Это самая извсетная берлинская достопримечательность, с которой начало перевод - Это самая извсетная берлинская достопримечательность, с которой начало английский как сказать

Это самая извсетная берлинская дост

Это самая извсетная берлинская достопримечательность, с которой началось строительство. Они находятся в сердце столицы Германии и примыкают к легендарной Липовой аллее, которая соединяет ворота с бывшей королевской резиденцией, а также являются одним из самых высоких строений на Парижской площади

It is the most recognizable landmark of Berlin, which began construction. They are located in the heart of the German capital and adjacent to the legendary lime tree alley that connects the gate to the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings in the Paris area

This is the most recognizable Berlin landmark, which construction began. They are in the heart of the capital of Germany and adjacent to the legendary lime avenue, which connects the gate of the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings on Pariser Platz
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This is the most izvsetnaâ Berlin tourist attraction, which began construction. They are located in the heart of the German capital and adjacent to the legendary lime tree alley that connects the gate to the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings in the Paris areaIt is the most recognizable landmark of Berlin, which began construction. They are located in the heart of the German capital and adjacent to the legendary lime tree alley that connects the gate to the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings in the Paris areaThis is the most recognizable landmark of Berlin, which construction began. They are in the heart of the capital of Germany and adjacent to the legendary lime avenue, which connects the gate of the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings on Pariser Platz
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
This is izvsetnaya Berlin landmark, which construction began. They are in the heart of the capital of Germany and adjacent to the legendary lime avenue, which connects the gate of the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings on Pariser Platz It is the most recognizable landmark of Berlin , which began construction. For They are Located in the heart of the German Capital and Adjacent to the the legendary lime tree alley That Connects the gate to the the former's royal Residence, and are Also one's of the Tallest buildings in the Paris You area This is the are most recognizable Berlin landmark, the which construction began. They are in the heart of the capital of Germany and adjacent to the legendary lime avenue, which connects the gate of the former royal residence, and are also one of the tallest buildings on Pariser Platz

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this is the извсетная berlin tourist attraction, which started construction. they are located in the heart of the capital city of germany, and is adjacent to the legendary bum avenue, which connects the gate to the former royal residence, and is one of the tallest buildings on pariser platzit is the most recognizable station of berlin, which began construction. they are located in the heart of the german capital and access to the legendary lime tree alley that connects the gate to the former royal residence, and are also one of the many buildings in the paris areathis is the most recognizable berlin station, which construction began. they are in the heart of the capital of germany and adjacent to the legendary lime avenue, which connects the gate of the former royal residence, and are also one of the many buildings on Pariser platz
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