Не моё. США снова угрожает России изоляциейNov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 AMпо перевод - Не моё. США снова угрожает России изоляциейNov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 AMпо английский как сказать

Не моё. США снова угрожает России и

Не моё. США снова угрожает России изоляцией

Nov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 AM

политика США
О Боже, всесильные американцы снова говорят о санкциях в сторону Российской Федерации. Такая политика США меня, честно говоря, уже не удивляет. В этот раз Белому дому не понравилось то, что мы поддержали выборы глав ЛНР и ДНР. И америкосы в последний раз предупредили нас, мол, если так будет продолжаться, мы вас изолируем.
Ой, да делайте что хотите. Это смешно. С какой такой радости, США, вообще, начали указывать что нам делать и наказывать за непослушание? Не слишком ли большую роль на себя берут? Мне кажется, не вывезут они такое "отцовство". Занялись бы лучше собой. Проблем то море. Страна тупеет, экономика рушится, долгов куча, так еще и президентишка дибилоид страшный. Но нет, надо лезть в чужие проблемы. Стремное качество, в людях же оно никому не нравится.

Ну меня прямо раздирает. Пугают они нас. Это вот, Обама, получается, Путина пугает и грозит ему пальцем. Как бы вам, мистер Обама, ваш обезьяний палец не отрезали когда-нибудь. Но пока Российская Федерация проявляет терпение и спокойна, как удав. Может быть, это и правильно. На нашу страну сейчас много "гонят", а проблемы нам ни к чему. Да и америкосы их тоже своей изоляцией не создадут. Они сами от нас зависят больше, чем мы от них. Так что эта изоляция обернется им боком.
Автор: great_archibald.
Источник: США снова угрожает России изоляцией
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Not mine. United States again threatens Russia with insulationNov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 AMpolicy of the United StatesOh God, Americans again big talk of sanctions towards the Russian Federation. Such a policy United States me, frankly, is not surprising. This time the White House does not like the fact that we have supported the election of the heads of the LNR and the DNI. And amerikosy last warned us, they say, if this continues, we are isolated.Oh, Yes, do whatever you want. It's funny. With such joy, United States, in General, have started to indicate that we do and punish disobedience? Is it too great a role take? It seems to me not to be scattered they are such "fatherhood". To better themselves. Problems of the sea. Country of tupeet, the economy collapses, debt pile, so still and prezidentiška dibiloid scary. But no, you have to climb into other people's problems. Stremnoe quality, in humans it is no one likes.Well my tears. They are afraid of us. It's Obama, it turns out, Putin scares and threatens him with a finger. How would you, Mr Obama, your monkey finger not cut ever. But while Australia is patient and calm, like a boa constrictor. Maybe it's right. In our country we have a lot of "drive", and the problems of us to anything. Yes and amerikosy them too its exclusion would not. They rely more on us than we do from them. So this isolation would have them sideways.Author: great_archibald.Source: the United States again threatens Russia with insulation
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Not mine. US again threatens Russia insulation Nov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 AM US policy Oh God, all-powerful Americans again talking about sanctions towards the Russian Federation. This US policy I, frankly, is not surprising. At this time, the White House did not like the fact that we supported the election of heads of LC and the DNI. And the last time the Americans have warned us, saying that if this continues, we will isolate you. Oh, do whatever you want. This is ridiculous. What a joy, the US, in general, began to indicate that we do and to punish for disobedience? Is it too big a role to take yourself? I think they will take out not what "fatherhood". It would take a better. Problems that sea. Country tupeet economy collapsing pile of debt, so still and prezidentishka dibiloid terrible. But no need to go into other people's problems. Dumb quality in men is it no one likes. Well I just rips. They scare us. It is here, Obama, it turns out, Putin scares and threatens him with a finger. How would you, Mr. Obama, your monkey's finger was not cut ever. But while the Russian Federation shows patience and calm, like a boa constrictor. Maybe it correctly. Our country is now much "chase" and the problems we do not need. Yes, and they, too, Americans will not create its isolation. They depend on us more than we do from them. So this isolation will turn them sideways. Author: great_archibald. Source: US threatens Russia over insulation

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Not my. The U.S. again threatens Russia's isolation

Nov. 7th, 2014 at 9:42 am AM

God, sovereign debtors could Americans speak again on the sanctions to the side the Russian Federation. Such a policy the US me, frankly, is not surprising.At this time White House did not like the fact that we supported the election of heads of ЛНР and MDN. And америкосы the last time warned us, but if so it will continue, we you this would suit certain people.
nd, yes do what you want. This is ridiculous.With what such a joy, the United States of America, in general, have begun to indicate that we do and to punish disobedience? Is it too much to assume the role? It seems to me, do not earn some money they are the "paternity". Look would be better.Problems the sea. Country life will throw you, the economy collapsing, debts pile, so still and президентишка дибилоид horrible. But no, we must borrow the wrong problem. Стремное quality, in the people, it has no one like it.

Mr. me directly tearing apart. They are scaring us. This is my, Obama, is obtained, Putin is afraid and threatens him with your finger. How would you, Mr. Obama, your monkey pin is not cut off.But as long as the Russian Federation is patience and calm, as well as rocket projectiles. It may be, this is correct. In our country it is now many "realized", and the problem we have no need for. Yes and америкосы they too its exclusion does not create.They themselves from us depend more than we from them. So that this exclusion would be them sideways.
The author: greаt_аrсhibаld.
Source: U.S. again threatens Russia's isolation
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