В Великобритании есть ежедневные национальные газеты и воскресные газе перевод - В Великобритании есть ежедневные национальные газеты и воскресные газе английский как сказать

В Великобритании есть ежедневные на

В Великобритании есть ежедневные национальные газеты и воскресные газеты. Они делятся на высококачественные и популярные. Качественные газеты широкоформатные. Они серьезные и обслуживают читателей, которые хотят узнать подробную информацию. Популярные газеты называются таблоиды. Они дешевле и обслуживают тех, кто хочет читать меньше, интересные рассказы и доклады последних скандалов знаменитосте
й, часто с большими красочными фотографиями.
Наиболее популярные таблоиды являются «Солнце» и «Daily Mirror».«Дейли Стар» похож на «The Daily Mirror», но имеет большее число молодых женщин читателей. «Экспресс» имеет репутацию ее живой письменной форме и отчетности «ничего лишнего».
Почти все воскресные газет являются национальными. Качественные воскресные газеты предлагают большие разделы, посвященные литературе и искусству, бизнесу и спорту.
А также в национальной прессе существует много региональных и местных газет. Они варьируются от ежедневных газет в воскресенье документы и другие, которые публикуются раз в неделю. Местные газеты не разделены на «популярные» и «качественные». Местные газеты обычно написаны в простом стиле. Многие местные газеты, которые обычно не содержат ничего, кроме рекламы, доставляются бесплатно и называются «бесплатные листы».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the UK there are daily national newspapers and Sunday newspapers. They are divided into high quality and popular. Quality broadsheet newspaper. They are serious and cater to readers who want to know the details. Popular newspaper called tabloid. They are less expensive and cater to those who want to read less interesting stories and reports of recent scandals znamenitosteND, often with large colorful pictures.The most popular tabloids are "the Sun" and "Daily Mirror". The Daily Star "is similar to" The Daily Mirror ", but has more young women readers. "Express" has a reputation for its lively writing and reporting «nothing superfluous».Almost all of Sunday newspapers are national. Quality Sunday newspaper offering large sections devoted to literature and the arts, business and sport. As well as in the national press, there are many regional and local newspapers. They range from daily newspapers in Sunday papers and other published once a week. Local newspapers are not divided into "popular" and "quality". Local newspapers are usually written in a simple style. Many local newspapers, which usually contain nothing but adverts are delivered free of charge and are called "free worksheets.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the UK, there are daily national newspapers and Sunday papers. They are divided into high and popular. High-quality large-format paper. They are serious and serve readers who want to learn more information. Popular tabloid newspaper called. They are cheaper and serve those who want to read less, interesting stories and reports of recent scandals of celebrities
minutes, often with large colorful pictures.
The most popular tabloids are "sun" and «Daily Mirror». «Daily Star," similar to «The Daily Mirror» but it has a greater number of young women readers. "Express" has a reputation for its lively writing and reporting "nothing more".
Almost all the Sunday newspapers are national. Qualitative Sunday papers offer great sections on literature and the arts, business and sport.
As well as in the national press, there are many regional and local newspapers. They range from daily newspapers on Sunday and other documents, which are published once a week. Local newspapers are not divided into "Popular" and "quality." The local newspapers are usually written in a simple style. Many local newspapers, which typically do not contain anything other than advertising, delivered free of charge and are called "free sheets".
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the uk there is a daily national newspaper and the sunday newspapers. they are of high quality and popular. quality newspapers large. they are serious and serve the readers who want to know the details. popular newspapers are the tabloids. they are cheaper and serving those who want to read more interesting stories and reports of recent scandals знаменитостеsecond, often with large colorful pictures.the most popular tabloids are "sun" and "daily Mirror».« daily star, like the daily Mirror», but has a greater number of young women readers. express has a reputation for its lively writing and reporting, "nothing лишнего».almost all of the sunday newspapers are national. quality sunday newspapers offer large sections on literature and the arts, business, and sports.and in the national press, there are many regional and local newspapers. they range from daily newspapers in the sunday papers and others, which are published once a week. local newspapers are not separated in the "popular" and "качественные». local newspapers are usually written in a plain style. many local newspapers, which usually do not contain nothing but advertisements are free and are called "free листы».
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