A)1. Mне очень жаль, но я должен идти. Я должен встретить Бетти у кино перевод - A)1. Mне очень жаль, но я должен идти. Я должен встретить Бетти у кино английский как сказать

A)1. Mне очень жаль, но я должен ид

1. Mне очень жаль, но я должен идти. Я должен встретить Бетти у кино. Уже без четверти семь! Она, должно быть, уже ждет меня. Мне придется сесть на автобус. 2. Их дом должны были снести (knock down), и ему пришлось переехать в другой район. 3. Вы могли бы предупредить меня, что не придете; мне не пришлось бы так долго вас ждать. 4. Незачем вам было ходить туда, они могли бы сам прийти. 5. Не надо было так разговаривать с ним: все же он постарше вас. 6. Надо было подумать об этом раньше; теперь этого уже не исправишь. 7. Ты зря заказал номер в гостинице. У нас есть комната для гостей. 8. Нельзя ли мне задать вам несколько вопросов? 9. Погода хорошая, и мы могли бы прокатиться за город. 10. Неужели вы им поверили? Они скорее всего пошутили над вами.
1. Он должен был подвинуться поближе, чтобы услышать ее. 2. На следующий день брат взял меня с собой на прогулку, а вечером мы должны были обедать с Гринами. 3. Тебе придется много заниматься. Если бы ты мог приходить ко мне по воскресеньям, я бы с удовольствием занимался с тобой. 4. Он, должно быть, не сказал им ничего, и они, возможно, упаковывают вещи. 5. В прошлом году я жил близко от института, и мне не приходилось вставать так рано, как сейчас. 6. Я думаю, что вам не следует обращать на это внимание. Стоит ли беспокоиться о пустяках? 7. Вы, должно быть, все читали эту книгу. Если нет, то вам следовало бы ее прочесть как можно скорее, чтобы вы могли обсудить ее на занятиях нашего кружка. 8. Зря ты так разговаривал с ним. Он мог обидеться. 9. В понедельник я еще не смогу дать вам определенный ответ.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
(A))1. I'm sorry but I must go. I have to meet Betty at the cinema. Already a quarter to seven! She must be waiting for me. I'll have to take the bus. 2. Their home had to carry (knock down), and he had to move to another district. 3. you could warn me that don't come; I would not have had to wait so long. 4. you don't have to go there, they could come himself. 5. so there was no need to talk to him: he older you. 6. It was necessary to think about this before; Now this is not correct. 7. you wasted ordered hotel room. We have a guest room. 8. Could I ask you a few questions? 9. The weather is good and we could ride out of town. 10. Do you believe them? They most likely joking above you.(B))1. He was supposed to move closer to hear her. 2. The next day brother took me for a walk, and in the evening we had to dine with the Greens. 3. you have a lot to deal with. If you could come to me on Sundays, I would gladly indulged in with you. 4. He must have not told them nothing and they may, incase things. 5. in the past year, I lived around the corner from the Institute, and I didn't have to get up so early, like now. 6. I think that you should not pay attention to it. Whether to worry about trivia? 7. you must have all read this book. If not, then you should read it as soon as possible, so you can discuss it at the lessons our mug. 8. In vain you talked with him. He could be offended. 9. on Monday I have not be able to give you a definite answer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. My joy is very sorry, but I must go. I have to meet Betty in cinema. Already a quarter to seven! She must have been waiting for me. I'll take the bus. 2. Their house had to carry (knock down), and he had to move to another area. 3. You could have warned me, do not come; I would not have you wait so long. 4. There is no need to go there you have been, they could come himself. 5. There was no need to talk like him: yet he older than you. 6. You should have thought of that before; Now this is not correct. 7. You wonder ordered room. We have a guest room. 8. Could I ask you a few questions? 9. The weather is good, and we could ride out of town. 10. Do you believe them? They are likely to make fun of you.
1. He had to move closer to hear her. 2. The next day, a brother took me for a walk, and in the evening we had dinner with Green. 3. You have a lot to deal with. If you could come to me on Sunday, I would gladly worked with you. 4. He must have told them anything, and they may have to pack. 5. Last year, I lived close to the institute, and I did not have to get up so early, as it is now. 6. I think you should not pay attention to it. Should I be concerned about nothing? 7. You must have all read the book. If not, then you should read it as soon as possible, so you can discuss it in the classroom of our circle. 8. You should not have talked to him since. He might be offended. 9. On Monday, I still can not give you a definite answer.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Stamps are very sorry, but I have to go now. I must meet Betty at the cinema. Already without a quarter seven! It should be, already is waiting for me. I will have to take the bus. 2. The house should have been demolished (knock down).And he had had to move to the другой район. 3. You could have warned me, that is not coming; I would not have had to so long you have to wait. 4. Calculate them all you have to go there, they could have the прийти. 5.It was not necessary so to speak with him: all same he toddlers you. 6. We had to think about this before; now this is already two wrongs will not make a right. 7. You've wasted your booked a room in the hotel. We have room for гостей. 8.Whether i want to ask you a few questions? 9. The weather is good, and we could take a ride in the city. 10. Do you believe them? They are more likely joke above you.
1. He should have been closer to consolidating, to hear it. 2.The следующий day brother took me with собой on a walk, and in the evening we had lunch with Гринами. 3. You'll have a lot to deal with. If you could come to me on sundays,I would be happy to deal with the тобой. 4. It should be, not told them nothing, and they might, repackaged things. 5. In the past year, I lived close to the Institute, and I do not have to get up so early, as сейчас. 6. I thinkThat you should not pay attention to this. Is it worth worrying about feeling? 7. You must be all read this book. If not, you should have it read as soon as possible,So that you can discuss it at our sports mug. 8. You are so vain that talked to him. It vain. 9. On Monday, I have not be able to give you определенный response.
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