1) Псаки признала эффективность перемирия на УкраинеСША считают, что р перевод - 1) Псаки признала эффективность перемирия на УкраинеСША считают, что р английский как сказать

1) Псаки признала эффективность пер

1) Псаки признала эффективность перемирия на Украине
США считают, что режим прекращения огня на востоке Украины в целом соблюдается. Об этом, как сообщает РИА Новости, заявила в понедельник, 8 августа, на брифинге официальный представитель американского Госдепартамента Дженнифер Псаки. Вместе с тем, Псаки указала на ряд инцидентов, в том числе, на столкновения в районе Мариуполя и аэропорта Донецка, которые не прекращаются, несмотря на объявленное перемирие.
5 сентября в Минске состоялась встреча контактной группы по урегулированию кризиса на Украине. На переговорах был принят протокол о содействии мирному урегулированию на юго-востоке страны, который предполагает установление режима прекращения огня и обмен пленными.
2) Израиль и ХАМАС договорились о перемирии в Газе
Контролирующее сектор Газа движение ХАМАС и Израиль достигли соглашения о долгосрочном перемирии. Посредником на переговорах Израиля и Палестины выступил Египет. Соглашение о прекращении огня вступило в силу вечером во вторник.
ХАМАС назвал договоренность "победой сопротивления". Ранее о достигнутых договоренностях сообщали власти Палестинской автономии. Позднее, выступая по телевидению, эту информацию подтвердил глава палестинской администрации Махмуд Аббас.
Израиль, в свою очередь, заявил, что он принимает соглашение о прекращении огня. В МИД страны также сообщили, что они согласны на предоставление гуманитарной помощи Газе.
Непрямые переговоры о некоторых аспектах устойчивого перемирия, в том числе относительно призыва Израиля к боевикам в секторе Газа сложить оружие, начнутся в Каире в течение месяца.
Известие о примирении было встречено ликованием и праздничной пальбой в воздух на улицах Газы. США приветствовали соглашение, о чем объявила пресс-секретарь американского госдепартамента Джейн Псаки.
Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун призвал стороны не допускать эскалации ситуации в будущем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) Psaki acknowledged the effectiveness of the UkraineUnited States believe that the ceasefire in the East of Ukraine is generally respected. This, according to RIA Novosti, said Monday, August 8, at the briefing, the official representative of the us Department of State Jennifer Psaki. However, Psaki pointed to a number of incidents, including a clash in the District of Mariupol and Donetsk airport, which continue unabated, despite the announced truce.5 September in Minsk hosted the meeting of the contact group to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. At the talks adopted a Protocol on the facilitation of peaceful settlement in the southeast of the country, which involves establishing a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners.2) Israel and HAMAS agreed on a truce in GazaControlling the Gaza Strip, Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement on a long-term truce. Mediator in negotiations Israel and Palestine made Egypt. The ceasefire came into effect on Tuesday evening.HAMAS called the agreement "a victory for the resistance". On the agreements reached previously reported Palestinian Authority. Later, speaking on television, this information was confirmed by the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas.Israel, in turn, said that he accepts the cease-fire agreement. The Foreign Ministry of the country also reported that they agree on the provision of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.The proximity talks about some aspects of sustainable truce, including Israel's appeal to the rebels to lay down their arms in the Gaza Strip will begin in Cairo during the month.The news was greeted with jubilation and reconciliation of celebratory volleys did in the air on the streets of Gaza. United States welcomed the agreement, as announced by the Press-Secretary of the us Department of State Jane Psaki.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on the parties to avoid escalation of the situation in the future.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) Jen Psaki admitted effectiveness truce in Ukraine
United States believes that the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine has been generally observed. On this, as reported by RIA Novosti, said on Monday, August 8 at the briefing official representative of US Department of State Jen Psaki. However, Jen Psaki noted a number of incidents, including clashes in the near Mariupol and Donetsk airport, which is not terminated, despite the declared truce.
On September 5, Minsk hosted a meeting of the contact group on the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine. During the negotiations, it was adopted a protocol on promoting a peaceful settlement to the south-east of the country, which involves the establishment of a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners.
2) Israel and Hamas agreed to a truce in Gaza
controls the Gaza Strip, Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement on a long-term truce. Mediator in the negotiations Israel and Palestine made ​​Egypt. The ceasefire agreement came into force on Tuesday night.
Hamas called the agreement "a victory of resistance". Previously, the reached agreements the Palestinian Authority reported. Later, speaking on television, this information was confirmed by the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas.
Israel, in turn, he said that he accepts the ceasefire. The Foreign Ministry also said that they agreed on the provision of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.
Indirect talks about some of the aspects of sustainable truce, including with respect to the call of Israel militants in Gaza to surrender to begin in Cairo for a month.
The news of the reconciliation was greeted with glee and celebratory firing into the air in the streets of Gaza. The US welcomed the agreement, as announced by a spokesman for the US State Department Jen Psaki Jane.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on the parties to avoid escalation of the situation in the future.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) псаки recognized the effectiveness of the truce in ukrainethe united states find that the ceasefire in the east of ukraine, in general, is observed. this, according to ria novosti, stated on monday, august 8, at a briefing официальный jennifer псаки representative of the us state department. however, псаки pointed to a number of incidents, including the collision in the районе mariupol airport donetsk, which persisted despite the truce.on 5 september, a meeting was held in minsk контактной group to resolve the crisis in the ukraine. in the negotiations adopted a protocol on содействии peace settlement in the southeast of the country, который implies a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners.2) israel and hamas agreed to a cease-fire in gazacontrol gaza, hamas and israel reached an agreement on a long-term truce. participate in negotiations with israel and palestine was made by egypt. the ceasefire agreement entered into force on tuesday night.hamas called the agreement "победой resistance." previously on the arrangements made by the authorities палестинской autonomy. later, speaking on television, this information confirmed the палестинской authority, mahmoud abbas.israel, in turn, has stated that he takes the ceasefire agreement. in foreign countries also reported that they agree to provide гуманитарной aid to gaza.the indirect talks about some aspects of устойчивого truce, including on the appeal of israel by militants in the gaza strip, to lay down their arms, to begin in cairo during the month.the news of the reconciliation was greeted in triumph and праздничной пальбой in air on the streets of gaza. the us welcomed the agreement, which declared the american state department spokesman джейн псаки.генеральный un secretary general ban ki moon called on the parties to avoid an escalation of the situation in the future.
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