard.Ekki gives Джоепу their talisman - pendant in the form of a soccer ball.
a football match - this is the last, that it sees Ekki in its life.
IN finals passes school tournament,The team class "Ekki" and which becomes the winner.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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